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8/12-8/15 Weekdays Thread | It Ends With Us $6.2m Monday

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3 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

I don't really hate endgame, just find it to be a deeply disappointing film after infinity war, I wasn't really into most of the film at all, and it's really only the final 30 minutes I care about (which admittedly are really great)

That's my feelings on Endgame pretty much, except I think I wasn't even super into the last battle either after seeing it once. I definitely wasn't ever very into Tony as a character and I didn't particularly care for Steves ending either so the movie was wrapping up and I was sitting there on the very first preview showing of the day feeling mixed and then really disappointed when I went again trying to see if I'd like it more. Just.. eh. Some fun stuff in there though , fan service wise. Cap with the hammer, everyone coming out the portals, Wanda was very cool etc.


Infinity War was great though all 3 times I saw it in theaters and then again at home, it's just hampered by the fact that you just can't untie it from Endgame. At least I can't. 

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I'm not even exaggerating when I say that I personally think Avengers: Endgame is a near perfect movie. I love all three acts, but that third act is absolute perfection and it still hits me emotionally every time I watch it. 


That may be an unpopular opinion, but I have no shame in saying that Avengers: Endgame is my favorite MCU movie, my favorite comic-book supehero movie, and just one of my favorite films in general. I love No Way Home, but Endgame is just on a whole other level for me. 

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2 minutes ago, Ryan C said:

I'm not even exaggerating when I say that I personally think Avengers: Endgame is a near perfect movie. I love all three acts, but that third act is absolute perfection and it still hits me emotionally every time I watch it. 


That may be an unpopular opinion, but I have no shame in saying that Avengers: Endgame is my favorite MCU movie, my favorite comic-book supehero movie, and just one of my favorite films in general. I love No Way Home, but Endgame is just on a whole other level for me. 


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11 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

It actually supports a point, I think. Originality and the top 10 at box office have been arguably at odds since the 80s. It stands to reason that with the rise of the blockbusters that that would happen. 

I don't know if I'd say it was at odds, it seemed to be a sort of coexistence that then swung in one direction based on easyle of production. Once studios realized it's a lot easier to just do a sequel to something to get money and that sewuels didnt have the bad reputation that it did in decades prior, then that was much easier to just justify doing more of that for a good ROI. I think it was less they were at odds, in the audiences or the movies themselves, it was more of a feedback loop that just goes stronger and stronger and that's now feeling inescapable.


You generate more sequels from hit original movies or popular books, they hit the nostalgia button, they make money, the studios realize it's easier money and more get made and less originals get focus and effort and audiences become more and more unwilling to see originals. Doesn't help that there was a long string of big attempts to start new franchises for a period and a lot of them tanked. A lot of them were also awful but that doesn't matter to the people greenlighting the movies. And it makes audiences less inclined to try those out and just stick to what they know. 



On the streaming stuff that could be its own whole conversation. I have complicated feelings on it and I'll leave it at that. I don't know where we're going and I don't even know where streaming it heading overall but we're just along for the ride I suppose! You're definitely right on that. We don't really have much control of the situation beyond watching and buying our individual tickets and streaming services etc. 

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6 minutes ago, Ryan C said:

I'm not even exaggerating when I say that I personally think Avengers: Endgame is a near perfect movie. I love all three acts, but that third act is absolute perfection and it still hits me emotionally every time I watch it. 


That may be an unpopular opinion, but I have no shame in saying that Avengers: Endgame is my favorite MCU movie, my favorite comic-book supehero movie, and just one of my favorite films in general. I love No Way Home, but Endgame is just on a whole other level for me. 

I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion. It’s unpopular here, but obviously not unpopular among actual average moviegoers. Avengers: Endgame is my favorite MCU film, my favorite superhero film, my favorite blockbuster film and my favorite movie theater experience of all time easy. I have an unabashed and shameless love for that film and I’m very confident that most people do as well. It is one of the most beloved blockbusters ever.

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23 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

I find it really hard to connect to it emotionally when the journey is such a pile of nonsense? Like, May's death almost felt catarthic in a "you reap what you sow for being this stupid" kind of way for Peter


I don't really hate endgame, just find it to be a deeply disappointing film after infinity war, I wasn't really into most of the film at all, and it's really only the final 30 minutes I care about (which admittedly are really great)

Infinity War is awesome. Endgame is a joke.

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Every decade has become FAR more sequel and IP heavy since franchises started becoming a big thing in the 80s. In my opinion it didn't really start to become a huge problem until the 2010s though. The 2000s certainly had become quite sequel dominated, but there were PLENTY of big original films that came out during that time. Basically the whole Pixar catalogue, numerous DreamWorks films, avatar, pirates of the Caribbean, Matrix just missed the cutoff but was close, We got loads of new and varied films that weren't sequels but we're based on IP like transformers, spiderman. New franchises based on books like Harry Potter and LOTR and twilight.


The 2010s is where it started becoming rough because that's where we got to a point when not only was it mostly sequels, but there were simply no new franchises getting made after a point. Anything new is a reboot.


Is this partially due to audience preferences? Sure, audiences clearly were fine to watch 10 years of marvel films, and they clearly love nostalgic reboots like Force Awakens and Jurassic World. But let's be real here, how often due young visionary directors get given blockbuster budgets and told that the studio isn't going to interfere in ANY way with a project? When we get "new" franchises they are usually overly CGI'd badly written action blockbusters that have passed through 5 different teams, gotten delayed for multiple years and have studio execs mandating that they try and them "like marvel" or whatever's big that year so that they can hopefully appeal to those same audiences.


It's not that audiences REFUSE to watch anything new anymore, it's that even "new" franchises (including ones based on existing IP but previously unadapted for film) are exclusively dictated by studios now. They take a popular novel or game, give it to a passable director and then micromanage every step and make sure it's just another superhero movie but with a new face.


That's why original films still exist but they aren't often the "heavily marketed summer blockbuster" anymore

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Oh and as for my opinion on endgame it's absolutely one of the best MCU films. Kind of funny seeing people hate on it online since in terms of GA it's definitely universally beloved. 


I thought IW was better personally, but endgame basically did everything it should have as the conclusion. It had the typical MCU humor but balanced it well with the more serious tone, it had a fun highlight reel of some of the best marvel characters and moments throughout the years, it gave satisfying endings to all of its main characters (outside of Thor who's arc didn't end), and had the most incredible final battle of all time.

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20 minutes ago, Ryan C said:

I'm not even exaggerating when I say that I personally think Avengers: Endgame is a near perfect movie. I love all three acts, but that third act is absolute perfection and it still hits me emotionally every time I watch it. 


That may be an unpopular opinion, but I have no shame in saying that Avengers: Endgame is my favorite MCU movie, my favorite comic-book supehero movie, and just one of my favorite films in general. I love No Way Home, but Endgame is just on a whole other level for me. 

Endgame is the highest rated MCU movie on IMDB alongside IW, the second best reviewed MCU movie, A+ CS etc. It´s hardly an unpopular opinion to have it as favorite MCU movie. It´s mine aswell. Infinity War is second. Endgame is just a better movie than IW imo on all aspects. The fleshing out of characters are much stronger imo in Endgame then the chaos in IW (Which I love). 

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Sequels are ok when you have ideas. I feel in the past studios were like "ok Steven what are your ideas about the sequels of indiana Jones, ok James what are your ideas about a Terminator sequel?". If James has a strong idea and story for only a new movie you make only one sequel even if the sequel makes a lot of more Money than the first. 


If the ideas were good the sequel happened, if they weren't they didn't.


Now studios are : ok Transformers made 2b dollars so  we're gonna make Transformers 2,3,4. We're gonna hire someone to write them".


Idea comes not before but after a movie already took a Green light. And expect for rare occasions It's gonna happen anyways, ideas are good or not.

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For example how many things we have read about a new pirates of the carribean.


A new movie with Johnny Depp. Then no Johnny depp. Then a revival, than a reboot, than a movie with a female cast, then Austin Butler. Than that and than another thing. 

It's basically "a new pirates of the Caribbean movie just have to happen". Doesn't seem like "someone comes to us with a good idea so we decided to make a new chapter". It's them searching for people to make a thing must happen at any cost.


Different and interesting for example what Warner said about Matrix 5.

Matrix 4 was a flop both critically and at the box office so you can think ok the saga is dead and Warner has no interest in making another movie. 

But they said : "Drew Goddard comes to us with a fantastic idea about a new movie and we can't say no".


This is actually excting and how should be everytime. 

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14 minutes ago, vale9001 said:

For example how many things we have read about a new pirates of the carribean.


A new movie with Johnny Depp. Then no Johnny depp. Then a revival, than a reboot, than a movie with a female cast, then Austin Butler. Than that and than another thing. 

It's basically "a new pirates of the Caribbean movie just have to happen". Doesn't seem like "someone comes to us with a good idea so we decided to make a new chapter". It's them searching for people to make a thing must happen at any cost.


Different and interesting for example what Warner said about Matrix 5.

Matrix 4 was a flop both critically and at the box office so you can think ok the saga is dead and Warner has no interest in making another movie. 

But they said : "Drew Goddard comes to us with a fantastic idea about a new movie and we can't say no".


This is actually excting and how should be everytime. 



I’m sorry homie, I’m legitimately sorry, but no. That’s not how any of these franchises work. LOL. A Matrix sequel is as much exciting to me at this point as the prospects of a Pirates whatever. I love Drew, thankful for his work on the Daredevil’s first season before Steven Knight took over, Cabin in the Woods was a fun horror romp but if there ever was a definition of a journey man, that’s Drew Goddard. This is studio bias talking and evil Disney not being true cinema and WB being so for reasons. The Matrix is the Wachowskis baby. Could he come up with something good? Sure, I’m open to it. But this is very much as cynic as Bruckheimer trying to set the sails for anything Pirates of the Caribbean. It’s narrative schlock and I’m always dumbfounded with how so many people buy into this. 

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27 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion. It’s unpopular here, but obviously not unpopular among actual average moviegoers. Avengers: Endgame is my favorite MCU film, my favorite superhero film, my favorite blockbuster film and my favorite movie theater experience of all time easy. I have an unabashed and shameless love for that film and I’m very confident that most people do as well. It is one of the most beloved blockbusters ever.


Not to start a whole debate about this, but I genuinely feel like when a Marvel movie like Avengers: Endgame or Spider-Man: No Way Home first comes out, it is practically unanimous that everybody loves or at least enjoys it to a certain extent. Whether you were a critic, fan, or just a general moviegoer, it didn't matter. Those films were praised by millions upon millions of people.


Then a few months later, you get the people online that most likely aren't fans who just suddenly say that the movies weren't that good and then take a screenshot of one bad CGI shot and complain about how bad it is. 


It's a cycle I've noticed during my time on Twitter and it just makes me glad that I'm not on that platform anymore. A lot of people are loving Deadpool and Wolverine right now, but I'm sure that annoying side of the internet will start posting things like "this movie is mid" or "look at this terrible green screen/CGI shot" very soon. 


Thankfully this isn't relevant of how general audience feel about these movies overtime, but it still bothers me to see a whole group of people turn on a movie for whatever reason that doesn't even feel like real criticism at times. 

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3 minutes ago, Ryan C said:


Not to start a whole debate about this, but I genuinely feel like when a Marvel movie like Avengers: Endgame or Spider-Man: No Way Home first comes out, it is practically unanimous that everybody loves or at least enjoys it to a certain extent. Whether you were a critic, fan, or just a general moviegoer, it didn't matter. Those films were praised by millions upon millions of people.


Then a few months later, you get the people online that most likely aren't fans who just suddenly say that the movies weren't that good and then take a screenshot of one bad CGI shot and complain about how bad it is. 


It's a cycle I've noticed during my time on Twitter and it just makes me glad that I'm not on that platform anymore. A lot of people are loving Deadpool and Wolverine right now, but I'm sure that annoying side of the internet will start posting things like "this movie is mid" or "look at this terrible green screen/CGI shot" very soon. 


Thankfully this isn't relevant of how general audience feel about these movies overtime, but it still bothers me to see a whole group of people turn on a movie for whatever reason that doesn't even feel like real criticism at times. 

This happens to most movies aswell not just mcu movies but yeah it’s a trend. 

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1 minute ago, Ryan C said:


Not to start a whole debate about this, but I genuinely feel like when a Marvel movie like Avengers: Endgame or Spider-Man: No Way Home first comes out, it is practically unanimous that everybody loves or at least enjoys it to a certain extent. Whether you were a critic, fan, or just a general moviegoer, it didn't matter. Those films were praised by millions upon millions of people.


Then a few months later, you get the people online that most likely aren't fans who just suddenly say that the movies weren't that good and then take a screenshot of one bad CGI shot and complain about how bad it is. 


It's a cycle I've noticed during my time on Twitter and it just makes me glad that I'm not on that platform anymore. A lot of people are loving Deadpool and Wolverine right now, but I'm sure that annoying side of the internet will start posting things like "this movie is mid" or "look at this terrible green screen/CGI shot" very soon. 


Thankfully this isn't relevant of how general audience feel about these movies overtime, but it still bothers me to see a whole group of people turn on a movie for whatever reason that doesn't even feel like real criticism at times. 

It’s actually far more easier to understand than we overthink it, because I used to think about this too. The truth is that people enjoy the shit out of a film and move on with their lives. Then we have people that hated the film from the get go for reasons or franchise wars non sense - tribalism and fandoms are a major thing on social media now - and those always try to harp on it and try to change the narrative among these films. Basically, some people live, others treat social media like it’s an RPG and they kinda suck at it. 

It only gets louder and it’s amplified by social media apps by design because heated discussion gathers more engagement aka time sinking and that’s what these apps want from us. I don’t pay no mind to it, it’s a pointless discussion. 

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1 minute ago, thajdikt said:

This happens to most movies aswell not just mcu movies but yeah it’s a trend. 


It definitely happens to other movies, but it especially happens with MCU movies. 


It'd be one thing for someone a couple of months later to say "No Way Home or Endgame don't hit as well as they did in a packed theater opening night." That I totally understand and would be a valid criticism. It's the "look at this awful CGI shot" or sudden switch of "this movie is so mid" that I don't get. 

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7 minutes ago, Ryan C said:


Not to start a whole debate about this, but I genuinely feel like when a Marvel movie like Avengers: Endgame or Spider-Man: No Way Home first comes out, it is practically unanimous that everybody loves or at least enjoys it to a certain extent. Whether you were a critic, fan, or just a general moviegoer, it didn't matter. Those films were praised by millions upon millions of people.


Then a few months later, you get the people online that most likely aren't fans who just suddenly say that the movies weren't that good and then take a screenshot of one bad CGI shot and complain about how bad it is. 


It's a cycle I've noticed during my time on Twitter and it just makes me glad that I'm not on that platform anymore. A lot of people are loving Deadpool and Wolverine right now, but I'm sure that annoying side of the internet will start posting things like "this movie is mid" or "look at this terrible green screen/CGI shot" very soon. 


Thankfully this isn't relevant of how general audience feel about these movies overtime, but it still bothers me to see a whole group of people turn on a movie for whatever reason that doesn't even feel like real criticism at times. 



Well a movie always gets more praise from people watching It when It comes. If you pay to see a movie this already means you're kinda invested in some form to It so your opinion can be more positive. The real test for a movie is when then every average person watches it.


Anyways i discovered on Twitter apparently Forrest gump is the most overrated movie of all time when clearly for the GA is one of the best so internet sometimes is just internet and doesn't reflect the world. 

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1 minute ago, vale9001 said:

It would be really great for all of them 










I have a strong feeling that Alien: Romulus will blow up. $60m plus, hell if it keeps the good RT score momentum going I’d dare to say north to $100m. Which would spill over for Deadpool & Wolverine and It Ends With Us as well.

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