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Chasmmi's Winter Game - Grey Ghost is the WINNER!

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17 hours ago, chasmmi said:

Will try to get scores up in about 24 hours time. Bit too tired right now :)


i've been in pretty much the same boat for the past 3 days... i've had to take work home ... tonight i'm finally got a night off but it's sleep time i think... -_-

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Part 1:


1. Will Spectre drop more than 54%? 2000 NO

2. Will Peanuts gross more than the top two new releases combined gross? YES

3. Will By The Sea have a PTA above $8000? YES

4. Which of the top 3 new entries will have the best PTA? PREM RATA...

5. Will Goosebumps stay above Bridge of Spies? YES


6. Will The Intern stay in the top 10? NO

7. Will Hotel Transylvania increase more than 115% on Saturday? YES

8. Will The Martian make more than $1.6M on Sunday? 3000 NO

9. Will Woodlawn stay ahead of Sicario? NO

10. Will Everest cross $43M total Domestic? YES


11. Will at least 2 films increase 150% on Friday? 2000  YES

12. Will My All American debut in the top debut in the top 8? NO

13. Will any film outside the top 15 this past weekend, jump into the top 15 this coming weekend? YES

14. Name any film that drops more than 60% (whilst remaining in the top 12[or choose none])? NONE

15. Will Spectre be pulled from theatres by the end of weekend in tribute to the wonder that was Jem? IT MISSED BY A MERE 3929 THEATRES


11/15 2000 bonus

12/15 3000 bonus

13/15 5000 bonus

14/15 7000 bonus

15/15 10000 bonus


Part 2. (5000 each)


1. What will be the combined 3 day gross of Spectre and Peanuts? $57.69M

2. How many films in the top 25 will drop more than 47.5% this weekend (This is an experimental question that understands that multiple players could win this bonus)? 5

3. What will The Last Witch Hunter gross on Friday? $404,661


Part 3.







2000 each correct answer

2000 bonus for 3 correct

4000 bonus for 4 correct

10000 bonus for all 5.

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Week 5 results:


Name Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Total
Movieman89 16000 0 2000 18000
Telemachos 10000 6000 2000 18000
Wrath 14000 0 2000 16000
filmovie 14000 0 2000 16000
Chasmmi 11000 0 4000 15000
Avi  7000 6000 2000 15000
Wrathofhan 7000 5000 2000 14000
infernus 11000 0 2000 13000
glassfairy 12000 0 0 12000
Exxdee 12000 0 0 12000
Grey Ghost 7000 5000 0 12000
kayumanggi 10000 0 2000 12000
Darkelf 10000 0 2000 12000
damienRoc 12000 0 0 12000
MikeKaye42 12000 0 0 12000
background 10000 0 0 10000
Kalo 10000 0 0 10000
misafeco 9000 0 0 9000
jajang 9000 0 0 9000
Dajk 8000 0 0 8000
Blankments 8000 0 0 8000


(Tele and Avi both get 1000 bonus points for being crazy close with their predictions (precedent for this began last year where I gave them out now and again)

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On 11/15/2015, 11:26:03, WrathOfHan said:

Estimated SOTM 4 Results (I'm not checking for any potential different answers from Week 5):



damienroc: +20,000

glassfairy: +20,000

MovieMan89: +19,000

darkelf: +16,000

Filmovie: +13,000

Infernus: +13,000

Chasmmi: +10,000

Telemachos: +10,000

ThatOneGuy: +7,000

Wrath: +7,000

DAJK: +4,000

Exxdee: +4,000

kayumanggi: +3,000

misafeco: 0

Blankments: -3,000

grey ghost: -6,000

Jajang: -6,000

Kalo: -6,000

WrathOfHan: -6,000

avi: -32,000

MikeKaye42: -38,000

Adjusting the list with the only change that occurred with the actuals (Martians's Sunday, which lost me 5,000 on week 5's questions while gaining Movieman 5,000, thus interchanging our positions..) - 

damienroc: +20,000

glassfairy: +20,000

MovieMan89: +19,000

darkelf: +16,000

Filmovie: +13,000

Infernus: +13,000

Telemachos: +10,000

Wrath: +7,000

DAJK: +4,000

Exxdee: +4,000

Chasmmi: 0

ThatOneGuy: -3000

grey ghost: -6,000

Jajang: -6,000

Kalo: -6,000

WrathOfHan: -6,000

kayumanggi: -10,000

misafeco: -11,000

Blankments: -14,000

MikeKaye42: -24,000

avi: -47,000 



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Btw, looking at SOTM1, it is seems that most who didn't abstain and gave grosses of the 4 films will lose points due to both Walk and Pan holding really bad. Only those who end up being very close to Martian's and Sicario's final grosses will be saved. 

Edited by Infernus
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12 minutes ago, Infernus said:

Btw, looking at SOTM1, it is seems that most who didn't abstain and gave grosses of the 4 films will lose points due to both Walk and Pan holding really bad. Only those who end up being very close to Martian's and Sicario's final grosses will be saved. 

More people should have done the weekends like I did, I'm going to end up with 4,000 points from The Walk and potentially 8,000 from Pan.

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Current SOTM 1 results (everyone except myself said total gross, I went with the weekend one):


Chasmmi: +10,000 (Sicario A+ (currently A but will be A+), The Walk A+, The Martian A (currently B but will become A),  Pan D)

ThatOneGuy: +8,000 (The Martian A+ (currently A but will be A+), The Walk A, Sicario B, Pan C)

WrathOfHan: +8,000 (The Walk A, Pan A, too soon to say on Martian and Sicario)

Infernus: +4,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario A, Pan C, The Walk C)

misafeco: +4,000 (The Martian A+, Pan B, Sicario B (could become A), The Walk C)

bcf26: +2,000 (abstain)

damienroc: +2,000 (abstain)

darkelf: +2,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario A+, Pan C, The Walk D)

Exxdee: +2,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario, A+, The Walk C, Pan D)

Filmovie: +2,000 (abstain)

glassfairy: +2,000 (abstain)

grey ghost: +2,000 (abstain)

Wrath: +2,000 (abstain)

Alfred: -2,000 (no response)

baumer: -2,000 (no response)

laguy03: -2,000 (no response)

The Panda: -2,000 (no response)

DAJK: -4,000 (The Martian A+,  Sicario A+ (currently A but will be A+), Pan D, The Walk D)

treeroy: -4,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario A+, Pan D, The Walk D)

MovieMan89: -6,000 (The Martian A+, Sicario B, Pan C, The Walk D)

Telemachos: -6,000 (The Martian A+, Pan B (currently C but will be B soon), Sicario C (could become B ), The Walk D)

Jajang: -10,000 (The Martian B, Sicario B, The Walk B, Pan D)

Kalo: -10,000 (The Martian A, Sicario B, Pan C, The Walk D)

Blankments: -12,000 (The Martian A (currently A+ but will be A very soon), Sicario A, Pan D, The Walk D)

sakskidz/avi: -20,000 (Sicario B, The Martian B (currently C but will become B ), Pan D, The Walk D)

kaumanggi: -24,000 (The Martian B, Sicario C, Pan D, The Walk D)

MikeKaye42: -24,000 (The Martian B (currently C but will become B ), Sicario C, Pan D, The Walk D)


A lot of the ones on Pan are close to adjusting up and The Martian will still fluctuate some more. If I made any mistakes let me know!

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