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A DOG'S PURPOSE | 01.27.17 | Universal | final gross ● 64.51M

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18 minutes ago, robertman2 said:

There nothing morally wrong with eating meat, so don't start that 'veganism is morally right' shit

Meat is an important part of the diet, but I will admit most people eat far more than is necessary, myself included (but it's so tasty to_grill.gif ).

I'm firmly in the "salad isn't food, it's what food eats" camp. happy-smiley34.gif

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1 minute ago, Incarnadine said:

Meat is an important part of the diet, but I will admit most people eat far more than is necessary, myself included (but it's so tasty to_grill.gif ).

I'm firmly in the "salad isn't food, it's what food eats" camp. happy-smiley34.gif

Salad is nasty.


Unless its all meat. Then its fine, lol.

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This incident highlights what's wrong with people and how polarizing we can. Jumping to conclusions before knowing all the evidence (daresay we don't have everything in yet), demonizing others because of our biases, etc. You are what's wrong with society. 

Edited by franfar
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9 minutes ago, franfar said:

This incident highlights what's wrong with people and how polarizing we can. Jumping to conclusions before knowing all the evidence (daresay we don't have everything in yet), demonizing others because of our biases, etc. You are what's wrong with society. 

But hey! TMZ got their clicks!

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3 hours ago, AndyLL said:


And the article and everyone here is speculating at what happened based on an edited video that could be out of context.


Why was the video video edited like it was?  What didn't we see.  Was this the 1st time the dog saw this setup?  Did they rehearse it?   Was there something unusual this time that scared the dog?  Why did they cut where they did?  Did they perhaps figure out why the dog was so scared and correct it?  Was both the trainer and owner there? What did the dogs owner say about what happened.  What did the trainer say?  Did TMZ even try to gather more information?


I know you've had dogs and you can't tell me they've never become terrified at something.... even at things they've never had a problem with before.


My pup was terrified at going through the underpass tunnel to get to the park.  Thank god no one was filming the 1st time we did it.  When a car passed overhead she took off and hit the end of the leash so hard she somersaulted.   She was so terrified she peed herself.  A selectively edited video could have made me look like the worst dog owner in history.  What it wouldn't have shown was me sitting down for 1/2 hour calming Autumn down and then carrying her through the tunnel ( which I had to do for a week )


A film about dogs is going to have the American Humane Association on site so they can have the 'no animals were harmed' tag on the movie.


Unlike everyone here... I'll wait and see what they and the owner say before jumping to any conclusions.



 The Humane Society already fired their people that were supposed to be on the film.  And yes I have had dogs before and still do and I don't force them to do something that they are terrified to do.  An animal has no voice, Andy, they rely on us to take care of them.  They don't speak.  There are a litany of things that could have been done to prevent this dog from being forced to do something he or she didn't want to do.  Body language is all they have.  The minute you start forcing them to do something, it's not longer fun for them and it borders on abuse.  

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10 minutes ago, MovieGuyKyle17 said:

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Posted from Josh Gad's facebook page. 


Does Gad know that Peta's workers go through neighborhoods confiscating family pets so that the organization can slaughter them? And that they once targeted a dog belonging to a family with children and snatched him off the family's porch, then whisked the beloved pet off and killed him within hours? He really ought to know the viciousness of these people he supports before speaking about animal cruelty.

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7 minutes ago, Talkie said:


Does Gad know that Peta's workers go through neighborhoods confiscating family pets so that the organization can slaughter them? And that they once targeted a dog belonging to a family with children and snatched him off the family's porch, then whisked the beloved pet off and killed him within hours? He really ought to know the viciousness of these people he supports before speaking about animal cruelty.


It's nice that you pick one incident and ignore all the good they do.  I have done work with PETA over the years and they are not monsters.  They do a lot of good and they have animal's welfare in mind first and foremost.  I'd like to see a link to the incident you speak of.  Saying PETA is cruel is a total fabrication of the truth.  

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14 minutes ago, Talkie said:


Does Gad know that Peta's workers go through neighborhoods confiscating family pets so that the organization can slaughter them? And that they once targeted a dog belonging to a family with children and snatched him off the family's porch, then whisked the beloved pet off and killed him within hours? He really ought to know the viciousness of these people he supports before speaking about animal cruelty.

What the hell? Why would they do that? What's up with those stories about them killing animals? I'm curious now.

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Here's the link to corroborate the story:




This is disgusting but it is one incident and those employees were fired.  The entire organization does a lot to bring to light cruelty against animals.  This incident is deplorable but it doesn't mitigate the good that they do.

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I'm seeing friends on Facebook post articles about the dogs being forced to film. One of my friends said it makes her "ill" and another said she was going to see this until now (I can vouch that she really was probably going to see it). If this goes national, itll kill a lot of momentum this movie was starting to build.


Ah I see yall are already talking about it...


Also, I see it's a TMZ article being shared. Makes sense.

Edited by jandrew
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3 minutes ago, robertman2 said:

Yeah, and the trainer was trying to calm him down, while the person filming was an ass


How was the person filming an ass?  He filmed a trainer forcing his dog into a situation he didn't want to be a part of.

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14 minutes ago, jandrew said:

I'm seeing friends on Facebook post articles about the dogs being forced to film. One of my friends said it makes her "ill" and another said she was going to see this until now (I can vouch that she really was probably going to see it). If this goes national, itll kill a lot of momentum this movie was starting to build.


Ah I see yall are already talking about it...


Also, I see it's a TMZ article being shared. Makes sense.


Welp, nevermind. It's already gone national. Currently the top trend on Facebook. Not trying to be hyperbolic, but it's getting slaughted




https://twitter.com/search?vertical=news&q=dogs purpose&src=typd


Quotes from my friends:


Ey fuck peta usually but also fuck this movie don't make a sentimental dog movie while mistreating dogs.

This movie had so so much potential to be something beautiful but I guess, as always, humans have pushed it too far. We truly don't deserve dogs. Poor baby. 2764.png

This makes me ill

I wanted to see this until now.

I am SO PISSED about the footage of the filming for a dogs purpose.... That was going to be such a good movie.... ???


Welp, lol, oh well.


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So this is the power TMZ has over people these days, eh? Huh. I'll laugh pretty hard if we end up getting the full story and it's nothing like they've portrayed it to be. But by then the damage will already have done and people won't listen either way...



Not saying the story isn't true, just saying that the video was edited by TMZ. TMZ guys. Again, it's TMZ. Yeah.



Edited by Arlborn
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