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The Summer Game 2017 | Beans have been counted, sprouts measured, zombies destroyed, and Tele relegated to... oh wait better not... | Let the Pre-Season Reveals begin ...

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4 hours ago, franfar said:

When is this stuff due?





The official Deadline for this game is April 28th.


HOWEVER, if you so wish you may take an extra week on these preseasons and post before May 5th. Any prediction or edits made between April 28th and May 5th will render that player ineligible to answer the weekly questions for the weekend of April 28th.

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Folks.... just reviewing my questions - yes they are finally done... 


Be forwarned as per the post at the start of this thread... there is additional questions to answer :ph34r:


they are coming... once checked they will be posted in here and first post (and answer thread will be updated)

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Alright here they are : 


JAJANG'S 15 er i mean JJ-8's 14 Questions


Comic Book Adaption Questions :


Notes :

- Q1 is worth double the other questions as it's little more complicated than the other questions so I have reduced the number to 14 questions overall.


Q1) There are 4 Comic Book Adaptions to be released this summer.  They are:

- Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol. 2

- Wonder Woman

- Spider-man: Homecoming

- Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets


Create a table of positions 1 to 8, where you order in total gross the domestic and then international totals.  I only need the positions.

an example table is as follows :


(Remember International excludes Domestic gross)

1. Spider-man: Homecoming Domestic

2. Wonder Woman International

3. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets Domestic

4. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 International

5. Woman Woman Domestic

6. Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Domestic

7. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets International

8. Spider-man: Homecoming International


Scoring is as follows.

5000 for each correct answer. (total of 40k if you get all 8)

-3000 for each incorrect answer. (total of -24k if you get all 8 incorrect)

If you choose to abstain this question (and you must astain all of it), you get 8,000.

If you leave a spot blank you get that spot as an incorrect answer.  If put 1 of the options twice you will receive at lease one of those incorrect.

(for the bonus at the bottom, if you get 4 / 8 you get 1, if you get all 8 correct you get 2 towards the bonus (ie. the total is still 30 quesitons))


Q2) Will Wonder Woman be the #1 opening weekend of the comic book adaptions this summer (Domestically)?


Q3) The current top 6 "All Time May Open Weekends" (Domestically) occurred on the 1st weekend of the month (in the respective year).  In what position will Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol. 2 open in (in the top 6)?  (If you don't think it will open in the top 6 then put 7th - remember 6th is Iron Man 2 @ 128m)?


Q4) Will Wonder Woman collapse in it's second weekend with a greater than 60% drop like the 2 previous DC Extended Universe Films (Domestic)?


Q5) Will the total of all the Marvel films make more than double the DC films this summer (Domestic only)?


Q6) Will Valerian's final total (domestic gross) be less than all of the opening weekends of the other 3 films (Domestic)?


Q7) Will the total gross of ALL Comic Book adaptions this summer make less than 850m (Domestic)?


Q8) Will any of the Comic Book Adaptions make 200m or more internationally than the domestic gross?


Q9) Will a Comic Book Adaption make more than 1 billion worldwide this summer?


Q10) Will a Comic Book Adaption be the #1 film overall (and it must be released during the game) in ANY of the following markets

- United Kingdom, Australia, or China (only 1 is needed) ?


Animated Film Questions :


These 2 questions will relate to the 6 animated films that are to be released during the summer (these questions will not be affected if any films are delayed or deferred)


Q11) Will at least 3 weekends during the summer be led by an animated film (Domestic only)?


Q12) Will less than 4 animated films make the top 15 films this summer domestically?


A single question for those Transformers & Pirates Fans out there:


Q13) Both Franchises are up to the 5th Film.  the 4th film in both Franchises made more than 1 billion worldwide.  Can the 5th film in both franchises repeat this performance?


Final General Question


Q14) Will a film released domestically make more in an International Market (must be a single market such as China, United Kindom, etc) this summer (Both markets must release during the game and be elegible for the top 15 domestic - ie. as per the list of films Chasmmi has posted) ?

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So @JJ-8:


For the 1-8 question for the four comic book movies....you want me to rank the gross from 1-8?


So If I think Spider-man Homecoming is going to have the highest gross of those 8, it would be number one?  Is that what you mean?


So for example:


1) Spider-man international (600M)

2) GOTG domestic (550M)

3) GOTG international (540M)

4) Wonder Woman international (440M)


and so on?

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8 hours ago, baumer said:

So @JJ-8:


For the 1-8 question for the four comic book movies....you want me to rank the gross from 1-8?


So If I think Spider-man Homecoming is going to have the highest gross of those 8, it would be number one?  Is that what you mean?


So for example:


1) Spider-man international (600M)

2) GOTG domestic (550M)

3) GOTG international (540M)

4) Wonder Woman international (440M)


and so on?


Exactly how I planned it. 

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  • Founder / Operator

chasmmi, as someone who played this game back in its early days, you've seriously done it justice and then some. Just reading your first posts outlining the questions and rules really took me back. I commend you, the same as I commend Baumer for the foresight of initiating it to begin with. Both of you have contributed something as special to the box office community as the Derby or anything else I could mention. This stands among the best box office games I've ever had the joy of playing. I'll always cherish the late night memories of tracking films' opening numbers as they fatefully decided the results of mine and many others' pre-season and weekly predictions.


Edit: Major props to Jajang for all of his work on this too. :)


This really takes me back. Keep doing what you do!

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To add. A lot of the game I  its current state is still the game and structure that Baumer  made years before i even knew there was a box office community. 


Three have been some additions an subtractions over the years, but in general my job had been mostly you try and avoid the temptation to fix what isn't broken :).


It is great to see that originals such as Shawn still see the fin in this.  That means i haven't screwed things up too much. 


Also, i also owe a lot to @JJ-8 who makes  scoring this so easy and does all the heavy lifting backstage that enables me to create more and more devious SOTMs that can make everyone's lives miserable

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Q4) Will Wonder Woman collapse in it's second weekend with a greater than 60% drop like the 2 previous DC Extended Universe Films (Domestic)?




A superhero film falling 60% is a "collapse" ?


Civil War, Logan, Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse....all fell near 60%.


Do you mean "60% drop like the previous superhero films of last year" ?

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21 hours ago, Krissykins said:

Q4) Will Wonder Woman collapse in it's second weekend with a greater than 60% drop like the 2 previous DC Extended Universe Films (Domestic)?




A superhero film falling 60% is a "collapse" ?


Civil War, Logan, Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse....all fell near 60%.


Do you mean "60% drop like the previous superhero films of last year" ?


No.  It's intended as > 60% drop....  actually I would say any film with a > 60% drop is arguably collapsing whether because it's got early bad reviews OR is heavily front loaded. 

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So I continue to work on my predicts and I keep eyeing that Disney Movie in July that they had the schedule at Cinemacon but doesn't have a name.... 


What are we doing about that film? Something makes me afraid that it might be a Waterloo for some reason. 

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