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Tuesday Est. Box Office Mad3 5, Prom 2.5, TMB 1.9 Snow 1.9 RoA 1.8

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That's pretty impressive.The best I could do was "And that's a fact, Jack!"

Stripes is the movie I saw most as a kid. Strange I know. But me and my buddy used to watch every weekend. One of the funniest films out there. Ahh, see, we were going to the bingo parlour at the YMCA...hahahah...well sir, the instructions got all fouled and ahhh.Shut up.Ok sir, yes sir.You men are a disgrace. Maybe few days in the stockade will change your rotten attitudes. But we were supposed to graduate tomorrow.Even better, tomorrow you'll be in front of General Barnicky. When he sees what laughing stocks you really are, I'm going to recommend that your whole platoon do basic over again.
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