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Star Trek Beyond (2016)

Star Trek Beyond (2016)  

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The movie was the weakest of the reboots. Its good, but doesn't strive to be great. Its light hearted, breezy, fun, and simple but also glides over and under explains/develops everything. Lin also follows the same structure as his fast films. Kirk and Spock's arc's aren't strong enough, movie is overly predictable. The most interesting stuff is the first act. The set pieces were disappointing too. The ship getting destroyed was awesome, but the other two giant set pieces fell flat. 


Kirks arc about being restless as captain is forgotten completely. Its obvious Elba was the captain of the early ship from the get go. 


The action set piece with the bike was lame. no stakes or tension. So kris drives around ion a figure 8 all day? ok. He doesn't do anything haha no one shoots him once, he is never in danger, really no one is. Jayla fights the no name hentch man who has NO scenes basically besides that and they tac on the typical he killed my dad, I'm gonna kill you like i killed your dad thing. However again its forgeable side dude so we don't care.  I thought NO ONE has ever come back alive from that place? They arrive they easily teleport people away. Didn't seem difficult. 


Also Im confused by the ending. They play sabotage and it destroys all the ships? that was unclear, they said it would disrupt there signal. not destroy them all when they fly over them. playing the music should have been step one of the plan not the plan. 


Also the villain was kinda lame no doubt about it. Ok so you got stuck on a planet and the federation couldn't receive you're calls for help.... ok so your evil plan is to create struggle again???? 


It felt short too, it could be because I just sat through a marathon and this movie was 7 and 12 minutes shorter than the previous two. Its still a solid, enjoyable summer flick and Lin does get some great angles but overall the movie feels like its just gliding along. Even though the ship gets destroyed I guess the obstacles just felt too easy


B- (82)

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It was very fun, I enjoyed it. In some ways it is a major overcorrection from Into Darkness, as they dropped a lot of the mythology/world-building/character conflict for a simplified adventure yarn.


Film could have used maybe 10 minutes to flesh out the Kirk/Spock conflict arcs, Boutella's character growth, and Krall.


@Jay Hollywood they say in the film that enough of the feedback/disruption from the signal would cause the drones/bees to overload.

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So this was fun. A very nice (and much needed - considering what seems to be going down in #4) breather from all the set-up and timeline hijinks of the first and the grandiose of Into Darkness. Missed JJ's visual flairs (and the lens flares) at first but glad Lin made it more of his own thing, in fact I was surprised how much he did make it more his own thing. It's a 50th anniversary celebration at its simplest - just a straight up 2hr big-screen original series story. Very much independent and its own thing.

Everyone was really great, the core trio (Pine, Quinto and Urban) especially - great of them to focus far more on the characters this time. Loved Boutella as Jaylah, I really hope unlike Eve in Into Darkness we get her back in the 4th film (ideally - get both her and Eve back). Giacchino's score is aces as usual too.

Overall - very solid and just great, surprisingly chilled, fun.

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9 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:

It was very fun, I enjoyed it. In some ways it is a major overcorrection from Into Darkness, as they dropped a lot of the mythology/world-building/character conflict for a simplified adventure yarn.


Film could have used maybe 10 minutes to flesh out the Kirk/Spock conflict arcs, Boutella's character growth, and Krall.


@Jay Hollywood they say in the film that enough of the feedback/disruption from the signal would cause the drones/bees to overload.




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2 minutes ago, shayhiri said:

I'm in fucking love with the Ring City we see a couple of 1 sec shots of in the trailers.


Someone can confirm that is the best sci fi setting we've ever seen in movies so far? (I'm seeing this tomorrow.)


We get some really cool shots of it, but we don't spend a lot of time exploring it. Can't really say more without spoiling.

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56 minutes ago, 4815162342 said:

It was very fun, I enjoyed it. In some ways it is a major overcorrection from Into Darkness, as they dropped a lot of the mythology/world-building/character conflict for a simplified adventure yarn.


Film could have used maybe 10 minutes to flesh out the Kirk/Spock conflict arcs, Boutella's character growth, and Krall.


@Jay Hollywood they say in the film that enough of the feedback/disruption from the signal would cause the drones/bees to overload.


Couldn't agree more with what you said. It needed 10 more minutes like allotted as you say. It would have invested me more and had more weight. And Thank you ok that makes more sense, but still too easy, there should be two parts of the plan I think.


Only 3 ships make it in the city meh and they didn't play into the cool gravity changing fight stuff enough. I don't care about a see through box. 


They defeat the villain and move on. I love that in JJ's first film after defeating the villain we now to escape the back hole or in WoK after we defeat the villain, Spock still dies and we have an emotional climax after an action climax. It just didn't have that extra layer to me.


Nothing about the movie is bad, its just didn't try and hit a home run, they aimed for a base hit I feel and succeeded. I had a good time. 

Edited by Jay Hollywood
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I thoroughly enjoyed it but also agree that it needed a little more on the character growth mentioned by @4815162342.


Yorktown is a fantastic creation and has to be the best space station/space city put on the big screen. I loved the intricate details of it and the way Gravity was manipulated. 


The highpoint for was Sabotage. I've always loved that song. 


I still put just below ST09. 

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Sabotage is one of those "Holy shit this is so stupid but great" kind of scenes. 


I thought the character growth was a little thin, but not overly so. Unfortunately, after the Sabotage scene, I feel the movie drags on a bit with its climax. I also thought the destruction of the Enterprise was a really cool setpiece. All in all, B+/A-

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My only concern about the destruction of the Enterprise is that the survival rate of an Enterprise crew member is getting getting like the survival rate on a WW2 bomber over Germany. It might even be worse. 

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1 minute ago, DeeCee said:

My only concern about the destruction of the Enterprise is that the survival rate of an Enterprise crew member is getting getting like the survival rate on a WW2 bomber over Germany. It might even be worse. 


Well since we now have the 1701-A we're not due for another on-screen Enterprise destruction for about 4 films.

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It was a fun and breezy Trek film, but nothing that put it over the top to be special.  It was like watching a solid episode of the original series, but not necessarily a great one.


I didn't have many problems with the film's besides a few logic leaps, some underdevelopment of the character arcs, and overall not contributing much, if anything, to the end-game the new series seems to be going for.  Plus, the film started to feel tiresome after the sabotage piece.


Theres nothing that really stands out, but the movie was all in good fun.  It's nothing special that'll make it standout from other Trek's, but it isn't bad either.



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Thought the movie was really fun! Full of great character stuff and lots of fun action. The cast's chemistry is great in these films, and I really enjoyed the interesting parings they have with them in this. Idris is good as the villain, but the villain could have been more interesting than he is. The twist with him isn't really much of a surprise. Also, you could really see Lin's stamp on the film, but it still felt like the previous two films which was good. The ending was ridiculous, but done in the right way that I thought it was stupid fun. Liked the use of Sabotage because it ties into the first film. Doesn't come close to Star Trek 09, but I thought it was better than Into Darkness which I actually really liked. Probably in my top 3 for the Summer (as far as Wide Released movies go). 


A (92)

Edited by Empire
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First off. RIP Anton Yelchin. Glad to see Chekov actually got a satisfying amount to do this time around.  I found him pretty forgettable in the first two.  I wonder if they will retire the character moving forward or recast.


Anyway.  I'd say the simplest way to review this would be to call it Star Trek Lite.  It's Star Trek for the masses, with more than enough to satisfy longtime fans of the series.  I'd say that goes mostly to the credit of Simon Pegg, who continues to be a master of taking something beloved and take it in a good direction, sometimes even much better. The cast was on point and a special shout out to Sofia Boutella. She's the first real new character of the reboots that brings any lasting impression.  I hope she returns.  Idris Elbra's turn is less satisfying only because he's about on par with Nero, and his twist is from a mile away (Much like Kahn's) but I'll give him a slight edge as maybe the best villain because he at least has an interesting if unspectacular arc. (If they could have fleshed it out for 5 more minutes, we could have had something great)


The returning cast is spot on, and especially loved Bones/Spock's and Jayla/Scotty's relationships.  Bone's look at Spock at the end of the film, coming back to the necklace joke was hilarious.


Action and effects were spot on despite costing slightly less than STID.  I guess space jumping is harder to render.  All in all, with a rough year for sequels. Star Trek beyond sits safely in good levels of the series.  B+

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And Ranks:


1. Star Trek (09) A+

2. Star Trek: First Contact A+

3. Star Trek II: Wrath of Kahn A+

4. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country A

5. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock B+

6. Star Trek Beyond B+

7. Star Trek: Nemesis B

8. Star Trek: Generations B

9. Star Trek Into Darkness B

10. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home B-

11. Star Trek: Insurrection C+

12. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier C-

13. Star Trek: The Motion Picture D+


Yes, I'd rather listen to a montage of Row Row Row your boat, then sit through 50 minutes of the Enterprise traveling at a snails pace through space.


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