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2011 Best Actor Predictions

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ClooneyPittDujardinFassbenderOldmanI think the reaction to J. Edgar was too negative for Leo to make it.

I get that Fass Fan Club wants him to kick out Leo (awardsdaily fucks are certianly in that club but they also support KK`s ridiculous jaw-acting which is the same in every movie so their credibility goes out of the window) , but the trick to voting is getting AMPAS to see a movie and like what they see. J Edgar is more their thing than Shame since they didn`t bother with Hunger by the same team. Not saying that Fass won`t or shouldn`t get in, just that his movie isn`t exactly that target audience`s thing. After all, oscars are about appealing to a target audience that has its own specific taste and it doesn`t mean that their winners and nominees are really the best of them all.Moreover, critical panning that J Edgar`s script got has nothing to do with performances which are raved. Leo came out a winner from this thing because scepticism about his casting is now silenced by rave reviews and acting noms aren`t always from Best Picture nominated movies.Finally, I haven`t noticed that bloggers and critics have rallied up for Fass the way they did for TSN and Hurt Locker since many think that Shannon blows everyone out of water but is dead as far as Oscar race goes.
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Right now, I think Pitt is in the lead. Moneyball gave him the best reviews of his career, and the movie made some money. I'd say Tree of Life definitely helps.Clooney already has one, and Durjardin is a foreign actor in a silent film. That said, if anybody can get Durjardin a win, it's the Weinsteins. I think people feel Pitt's entering his golden age. Sometimes comes a moment when the Academy decides to reward someone, not just for one film, but their whole career.

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Yes, Clooney does already have one but the Academy seem to love 'im. And The Artist seems to me like a film the Academy will go gaga over (expect it to get more noms than any other film) so it wouldn't be that far fetched for them to award him, and I don't know if Pitt's old enough to get a career prize, they usually go for pretty old guys for that, and I think his performance, as brilliant as it is, lacks that "oscar clip moment" it usually really helps if you have one of those.But there's always Michael Fassbender! :D #wishfulthinking

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I haven't seen The Artist, but I hope it fades as the front runner. Just doesn't seem like my type of film.I wouldn't mind seeing Pitt take it, he's one of my favorite actors, but I don't think Moneyball is his best film or performance. Although along with Tree of Life (which I still need to see) it's been a great year for him critically.FYI Moneyball is getting a re-release this weekend.

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Pitt and Chastain are solid in it, but the writing has them much more as symbolic cutouts than real people. But they at least have some decent material to work with as compared to Sean Penn's character.Sean Penn didn't even need to be in the movie. A random hobo could have turned in exactly the same performance for a non-existant character for a hot meal and bottle of whiskey.

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So who will be the real life winner this year? As I said every year in the thread I made for that-every year since 1998 has seen at least one acting win go to a real life person.(Intresting facts-the 1950s had no leading actor in a real life performance, same with the 70s for leading actresses)

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Yeah, I think like many performances in Malick films there was a lot more of the character in the script. I remember reading that Penn was pretty pissed at his character not being in it much.I still think Pitt was amazing and his character was kinda sorta not a "symbolic cutout" honestly that performance reminded me of my father.

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So who will be the real life winner this year? As I said every year in the thread I made for that-every year since 1998 has seen at least one acting win go to a real life person.(Intresting facts-the 1950s had no leading actor in a real life performance, same with the 70s for leading actresses)

Hopefully NONE! But I think only possibilities are Brad and Meryl.
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So who will be the real life winner this year? As I said every year in the thread I made for that-every year since 1998 has seen at least one acting win go to a real life person.(Intresting facts-the 1950s had no leading actor in a real life performance, same with the 70s for leading actresses)

Pitt played Billy Bean. So he's got the real-life momentum.Meryl Streep playing Maggie Thatcher also dominated the vote at NYFCC, so she's a real threat this year.
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