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Water Bottle's Top 12 Films of 2015 (So Far)

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The next one is me going full Ethan Hunt. :ph34r:







Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation


This is what we mean by going full Ethan Hunt right? It's liking the best Mission Impossible movie of them all? Okay, the movie isn't perfect but it's a perfect example of how this franchise is able to stay fresh. There's a lot of intrigue, it has many amazing suspenseful scenes, and it made me a lot of popcorn. I recently saw the movie again and it held up: this is how you make a great and fun action movie. McQuarrie did a wonderful job and I'm wondering if he'll be able to make the next Mission Impossible as good as this one...even if it does end the franchise's habit of picking a new director for every movie which had worked great for it. But I'll still see it because Mission Impossible has gone from a good franchise series to an excellent franchise series over the last couple entries.


My next entry will come later tonight and then I'll finish out the Top 5 tomorrow.

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The last one for tonight. I'm going full CJohn.






Jurassic World


A brilliant masterpiece. Oh, sure this is pretty much just a giant B-movie about a dinosaur park where a hybrid dino is bred to be the ultimate killing machine and then tricks the stupid humans to let him free. Oh, sure it's pretty much just constantly cashing in on nostalgia of the original. Oh, sure Chris Pratt plays a pretty generic Indiana Jones-like protagonist. And yet, did you see that final awesome dino fight? And yet, did it not transport you back to your youth when that music played? And yes, did Chris Pratt not prove he's just a cool guy by making the role work? All of the flaws of the movie disappear in the general experience of the movie. I've seen this movie more than once in theaters and both times I left with a giant grin in my face. I'm ready and pumped for the Jurassic Cinematic Universe.

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So what five movies are in my top five? We find out...today.


Let's start now!






Steve Jobs


A movie script that could easily be a play and a play that easily works as a movie, Steve Jobs is at once a stage play as a film and yet a movie in it's own right. It's because of that Aaron Sorkin writing that Steve Jobs set itself on a whole different level. The movie also has some spectacular performances, it's able to cover a large period of time by concentrating on the moments before a big conference, the character dynamics evolve through the script with subtle changes in it's often circular dialog exchanges, and it really goes deep into a great mind of a man who didn't see computers as machines but as pieces of art. In many ways, the film Steve Jobs earns the name that the American titan Steve Jobs built for himself. It is indeed a brilliant piece of film as art that grabs you and keeps you reeled in. Much like how the Mac didn't sell as well as it should have, Steve Jobs sadly didn't sell tickets like it should have.

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5 hours ago, Baumer said:

I'll be doing mine in about two weeks.  Pretty sure JW will make top 5.


I think I've agreed with you on most films this year (I could be terribly wrong about that), so I'm fairly excited to see yours.

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I'm going to go eat lunch soon. But first my number four, which was by far the scariest movie of the year.








Wow. This was a phenomenal movie on so many levels. I can still see some of the beautiful shots in my mind and it's been a while since I've seen the movie. The acting was spectacular and I wouldn't be surprised if Emily Blunt gets an Academy Award nomination for her role in this movie. The cynical script quickly builds up the horror that this war on the cartels is having in Mexico and that it's spilling over to the United States. It's also terrifying. Sure, there's no supernatural threat but the Mexican cartels? Absolutely scary. There's an excellent scene where we don't even know if the police are going to help the protagonists transport a prisoner...or if the cops are going to turn on us. There are people who look at ISIS as the main threat...but the cartel threat is much closer to us and we're helping fund it. In the end, Sicario is a beautifully haunting film that exposes the flaws on both sides and is relentless.


Number 3 to come soon...

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Back from lunch.






Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Of course Star Wars is on this list. In fact, it was so close to being number one or number two of the year. It's first and foremost a phenomenal Star Wars film: from the moment that the blaster lazer was frozen in mid-air, I was in awe. As soon as the words "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" I knew I was really experiencing a brand new Star Wars film where I had no idea what was going to happen (I knew what was going to happen in ROTS [the first Star Wars film I had seen in theaters] when I first saw it) in theaters. And boy did it deliver. Sure, some of it we've seen before. A Death Star but in planet form might have been a rehash (although still cool) but you know what? The movie was just fun. It's the third best in the series, it's the best acted of the series, and it lays out the groundwork for the rest of the trilogy: nothing excites me more than knowing that not only did this film successfully establish the new characters but it did justice with Han Solo/Chewbacca. Damn it, now I want to see it again.

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It's time for me to go full Tele.







Mad Max: Fury Road


I don't really feel like I need to explain this. Some of the best action sequences of all time that are not only awesome but technically stunning. A minimalist script where you don't need to hear every line of dialogue to follow the movie's plot or what the characters want. A truly post-apocalyptic setting where the whole world has gone mad, where hope is constantly dangled in front of the heroes before it's snatched away from them, but where a basic desire to not only survive but thrive remain. Frankly the best way to explain how great this movie is to really find any picture of Mad Max: Fury Road and simply marvel at it's epic beauty.  Who knows what Tom Hardy is saying half the time, the rest of the movie speaks volumes. A truly great world that doesn't just deserve a cinematic universe but that makes you demand one. Mad Max: Fury Road is the kind of movie that makes people want to make movies.

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