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CAYOM: The Great Revival

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Well, it's Summer, everyone has plenty of time to relax (and I've sorted out most of my family/personal issues that kept from reopening back in March) so I've decided to try and revive CAYOM once more, after it rather dismally blew up back in January. My current plan is to start a brand new Part 1 thread on July 5th, since I know a lot of American forumgoers will be busy celebrating the 4th of July (like the rebel scum you are (*twiddles moustache*)). And hopefully this time things will go a lot better.


Obviously though, there's little point in reopening if things are just going to go the exact same. So I've spent time trying to figure out exactly what went wrong last time and ways I can fix it. I've come up with a number of changes I intend to add, that I figured I should discuss with you all beforehand.



Change 1


At the moment, the big problem seems to be the general lull during Part 1 where there's little activity going on. So I've come up with some changes to the schedule to try and keep people's attention all the way through. We're still going to keep the trimester schedule, but instead of giving 3 weeks to work on 4 months worth of movies, I'm going to open them two months at a time for a week. So it'd be like so.


Week 1- You can post entries for January and February


Week 2- You can post entries for January, February, March and April


Week 3- Part 1 ends/Part 2 begins (or alternately a small extension of the deadline if people need) 


Hopefully, this should keep people's attention in the middle of Part 1 and stop us falling into a lull again. Obviously you can still work on March/April entries in Week 1, you just can't post them in the Part 1 thread. 



Change 2


I'm separating the Advanced Schedule and the Part 1 Schedule. Seriously, the Advanced Schedule has become a bit of a problem. Just look at the Part 1 Schedule and at all the films not actually posted. It's a mess.


Obviously, I don't think we should do away with the AS entirely, since that will cause more problems than it will solve. But, rather than posting all the films that are on the Advanced Schedule, I'm only going to post films in the Part 1 schedule that have actually been created on the Part 1 thread. So, even if you've scheduled it on the AS, you actually need to create a template on the Part 1 thread before it will go up on the schedule there. 


I will, of course, be including a link to the Advanced Schedule in the Part 1 thread and I'll be telling people to keep it in mind when planning their movies. But I'm not going to automatically C&P everything on the advanced schedule. Obviously, the AS will still be there, so you can still call dibs on whatever dates strike your fancy, but this is so we can weed out the films that never end up getting done. 



Change 3


Something a bit more lighthearted here, but I've come up with a fun idea for a competition to help add a touch more original content to the game as well as to fill the endless void between the Oscars.


Basically, it's somewhat like a short story contest. Each quarter, I, or a random word generator, comes up with a vague theme for people to base a movie on. For example, Time Travel, or an Underdog movie or, if I want to see some real sparks fly, Religion. Then you're given completely free reign to create your own original film however you like based on that theme. It can be any genre, it can be any budget, it can be an oscar contender, it can even be a small filler if you want to half-ass it. It can be anything, as long as it's original.


Then, in Part 2, we gather all the entries together and vote via poll which we liked the best. Simple. I'm planning on opening up a thread with this trimester's theme later today so people can have a bit of time to think on their entry before we begin. Hopefully, this will be something small that people can enjoy 



Anyway, those are the only major changes planned for now. If you have any objections or other suggestions for changes you'd like to make, feel free to discuss them now. If not, grab your computers, start planning your movies and begin deluding yourselves that you have any hope of possibly defeating me... 


CAYOM Y10 will restart on the 5th of July!

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There's been a lot of changes in my life lately, so I think honestly, I'm not going to have much time for this anymore. Feel free to message me if you ever need something pinned, though, since I can still take charge of these boards as a moderator.


I hope it gets a lot of interest, though.

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Since it has been so long, we should also probably reorganize some of the roles and positions, you know, seeing as it has been nearly half a year since any major activity has happened in the game and everyone has probably forgotten what has been going on.

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There's been a lot of changes in my life lately, so I think honestly, I'm not going to have much time for this anymore. Feel free to message me if you ever need something pinned, though, since I can still take charge of these boards as a moderator.


I hope it gets a lot of interest, though.

Wow, didn't even notice that you were a moderator.

I still have a lot to catch up on.

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  • Community Manager

Good luck! I'd rejoin but you know, there are reasons I can't join like I'm trying to write professionally. But if anyone wants to be a professional writer or work in Hollywood but aren't at that stage yet, CAYOM is a great creative exercise and you'll learn a surprising amount from it that will help you if you ever need to write coverage or do a synopsis.

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It is not a question of attitude. There are simply not enough people interested.

If some of us go ahead it could always motivate the rest to join in. The game's been dead for half a year because nobody had the time or will to do it. It just needs some push.

Edited by C00k13
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Good luck! I'd rejoin but you know, there are reasons I can't join like I'm trying to write professionally. But if anyone wants to be a professional writer or work in Hollywood but aren't at that stage yet, CAYOM is a great creative exercise and you'll learn a surprising amount from it that will help you if you ever need to write coverage or do a synopsis.

Personally, I think even if you're writing professionally, CAYOM still makes a great tool, both as a motivation to develop and get a synopsis actually down on paper (seriously, I've used a number of my original CAYOM movie ideas for screenwriting assignments) and as a way to get feedback on them. Nobody's going to steal your idea. And indeed, part of the reason I'm planning on starting the themed contest is to help provide inspiration for original film ideas.


It is not a question of attitude. There are simply not enough people interested.

We'll see. I know a few people have said they won't be returning, but we had people do that back when it was still running and they came back all the same.


At the moment, I've got an 'If you build it, they will come' attitude towards the whole thing. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but being negative won't help the situation.

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  • Community Manager

Personally, I think even if you're writing professionally, CAYOM still makes a great tool, both as a motivation to develop and get a synopsis actually down on paper (seriously, I've used a number of my original CAYOM movie ideas for screenwriting assignments) and as a way to get feedback on them. Nobody's going to steal your idea. And indeed, part of the reason I'm planning on starting the themed contest is to help provide inspiration for original film ideas.

I'm not worried about anybody stealing my ideas. :)

Edited by Water Bottle
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Are we using the original schedule or making a new one?

I'll keep the original Advanced Schedule around, but I'm making a new Part 1 thread.

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Can't say I'll really be able to do anything besides actuals (just math after all), but I wish this every chance at success.


Ok I can promise one thing: I will continue on with my Star Wars plans. Can't leave it hanging. No promises for anything else though.

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