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Eric Ripley

***PLEASE READ***Why the Fanboy Wars Thread is Locked: New Rules are being TESTED ***PLEASE READ***

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18 hours ago, Ninenin said:

I honestly don't understand how some people can handle the real world. 

I suspect they don't...…..

That I why I hate political discussions on fan and geek pages. A lot of people bring the exact same "ignore the facts, it's about what I feel" mentality.

With movies, it relatively harmless, but with politics, it's scary since a lot of these people can vote....

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23 hours ago, Lordmandeep said:

I find the over modding post-2016 on here has  just caused additional problems where certain mods seem to being go after people's opinions by enforcing certain rules that are increasingly vague and subjective ... Rather than focusing on the main purpose of a mod (I am a mod on a discord server) which is stopping racism or threats violence against each other.  


These rules are not evenly applied or always enforced by the moderation team, which has just created further tensions and resentment in the user base.


I know people will not like what I said here but I been on this forum for a while and I feel this forum was a much better place with far less moderation and rules in the past.


All of these endless rules have not really stopped the toxicity and it seems to just perpetuate a victimization complexes on the numerous groups of users belonging to certain beliefs. 


(stop the SJW turds on here! Stop the Alt right trolls on here! ) 


I dont have much faith that these issues will be corrected without censorship being enforced by the moderation team. 

Completely agree with this. 


I don't think I ever posted in that thread (and just read it a few times, didn't find it to be really that toxic) but this is.... unpleasant. 

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On 2/9/2020 at 1:10 PM, The Futurist said:

George Orwell predicted this.


If you repeat it long enough, it becomes the truth.

Different opinion = toxicity, trolling

Repeat after me.

Different opinion = toxicity, trolling

Repeat after me.


Freedom of speech they said ...

Ahh the memories ...


I've never been to these places called reddit & 4 chan


my gut feeling it is the place described by democrats & liberals where

republicans and Trump voters dwell an discuss about things.

So basicaly the homebase of toxic trolls it is ok to insult and make fun of.

Amirite, free thinkers ?

Mel Gibson died for Freedom in a famous films.

Voltaire was ready to die to allow someone to say someting he disagrees with.

Would you ?


Cancel and threadban is the best solution obviously.


Who would be against tolerance ?

Not even Miss America herself.

And yet ... here we are.

The self proclaimed tolerant and open minded people are the new fascists that can't stand other views and opinions and will do anything to shut your mouth.

That is a Churchill prediction this one.

Mods ban this plx.

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20 hours ago, dudalb said:

I suspect they don't...…..

That I why I hate political discussions on fan and geek pages. A lot of people bring the exact same "ignore the facts, it's about what I feel" mentality.

With movies, it relatively harmless, but with politics, it's scary since a lot of these people can vote....

Its amazing that humans in western countries have the most luxurious life of human history yet act more offended than the millions of men led to slaughter during the wars that paved the way for what we have today. We have it so good now that its led people to actively search for things to be offended about 😂. All these participation rewards have made the younger generation a little too entitled and emotionally weak.


As for voting, unfortunately a lot of the public are actually quite dumb (hell sometimes me included, don't ask me whether I want to leave the EU when I've got such limited information of the implications that come with it) . To quote a comedian "we still have bottles of bleach with big labels saying 'do not drink'. Remove the labels, wait 2 years then ask the public to vote"





Edited by Ninenin
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54 minutes ago, Ninenin said:

Its amazing that humans in western countries have the most luxurious life of human history yet act more offended than the millions of men led to slaughter during the wars that paved the way for what we have today. We have it so good now that its led people to actively search for things to be offended about 😂. All these participation rewards have made the younger generation a little too entitled and emotionally weak.


As for voting, unfortunately a lot of the public are actually quite dumb. To quote a comedian "we still have bottles of bleach with big labels saying 'do not drink'. Remove the labels, wait 2 years then ask the public to vote"



I sorta agree with the first paragraph there. I'm all for trying to better your life and your situation regardless of your socio-economic status. But I have a friend from Kenya who said, upon spending a few months at a Canadian university "it's crazy what people get upset about here. In Kenya, you wouldn't care about a micro-aggression"


And when it comes to the entitled part, I don't think people who are trying to stand up for their own rights is in any way bad. It becomes entitlement when you think you can decide what someone ELSE wants to hear, or what someone ELSE will be offended by. User X: "User Y can't say this because user Z will be offended" etc. I don't think that sort of behaviour happens on these forums any more than it does in real life though

Edited by DAJK
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7 minutes ago, DAJK said:

I sorta agree with the first paragraph there. I'm all for trying to better your life and your situation regardless of your socio-economic status. But I have a friend from Kenya who said, upon spending a few months at a Canadian university "it's crazy what people get upset about here. In Kenya, you wouldn't care about a micro-aggression"


And when it comes to the entitled part, I don't think people who are trying to stand up for their own rights is in any way bad. It becomes entitlement when you think you can decide what someone ELSE wants to hear, or what someone ELSE will be offended by. User X: "User Y can't say this because user Z will be offended" etc. I don't think that sort of behaviour happens on these forums any more than it does in real life though

Fucking ay. You said it better than me. Are they offended? Or are they acting offended on behalf of others just to get attention and a few likes? I think we all know the truth. Its nice to see people are starting to catch on though.

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24 minutes ago, Ninenin said:

Fucking ay. You said it better than me. Are they offended? Or are they acting offended on behalf of others just to get attention and a few likes? I think we all know the truth. Its nice to see people are starting to catch on though.

thanks, I should add a few contingencies though


a) I think the people who are taking the above to an absurd degree are in the vast minority. The internet just enables these very few people to scream louder than the rest, and therefore you get people thinking that this mindset represents a larger proportion of the population than is true. Take this forum for example, I've interacted with HUNDREDS of people on here over the past 6 years. Were they all great interactions? No, but I could probably count the number of users I absolutely couldn't stand on ten fingers, whereas the number of positive interactions I've had vastly outnumber.


b) I don't want to come across like I'm saying "don't fight a battle that isn't your own" because I don't believe that either. But all I mean is that people souldn't be choosing the battles that other people 'should' be fighting; let them choose the battles, and then you support them if you agree. Don't tell someone else 'they need to be offended by a certain post, and then proceed to defend them even though the person you're defending didn't really care'.

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6 minutes ago, DAJK said:

thanks, I should add a few contingencies though


a) I think the people who are taking the above to an absurd degree are in the vast minority. The internet just enables these very few people to scream louder than the rest, and therefore you get people thinking that this mindset represents a larger proportion of the population than is true. Take this forum for example, I've interacted with HUNDREDS of people on here over the past 6 years. Were they all great interactions? No, but I could probably count the number of users I absolutely couldn't stand on ten fingers, whereas the number of positive interactions I've had vastly outnumber.


b) I don't want to come across like I'm saying "don't fight a battle that isn't your own" because I don't believe that either. But all I mean is that people souldn't be choosing the battles that other people 'should' be fighting; let them choose the battles, and then you support them if you agree. Don't tell someone else 'they need to be offended by a certain post, and then proceed to defend them even though the person you're defending didn't really care'.

Sir you are full of wisdom. Can't really add anything useful to that if I'm honest. I definitely agree there are some issues we should stick up for without feeling like a SJW, i didn't want to give the impression that i think all these people are always wrong. For example if someone is clearly acting like an ass then sure, call them out

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4 hours ago, DAJK said:

I sorta agree with the first paragraph there. I'm all for trying to better your life and your situation regardless of your socio-economic status. But I have a friend from Kenya who said, upon spending a few months at a Canadian university "it's crazy what people get upset about here. In Kenya, you wouldn't care about a micro-aggression"


And when it comes to the entitled part, I don't think people who are trying to stand up for their own rights is in any way bad. It becomes entitlement when you think you can decide what someone ELSE wants to hear, or what someone ELSE will be offended by. User X: "User Y can't say this because user Z will be offended" etc. I don't think that sort of behaviour happens on these forums any more than it does in real life though

Frankly this remind of a funny story where a Lady in Utah had a Japanese Tea party theme for her kids birthday.



The Internet lost its mind and went on a mob and was ready to ruin this woman's life for cultural appropriation. 


Then the actual party that should be offended "japanese people" were like um this is not an issue here... 




(As a Minority myself) I mostly find it is upper middle class white folks that see a minority as only as a victim or a person oppressed by the 'system' and feel obligated to be offended on my behalf but do not feel the need to ask the oppressed party how they actually feel about a issue. 


It comes as quite patronizing and I think why society is so divided right as no one really talks to each other anymore and just is more interested in showcasing their virtue to others :)


How does this relate to the forum? well instead of jumping the gun, lets just talk about an issue then call eachother names. 




Edited by Lordmandeep
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On 2/13/2020 at 12:30 PM, Lordmandeep said:


Frankly this remind of a funny story where a Lady in Utah had a Japanese Tea party theme for her kids birthday.



The Internet lost its mind and went on a mob and was ready to ruin this woman's life for cultural appropriation. 


Then the actual party that should be offended "japanese people" were like um this is not an issue here... 




(As a Minority myself) I mostly find it is upper middle class white folks that see a minority as only as a victim or a person oppressed by the 'system' and feel obligated to be offended on my behalf but do not feel the need to ask the oppressed party how they actually feel about a issue. 


It comes as quite patronizing and I think why society is so divided right as no one really talks to each other anymore and just is more interested in showcasing their virtue to others :)


How does this relate to the forum? well instead of jumping the gun, lets just talk about an issue then call eachother names. 




Fucking hallelujah! Well said @Lordmandeep. I'm not posting here as much lately because I just end up getting ganged up on by self-righteous people who want to look virtuous on the internet when I have a different opinion, even though my conduct over my entire time here should speak for itself.


I'm just tired of it.

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On 2/13/2020 at 7:16 AM, Ninenin said:

Its amazing that humans in western countries have the most luxurious life of human history yet act more offended than the millions of men led to slaughter during the wars that paved the way for what we have today. We have it so good now that its led people to actively search for things to be offended about 😂. All these participation rewards have made the younger generation a little too entitled and emotionally weak.


As for voting, unfortunately a lot of the public are actually quite dumb (hell sometimes me included, don't ask me whether I want to leave the EU when I've got such limited information of the implications that come with it) . To quote a comedian "we still have bottles of bleach with big labels saying 'do not drink'. Remove the labels, wait 2 years then ask the public to vote"





As a Canadian, how we've become in the West is embarrassing.

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