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WEEKEND THREAD | Official Weekend Estimates: Beauty and the Beast - 88.3M; Power Rangers - 40.5M; Life - 12.6M; Other Numbers First Post. Gokira has been threadbanned.

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1 minute ago, KP1025 said:


Godzilla is probably the exception in that it was a success by Japan BO standards, although there's still the trend that Western adaptations do much worse than their Japanese counterparts. Shin Godzilla (released last year) made 2.5x what Godzilla 2014 grossed in Japan. I would call Dragonball: Evolution a bomb in Japan considering the latest DBZ animated movie made $31 million.


Dragonball: Evolution was a bomb literally everywhere. My point was it was proportionally much less of a bomb in Japan than in NA. Also I've updated the post since you quoted it - Shin Godzilla was a blockbuster but the 2014 Godzilla did MUCH more business in Japan than any actual Japanese Godzilla movie of the 21st century before it. How many other examples of relatively recent Westernized Japanese properties released theatrically in Japan are there? You could look at the J-Horror remake boom of the last decade but most of those outside of The Ring got tiny limited releases in Japan and make for an awful comparison.

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2 minutes ago, YourMother said:

Cool. Would you recommend it, I own a PS4 and New3DS and am curious about purchasing one.

Yes. I might suggest waiting until Splatoon 2 or FE Warriors drops since they'll probably have a bundle by then.


Also avoid 1-2 Switch unless it's on sale

1 minute ago, YourMother said:

Gokira has been freed from the symbiote.

Then who's the next host

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Have a feeling GITS is going to majorly bomb at my theatre. Im personally only predicting our equivalent of a 10M opening weekend here, but I may go up tomorrow (I don't have the actual bookings I'm just guessing that we will get it).


Boss Baby I could see pulling in some decent business; I have it at 41.8M here, which is pretty close to what I think it will do at the domestic box office.

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3 minutes ago, Xillix said:


Dragonball: Evolution was a bomb literally everywhere. My point was it was proportionally much less of a bomb in Japan than in NA. Also I've updated the post since you quoted it - Shin Godzilla was a blockbuster but the 2014 Godzilla did MUCH more business in Japan than any actual Japanese Godzilla movie of the 21st century before it. How many other examples of relatively recent Westernized Japanese properties released theatrically in Japan are there? You could look at the J-Horror remake boom of the last decade but most of those outside of The Ring got tiny limited releases in Japan and make for an awful comparison.

Shin Godzilla won best picture in Japan for 2016!!!!


Godzilla has new life now. With the Hollywood MonsterVerse, the Anime trilogy and potentially $hin Godzilla 2... It's a good time to be a fan of the character.

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1 minute ago, Rth and the Beast said:

Didn't go for GGPR in Canada  probably just end up slightly ahead of KSI 3rd WE

GGPR was a huge flop in Canada and made all its money in the states? 


Is that what this means? 

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4 minutes ago, Rth and the Beast said:

Didn't go for GGPR in Canada  probably just end up slightly ahead of KSI 3rd WE

Yikes. Canada didn't gave a shit.

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3 minutes ago, YourMother said:

ThatOneGuy when Valerian bombs.

So now?

3 minutes ago, Cookson said:

Shin Godzilla won best picture in Japan for 2016!!!!


Godzilla has new life now. With the Hollywood MonsterVerse, the Anime trilogy and potentially $hin Godzilla 2... It's a good time to be a fan of the character.

Honestly as much as I loved it, I wished Anno finished Evangelion 4.0 before doing Shin Godzilla

5 minutes ago, Nova said:



He's old and frail so a perfect target to attack. 

Tele would be worthless though

2 minutes ago, Eevin said:

I'm pretty sure he's already infected.


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3 minutes ago, Eevin said:

I'm pretty sure he's already infected.

IDK it has to be when someone aggressively stanns for a movie, and I won't be infected until at least August.

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