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Big Hero 6 | November 7, 2014 | Now available on home video

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“Big Hero 6″ Baymax and Hiro meet-and-greets coming to Walt Disney World and Disneyland this fall



It's usually only two at the most, and often only one, although occasionally Disneyland/Walt Disney World will make room for more if they feel it is warranted. For example, Frozone sometimes makes appearances in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Incredible, and from Toy Story there are Buzz, Woody, and Jessie.

By the way, the foregoing characters all have masks (actually entire headpieces), but I still fully expect Hiro and any of the other human characters in Big Hero 6 that may show up to be face characters, with the possible exception of Fred, of course. I would be very surprised if this were not the case, despite the increased difficulty and effort of casting. If the movie itself and any of the other characters really take off, then we might see these characters, possibly. On the other hand, if the movie really does sweep them all under the rug, and none of them manage to overcome this somehow, then it will just be Hiro and Baymax.


With ‘Feast,’ Disney Re-Brands Itself As the New Pixar


Not a fan of the title of the article but it has some info on 'Feast',  the WDAS short attached to BH6

Geez, the article is silly and its title is nonsensical. :rolleyes: That's not your fault, of course, WileECoyote--at least it has some information, so thanks for posting the link. ;)
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Disney is Disney, it don't need to re-brand itself as the "New" anything.  -_-

I know! Are we to suppose that Pixar were the "new Disney" when they became hot and trendy? No, they are Pixar, and likewise WDAS are WDAS. All of this drama just because of one short that deviates from the author's narrow view of Disney animation? Imagine if he saw some of WDAS' early animated features and shorts (because clearly he hasn't or doesn't remember them)--maybe he'd think that they were the "new Pixar" a half-century before Pixar even came into being. 

I much prefer the term Wikipedia has given for this new and improved period for WDAS: The Resurgence Era.

Some have called it the "Revival" era, which I've used on occasion, although lately I've preferred the "Enlightenment" era term since the historical Age of Enlightenment followed the Renaissance in Europe, making for a nice parallel.
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It's usually only two at the most, and often only one, although occasionally Disneyland/Walt Disney World will make room for more if they feel it is warranted. For example, Frozone sometimes makes appearances in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Incredible, and from Toy Story there are Buzz, Woody, and Jessie.By the way, the foregoing characters all have masks (actually entire headpieces), but I still fully expect Hiro and any of the other human characters in Big Hero 6 that may show up to be face characters, with the possible exception of Fred, of course. I would be very surprised if this were not the case, despite the increased difficulty and effort of casting. If the movie itself and any of the other characters really take off, then we might see these characters, possibly. On the other hand, if the movie really does sweep them all under the rug, and none of them manage to overcome this somehow, then it will just be Hiro and Baymax.

Hiro will be a face character, according to several articles Disney is looking for actors with a certain look. This is great since I imagine they interact better with families.




Baymax will be masked and should be easy to do, since the costume will be pretty much one big white balloon. I'm not expecting the other BH6 characters any time soon, since more characters mean Disney has to pay more people. Disney is a bunch of cheapskates after all.


It took Disney eight months to bring Kristoff to the Disney Parks due all the demand, and we all know how popular Frozen is.

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I know! Are we to suppose that Pixar were the "new Disney" when they became hot and trendy? No, they are Pixar, and likewise WDAS are WDAS. All of this drama just because of one short that deviates from the author's narrow view of Disney animation? Imagine if he saw some of WDAS' early animated features and shorts (because clearly he hasn't or doesn't remember them)--maybe he'd think that they were the "new Pixar" a half-century before Pixar even came into being.


Some have called it the "Revival" era, which I've used on occasion, although lately I've preferred the "Enlightenment" era term since the historical Age of Enlightenment followed the Renaissance in Europe, making for a nice parallel.


There hasn't been a single monosyllable in any of your posts that I haven't wholeheartedly agreed with so far. :wub:  :wub:


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https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=309010679271149 New TV Spot, themed for Shark Week.

That was cute--I've been getting nothing but good "vibes" from this movie so far (although we haven't seen much). The more I see of the team, the more Scooby Doo-ish they seem, and not in a bad way at all. It's nice to finally see GoGo actually standing...for what it's worth, anyway, as it seems that among Disney heroines she could challenge Rapunzel for being challenged vertically. I can't say the same for Rapunzel 2.0 and her cybernetic altitude-augmentation stilts, though...that is what those are, right? (tongue firmly planted in cheek ;))
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I still don't think Honey Lemon looks AS much like Rapunzel as people say. It's really just her face (especially in the "lightened" in-costume promo pic of her - I've seen another version of the same image where she has darker skin like in the trailers), and it's not like Disney hasn't had a female design "type" before, this isn't really much different from how Ariel and Belle looked pretty similar. No need for more discussions of narrow concepts of female beauty, the character designs look diverse enough by Disney standards.This is probably the most diverse human Disney cast - in terms of race, yes, but more specifically in terms of design "types" - since, I dunno, Atlantis? I'm not counting Treasure Planet since many of them are animalized "dognose" humanoids. (BTW, for all the film's shortcomings, the Mike Mignola designs for Atlantis were great.)

Edited by TServo2049
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I still don't think Honey Lemon looks AS much like Rapunzel as people say.

Kidding aside, I agree with you on this, although I'm forced to admit that there is more of a basis for this notion than there ever was for the comparison between Rapunzel and Anna, which I utterly reject with contempt because aside from the basic style they don't look alike to me at all--if you shaved them bald and photographed them in black & white, I'd still say the same thing, as to me they look very distinct from one another. For that matter, the latter applies to Anna and Elsa, as well--although they look a lot more alike, being sisters after all, their faces are distinct enough to easily and readily tell apart even without their hair, coloring, and other such things. 

It's really just her face (especially in the "lightened" in-costume promo pic of her - I've seen another version of the same image where she has darker skin like in the trailers),

Well, the face is the important part, but I hardly think that they are identical, as some have claimed. The promo picture with Honey Lemon in costume is indeed the most problematic because she resembles Rapunzel more in that than in all of the other images I've seen; it might be the angle or helmet or something, but her face looks fuller and more rounded here, and therefore more like Rapunzel's than elsewhere. How she appears in the actual movie while in costume may well give a different impression, so I'm withholding judgment on this, although claiming that they are identical is an exaggeration in any case. 

and it's not like Disney hasn't had a female design "type" before, this isn't really much different from how Ariel and Belle looked pretty similar.

Actually, I think that Ariel and Belle look very different, although they are both obviously of the style that Glen Keane came up with for Ariel, like many subsequent Disney heroines. I've never felt that any of them look alike, although the closest would be specifically that promo picture of Honey Lemon and Rapunzel. 

No need for more discussions of narrow concepts of female beauty, the character designs look diverse enough by Disney standards.

People are making too big of a deal out of all this anyway. Disney has diverged from this style before and probably will again, and then they'll likely come back to it again. As long as these characters look distinct--and to my eye they all do--there should be no issue. One would have to ignore a ridiculous number of details to claim, for example, that Anna looks "exactly" like Rapunzel--different eye shapes, different mouth (including lips), different nose, different teeth, different skull shape (especially in profile)--they look about as different as two pretty "white" girls can, if we accept this particular style of caricature as representing the basic similarities they would share as real humans. 

She kind of looks more like Sam from Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs than Rapunzel.

It must be their glasses and giant dorky (but cute) grins, because Honey Lemon is clearly designed in accordance with the most common modern Disney heroine/princess style (at least her face, that is, as her limbs are considerably thinner), while Sam Sparks is, to me, obviously of a different style (they both have humongous eyes, but the overall styles are rather different). Edited by Melvin Frohike
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I saw Guardians with three other adults. They all thought this looked dumb. I'm calling it a failure.

The target demographic of this movie is not adults, it's kids and teenagers.


Among all the trailers that were played when I watched GotG, including THG3, BH6 is the only one that have reactions, they all laughed, from the audience which consists mostly of adults and only 3 or 4 are kids that I saw.

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Among all the trailers that were played when I watched GotG, including THG3, BH6 is the only one that have reactions, they all laughed, from the audience which consists mostly of adults and only 3 or 4 are kids that I saw.


I gave up on posting crowd reports because comedies always get more audible reactions than dramas or serious action movies. You can hear people laugh, you can't hear them get chills.

Edited by tribefan695
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I saw Guardians with three other adults. They all thought this looked dumb. I'm calling it a failure.

This is a disney big animation film and disney is on a roll. I don't see how it could be a failure. Unless you consider like 170 million a failure. 

Edited by ban1o
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I still don't think Honey Lemon looks AS much like Rapunzel as people say. It's really just her face (especially in the "lightened" in-costume promo pic of her - I've seen another version of the same image where she has darker skin like in the trailers), and it's not like Disney hasn't had a female design "type" before, this isn't really much different from how Ariel and Belle looked pretty similar. No need for more discussions of narrow concepts of female beauty, the character designs look diverse enough by Disney standards.This is probably the most diverse human Disney cast - in terms of race, yes, but more specifically in terms of design "types" - since, I dunno, Atlantis? I'm not counting Treasure Planet since many of them are animalized "dognose" humanoids. (BTW, for all the film's shortcomings, the Mike Mignola designs for Atlantis were great.)


I LOVED the character designs for Atlantis! It really looked like you were reading a surreal Mignola graphic novel. The characters had great potential too. The only problem was there were too many of them, so individuals didn't get time for proper development.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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I gave up on posting crowd reports because comedies always get more audible reactions than dramas or serious action movies. You can hear people laugh, you can't hear them get chills.


Nah... whenever a trailer was displayed, there was momentarily pause before the next trailer will be played, right? And I noticed that some people will talk with each other with regards to the trailer that was played but so far only BH6 have majority of the audience were talking right after the trailer played. The other trailer that I noticed that the audience was interested is the movie named "Kingsman: The Secret Service" and that's it actually. So audience reactions my not be a proven factor for a success of a movie but BH6 trailer caught the attention of the people and that got them talking.

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