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4 day Actuals pg 62+; MIB3 69.25m TA 47.22m

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Think about what Sony has to make bank besides Spidey. There are rumors of Sony going bankrupt frmyears, they got stronger this estear when a magazine that is always on the money about this predicted that could happen soon. To avoid that, selling one of their less profitable arms could be wise.Joking, but I'm talking about how much you underplayed TA. I'm out to drink some beer with friends, mates. See you later.

Well Columbia Pictures at least makes a profit, Sony's problems stem more from the TV business which is losing billions each quarter.
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Okay, let's do it like this: if TASM gets to $400m DOM, regardless how impossible it looks right now, I want the TASM thread named after me and one night with Emma Stone. The first one is quite easy, but you have to provide the second part of the "bet". Since it's well, impossible, right? :P

I'm curious what the person gets who agrees to your wager. I would also insist on a night with Emma Stone. :)

Some people are baking that The Amazing Spider-Man will be a reboot flop just like the only single reboot that hasn't worked so far, The Incredible Hulk. They are ignoring that Spider-Man is motherfucking Spider-Man

I'm not. I'm basing my prediction on what happened to Batman with Batman Begins. And Superman with Superman Returns. I put Spidey, Supes, and Bats on the same level so Spidey being in a similar situation could yield similar BO results.

People are playing just with two scenarios for Spider-Man: a flop or a mild success, surpassing Batman Begins by a little margin as the most successful reboot and just.. there. What they seem to forget is that The Amazing Spider-Man how much things have changed since Nolan rebooted Batman. The general audience interest on superhero movies is on an all time high

That is something which changes at the drop of a hat I think. General audiences' interest waxes and wanes depending on the situation presented to them by various superhero movies. Spidey might just be my favorite comic character (that changes from day to day) but I don't sense any great buzz for TASM. No dislike either....it's a bit apathetic. 250ish in this situation will actually be really good for Spidey and nothing to be ashamed of.

Only reason I am against TASM is that I want Marvel to get his rights back so we could eventually see SM crossover with other properties. If it makes 400M than no shot in my lifetime that Marvel gets him back.

If that would get Spidey back to Marvel I might be tempted to part outside various theaters with shotgun to keep people from buying tickets to TASM. :) Edited by Harpospoke
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Someone going full retard and getting lucky only happens like once every 3-5 years...ala Kal with Avatar and BKB with Avengers. The odds of that happening again a couple months later with ijacksparrow and $400m+ for TASM are slim to none, it's not happening.

No one thought the Hunger Games would hit 400 m.There about 5 or more break outs every year.
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Thanks. What are chances Sony's movie division going under.

There was an article that Sony would sell its movie division from some business website that monitors such things. The argument being that Sony needs to concentrate on its core business and selling Columbia would get them some much needed cash. However, there is no way that Disney would buy Columbia.
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Haha what about when he would debate endlessly with Rays Subers about 386$ that was missing from switzerlands gross.

OMG. Don't get me started. I know he was a huge Stallone fan, but he was so obviously trolling Ray over every little discrepancy he could find. I never bought the idea that he was so OCD that he cared about a few dollars here and a few dollars there. Then there was the Rocky II thing....

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