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2012-Best Actress thread!

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The movie really grew on me. I didn't like it all that much at first but the more depressing it got the more I began to appreciate it. In fact, dammit, I do think this is one of the best pictures of the year. The two leads were absolutely brilliant and as much as I love Jlaw in SLP, Riva is too brilliant to not root for.I'm very glad I saw it.

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Most people seem to be on team SLP for picture which I find surprising considering how I thought Lincoln would appeal more to the tastes of people on here.

I'm Canadian so maybe there really is something to be said for being American to truly appreciate Lincoln. As most of you know, SLP is my pick for best picture. I just think it did everything perfectly. I get that not all of you feel that way, and that's cool. But the film really spoke to me in many ways.Having said that, I never thought I'd say this, but my pick for best actress now is Riva. She has a much braver and raw performance than anyone. In fact, to me, it's up there with Theron in Monster as one of the best I have ever seen.
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I kinda think Lincoln is something that Americans get much more than anyone else; but having said that I still hate the film. It's oversaturated, overlong, overbloated, and is filled with long pans, and long zoom shots onto people who are important but think they are much more important than they really are. And that for those people is saying something. They were some pretty goddamn important people.

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I kinda think Lincoln is something that Americans get much more than anyone else; but having said that I still hate the film. It's oversaturated, overlong, overbloated, and is filled with long pans, and long zoom shots onto people who are important but think they are much more important than they really are. And that for those people is saying something. They were some pretty goddamn important people.

HAHAHA. I didn't like it at all the first time I saw it and then I saw it a second time and I liked it more. But I don't really think it is best picture material. Buuuuut....SS has been snubbed so many times in the past that this is just karma. So if he wins, its just balance.
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I just really hated it with a passion. I didn't really like it the first time, but I thought it was because I had had a really bad day and I was tired so I went to see it again. That movie got so much worse the second time around I was tempted to walk out.

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I'm not for SLP; I'm against Lincoln... simply because it's such a cliche pick. If someone had asked me last year what I thought would win BP, I'd have said Lincoln before filming even began. Compared to Argo, Life of Pi, and Les Mis, the only nominees I have seen, the only one I knew about last year was Les Mis. Personally, I'm for Life of Pi, but I'd be happy with anything upsetting Lincoln for some excitement.

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I just got out of Amour. Put me down in the Riva camp as well. She is out early brilliant in this. I think she has a real shot to win.

This is exactly the point I have been making. There are very few people who will see the performances by Riva, Lawrence and Chastain side by side and go with anyone other than Riva. Sometimes things are not very complicated. Riva is the favorite, IMO, because she has given the best performance of the 20 acting nominees this year. She is even better than DDL. However, I won't count out either Lawrence or Chastain. They are both prior nominees and have a few things going for them but if it comes down to merit, it has to be Riva.
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The biggest obstacle for Riva was always going to be not if the film was good, if it connected, but if enough people were going to see it. Now that everyone's gonna see it, I think Riva stands a very good shot at a win. It's extremely hard not to vote for her after having seen the movie.

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One thing Riva has going for her (and I'm not saying that if she wins it, it would be solely because of this) is that she in her 80's, has never been nominated for an oscar and has been in more than 70 films. This might be her swan song and like Henry Fonda and Martin Landau and Jessica Tandy, she is well known and respected by cinephiles. So she really could win this.

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I don't see how JLaw loses this, but if someone beats her that's going to be Riva.

I'd love to see JLAW win, she has my favourite performance of the year and until today, I thought it was the best. But Riva really is in a class by herself this year...imo.
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I'm definitely coming round more and more to Riva winning. If all the voters watch all five performances then I don't see how they can deny that Riva is the best. The fact that she's not nominated for a globe or sag probably hurts because she won't have the momentum others will but I think the performance speaks for itself.Plus the oscars are on Riva's 86th birthday. How cool is that?!?

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She has BAFTA which I'm actually fairly sure will go for her. They nommed Haneke in director, so she has a very good shot there. That's a crucial final boost (9 days before ballots close) that have pushed many people arguable over the top (Streep, and Cotillard for ex. ) As SAG and GG rolls out I don't think Riva will be impacted much from being overlooked. They're happening within the next two weeks and that is also the same time as when every single Academy voter's digging through their screener pile to find Amour. That in and out of itself is a huge momentum boost more so than what a SAG can get. (If Chastain wins SAG that'd be great new for Riva as the only person that's winning besides Riva is Lawrence)

Edited by riczhang
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