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SPECTRE | 11/6/15 | Final Trailer on Page 126! | Twitter reactions coming in, STID 2.0?

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I see what you mean, in a sense kinda, given they're almost the same width. The screen isn't as tall due to the 1.9:1 aspect ratio though, which IMO is a better fit for non-IMAX filmed or IMAX formatted (presented in scope or 1.9:1 respectively) films anyway, and I really like the seating layout, which is much closer to the layouts of 70mm screens. Despite being digital and of the 1.9:1 AR, this actually feels like an IMAX.

Yeah, I know the BFI is Odeon now so I hope they do something there. They're just pushing LSQ as the preferred London venue so, I have my concerns...

I may have to check it out later in the year then. The good thing with them is that you get some alternative options in IMAX there as they can't compete, so while OLS had Mission Impossible recently, they had Inside Out in IMAX.
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Yeah, was announced a long time ago that it opens Monday. Makes sense as it decreases the weekend load on cinemas, and they can use all that half term money (26th is first day of holidays)

Seeing an 8pm release is interesting though, I actually had thought the previews would be on Sunday with the film releasing Monday morning. I wonder if this will spark the American trend of evening previews the day before release.

We've had that preview trend going a lot longer than the US. Films like The Hunger Games and The Amazing Spider-Man did I pre TDKR, and most average Thursday releases in summer had a single show essentially amounting to a preview screening back in 2010/2011.
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Yeah, was announced a long time ago that it opens Monday. Makes sense as it decreases the weekend load on cinemas, and they can use all that half term money (26th is first day of holidays)

Seeing an 8pm release is interesting though, I actually had thought the previews would be on Sunday with the film releasing Monday morning. I wonder if this will spark the American trend of evening previews the day before release.

I was about to say - wouldn't the opening night shows count as previews anyway?

And yeah, I guess the difference is that Sony are promoting the "previews" date as opening , unlike most US releases that the week of release put "special screenings Thursday".

UK already do midnights for major releases (London does anyway) so I think this will probably encourage 8pm Wed (or Thurs if film opens Friday) previews. They have done this already with Mockingjay 1 and Ultron I remember, but exclusively as part of marathons for their respective franchises.

Edited by antovolk
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I was about to say - wouldn't the opening night shows count as previews anyway?

And yeah, I guess the difference is that Sony are promoting the "previews" date as opening , unlike most US releases that the week of release put "special screenings Thursday".

UK already do midnights for major releases (London does anyway) so I think this will probably encourage 8pm Wed (or Thurs if film opens Friday) previews. They have done this already with Mockingjay 1 and Ultron I remember, but exclusively as part of marathons for their respective franchises.

Having 7 or 8pm previews is a bit pointless in the UK since most big films do tend to open with up to 9 days worth of previews.

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We've had that preview trend going a lot longer than the US. Films like The Hunger Games and The Amazing Spider-Man did I pre TDKR, and most average Thursday releases in summer had a single show essentially amounting to a preview screening back in 2010/2011.

Our previews are almost always midnight shows, no? Maybe cinemas around here are different to yours.

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Our previews are almost always midnight shows, no? Maybe cinemas around here are different to yours.

It depends on the film. There's been a surge in popularity with Midnight shows, the first of which started really popping up with Eclipse, Deathly Hallows part 2 and Tron: Legacy of all things. Before that midnight screenings were really really rare, if they were even done at all, but they've started popping up a lot the last few years. Before then you just had an early show on the Thursday or something. Were this releasing on a Friday I'm sure it would have had midnight, but I guess they're going with the earliest feasible time to publicly release.
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Schumacher, slightly OT but thought I'd mention it given we were discussing this - got email that the Empire was getting upgraded to the 4K laser digital IMAX system in time for Everest. BFI will prob get upgraded too in time for SPECTRE.

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Schumacher, slightly OT but thought I'd mention it given we were discussing this - got email that the Empire was getting upgraded to the 4K laser digital IMAX system in time for Everest. BFI will prob get upgraded too in time for SPECTRE.

They had a big ass sign outside the empire when I was wandering around London on Saturday evening. Will definitely get around to checking that out as soon as possible.
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New interview with Craig



I’d read that Spectre was the first part of two films. “I don’t think so,” says Craig. (Then again: never trust a spy.) In fact, he says, if it has any relation to other Bond films, it’s as the denouement to the story that began with Casino: Bond’s determination to confront his past and figure out his place in the world, and MI6’s place in the world, and whether he might be able to fashion a life away from all that. “I think we can safely say we’ve squared all those circles,” Craig says.

There has been much speculation that Spectre will be Craig’s last film as Bond. I thought he’d signed on for two more after Skyfall, meaning there would be at least one more after Spectre.

“I don’t know,” he says. He really doesn’t know? “I really don’t know. Honestly. I’m not trying to be coy. At the moment I can’t even conceive it.”

Would he at least like to do another one? “At this moment, no. I have a life and I’ve got to get on with it a bit. But we’ll see.”

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I know you in essence shouldn't trust IMDB and whatnot but looks like on the SPECTRE boards there's a certain user in the know - blamed_thatcher. First noticed him back from when the theatrical trailer was announced, and he posted (correct!) details about it before its debut, and he knows quite a bit of stuff production wise regarding what was shot where, formats used etc.

Couple of interesting things:

1. only the PTS in Mexico was shot with spherical lenses as opposed to anamorphic - and hence, if Mendes still goes ahead with this, it will be the only sequence that will open up to IMAX's 1.9:1 aspect ratio (he says they won't though). Also IMAX cameras probably weren't used because none of the UK film labs can process 70mm IMAX footage.

2. There will be a final trailer this month (September).


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Idris Elba is trending.


Looks like it's because the writer of the current Bond novels said he was 'too street' to play the part, and people are responding accordingly.


At this point I'd say Elba's biggest hurdle is that he's too obvious after the relentless talk of his casting.

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