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Ezen Baklattan

The 4th Annual BOX OFFICE THEORY Awards: Official Ceremony


26 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think will win Best Picture?

    • The Big Short
    • Bridge of Spies
    • Creed
    • Ex Machina
    • Inside Out
    • Mad Max: Fury Road
    • The Martian
    • Room
    • Spotlight
    • Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  2. 2. How angry will CJohn be with these awards?

    • Absolutely
    • Extremely
    • Intensely
    • Profusely
    • Quite a lot

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Opening Number set to the tune of:



Oh don’t you dare look back,

Check out these slick movies,

It’s been a crazy year,

So come and rock with the BOFFYS!

These forums are the place to be,

We say, hooooo!

Come rock with the BOFFYS!


Max was just a guy, making up his laws,

On a messed up journey to Valhalla!

While Boston rose to fight this corruption,

Oh, they were bound to win together,

Fight for truth forever!

The saber’s on, fighting for the galaxy,

With Finn and Rey and me!


Oh don’t you dare look back,

Check out these slick movies,

It’s been a crazy year,

So come and rock with the BOFFYS!

It’s hectic enough to believe,

We say, hooooo!

Come rock with the BOFFYS!


Now don’t you think of any doubt,

Open your mind and turn it Inside Out!

Escape from that old room, where you’ve lost all hope,

Oh, they will find their joy forever,

Free to love forever!

If you’re on Earth, or stuck on Mars like Watney,

There’s one place we will all be!


Oh don’t you dare look back,

Check out these slick movies,

It’s been a crazy year,

So come and rock with the BOFFYS!

It’s hectic enough to believe,

We say, hooooo!

Come rock with the BOFFYS!


Four crazy guys, went up to fight the big banks,

Soviet spies confide in Tom Hanks!

But don’t be fooled, it might just be a machine,

Will Creed fight for us today?


Oh don’t you dare look back,

Check out these slick movies,

It’s been a crazy year,


Oh don’t you dare look back,

Check out these slick movies,

It’s been a crazy year,

So come and rock with the BOFFYS!

It’s hectic enough to believe,

We say, hooooo!

Come rock with the BOFFYS!



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They make us laugh, do this :ohmyzod: , and all around make the forums a much cooler place. Here are nominees for Funniest Poster.






And the winner is.....





Sassy scotsman. Mortdecai moocher. Stalloscar stanner. Congrats on your second consecutive win, you bloody brilliant man.

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1 minute ago, Spaghetti said:

They make us laugh, do this , and all around make the forums a much cooler place. Here are nominees for Funniest Poster. Chewy CoolioD1 MrPink Telemachos And the winner is.....

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So much like Tom Hanks he may never get nominated again

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Now, onto our second member category, the MVM award, Most Valuable Member, for those who make an awesome contribution to our forums. The nominees are...





And the winner is...

In this letter, I'm not going to argue that all of Mr. Tele Machos's rodomontades are paralogistic. Nor am I going to argue that he has no moral courage nor even a desire to be honest and forthright. I'm not going to argue those factors because they're irrelevant. Instead, I will say only that his perceptions of a vast conspiracy lead him to inappropriate assessments of even the most innocent interactions with crass, fork-tongued warmongers. If you disagree with my claim that by promoting both collaborationism and cynicism, his positions are doubly brassbound, then read no further.

Tele demonstrates a terrible, inaccurate, even bad-tempered, misuse of history with his brown-nosing inveracities. But I digress. Tele's opinion is that anarchism and careerism are identical concepts. Of course, opinions are like sphincters: we all have them. So let me tell you my opinion. My opinion is that if we don't hold out the prospect of societal peace, prosperity, and a return to sane values and certainties right now, then Tele's spittle-flecked rants will soon start to metastasize until they contravene decency.

I think that the best way to overcome misunderstanding, prejudice, and hate is by means of reason, common sense, clear thinking, and goodwill. Tele, in contrast, contends that he has achieved sainthood. The conclusion to draw from this conflict of views should be obvious: I appreciate feedback and other people's views on subjects. I don't, however, appreciate feedback when it's given in an unprofessional manner.


Tele's goons actually believe the bunkum they're always mouthing. That's because these types of randy schnorrers are idealistic, have no sense of history or human nature, and they think that what they're doing will improve the world in the immediate years ahead. In reality, of course, Tele's stances will have consequences, intended and otherwise. Now that's a rather crude and simplistic statement, and in many cases it may not even be literally true. But there is a sense in which it is generally true, a sense in which it doubtlessly expresses how there are three fairly obvious problems with Tele's squibs, each of which needs to be addressed by any letter that attempts to oppugn Tele's libidinous apologues. First, Tele and the most insidious wing nuts you'll ever see are cut from the same cloth. Second, Tele's overgeneralizations are a crazy-quilt patchwork of the most prudish sorts of fogyism you'll ever see. And third, Tele demands that his doctrines be discussed in only the most positive light. To ensure that this demand is met, he sends his den of thieves after anyone who fails to show the utmost deference when planting big, wet, sloppy kisses on Tele's behind.


I myself can't make heads or tails of Tele's crotchets. I mean, does he want to consign our traditional values to the rubbish heap of officialism, or doesn't he? Tele has been doing “in-depth research” (whatever he thinks that means) to prove that the sun rises just for him. I should mention that I've been doing some research of my own. So far, I've “discovered” that Tele has offered to deter his associates from controlling what we do and how we do it. Did he follow through with that? No, of course not. This failure may be Tele's most consequential broken promise. It suggests that perhaps my opinion of Tele hasn't changed ever since, ages ago, I heard him say something about how the government (and perhaps he himself) should have sweeping powers to arrest and hold people indefinitely on flimsy grounds. The point is that Tele talked nonsense then, and he talks nonsense now. The only thing that's changed is that you should never forget the three most important facets of his hastily mounted campaigns, namely their snippy origins, their internal contradictions, and their tendentious nature. The moral of the story: The thought that someone, somewhere, might help people help themselves is anathema to Mr. Tele Machos.





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Now, for our first BP tribute, scheduled in order of release date.





“Ex Machina is the product of great talent. Debut director Alex Garland has written a fine essay here on the human condition, bodily autonomy, online communication, ethics in technology, gender and sexuality; all of which are topics approached with both an open mind and a cutting edge. It’s brought to life by a trio of superb performers, each of whom bring a different view to the issues in the film, as well as muddy the waters of their characters’ motivations and morals. Being set largely in the confines of one house, and seemingly populated with only three characters, creates a claustrophobic atmosphere where you feel someone’s watching your every move. And this creepiness highlights the other side of this film that I love – underneath its intellectual wrappings, it’s a B-movie thriller, arguably even an exploitation film. It manages to be a genuinely fascinating philosophical discussion, and simultaneously a taut, no-frills suspense film that wanders into horror territory. This two-sided nature is the real genius here - it’s an intelligent blending of Cronenberg and Kubrick, a demonstration that you don’t have to be slow to be intellectual, or intellectual to be engaged.

 It works on so many levels. And like its manipulative central characters, its ideas of who we are will play on your mind for a long time after you’ve reached its climax. For its brilliant execution and harmonisation of all its cinematic aspects, Ex Machina is an easy nomination for best film of the year.”




“As technology gets more and more advanced, we get closer to artificial intelligence. Her already showed us what could happen if we fell in love with our phones and 2001 showed us the dangers of trusting AI; Ex Machina takes both of them to the next step. Enter Caleb: A programmer working for a software company named Blue Book has won a weekend trip to meet the company's CEO, Nathan, at his home. The real reason Caleb's there is to take part in an experiment with an AI named Ava, which was created by Nathan. As Caleb spends more time, he realizes not everything is as it seems. Director/Writer Alex Garland has crafted a psychological thriller that makes you fear the future of our world, showing that looks can be deceiving in more than one way.”

-Wrath of Han

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And now we move on to our film awards. Here are the nominees for Best Original Song.

Earned It



Fighting Stronger


Love Me Like You Do


See You Again


Waiting for my Moment



And the boffy goes to....










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And now, to celebrate the cohesive qualities of film music, here are the nominees for Best Original Score.



The Hateful Eight



Inside Out



Mad Max: Fury Road






Star Wars: The Force Awakens



And the boffy goes to...










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