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X-Men should do well. IIRC, First Class did better than both Thor and Cap back in 2011. And summer is starting (I think) so there'll be some good summer weekdays bump.

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Don't get your hopes up too high on DoFP. Presales are respectable but it aren't in the huge territory. CA2 benefited from zero competition, direct or otherwise while Spider-man remains one of the most popular SH characters in Korea. 

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X-men past releases

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Gross (admissions): Title

$5.1M (N/A): X-men (2000)

$7.36M (N/A): X2: (2003)

$12.4M (1.79M): X-men: the last stand (2006)

$18M (2.53M): X-men: First Class (2011)

$6.6M (1.28M): X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

$6.9M (1.08M): The Wolverine (2013)

Nothing really stands out enough to brag about. The peak of the X-men franchise in Korea was First Class so DoFP being a direct sequel to that should be a considered a plus. If it can add to the original fanbase, 3M plus admissions is within the realms of reason. For now though I don't think it's in the Spider-man, CA2 territory. A lot depends on the actual quality of the film and the Word of mouth it generates. Surprisingly the wolverine series did close to bomb numbers in Korea despite being released after the X-men franchise was firmly established. Hugh Jackman is one of the most recognized and popular Hollywood actors in Korea so it's probably more to do with Korean people not liking the films itself rather than disliking the lead actor.

X-men: the first class was released during a similar time of year and being a direct prequel, makes the most sense for DoFP to track against it. First class week-to-week breaks admissions down like this:

wk1: 767,779

wk2: 781,930 (+02%)

wk3: 414,201 (-47%)

wk4: 374,969 (-9.4%)

wk5: 123,563 (-67%)

wk6: 57,197 (-54.7%)

total: 2,534,977

DoFP has the added complication of facing competition from the World Cup which is hugely popular here, but it should be able to do the majority of it's business before it opens.

Edited by Rsyu
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Current presales:X-Men: Days of Future Past43.6%(40,551 tickets)

Still goodDay is not over yet over there right?Cap had 25k and Spidey 50k ish in the same circle.
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Yeah it's only 4pm right now.I'll be adding 2 more tickets to the total this evening :)

Cool. I will be back in 10-12 hours hopeing for a updated number thats higher 40,553 ;)
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Top Hollywood Franchises/Films in South Korea

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Data prior to 2000 is impossible to get so some popular series/franchises such as star wars, terminator and James aren't on the list.
Marvel heads the list and the gap is only expected to increase as they already have plans for sequels in the years to come. Avengers: Age of Ultron alone will add another 10m+ admissions when it lands next year:)
Transformers is almost certain to pass the harry potter series as the 2nd most popular franchise this summer. What's particularly impressive about transformers is the average per film which is far ahead of any other franchises. 
Mission impossible is pretty high in the rankings too with decent average, a testament to the wild popularity of Tom Cruz in Korea.
Shrek is the most successful animation franchise in Korea, but that isn't saying much as it isn't all that far ahead of the 2 Kung-fu panda movies and Frozen.
Some franchises such as X-men and Twilight make the list through sheer number of releases though, as you can see from the average, each individual film did pretty poorly. 
Edited by Rsyu
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Godzilla is having a disappointing run in SK, and WOM is mixed, currently 6.8/10 rating on Naver, very low for blockbusters.


XM:FC is very well received in SK, 9.04 on Naver rating, better than Avengers and CA2. DOFP may benefit from that.

Presales are better than CA2 and close to Spidey at the same point ahead of release.

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I don't see Sunday Pre-Sales #s but: Captain America: The Winter SoldierMon: 25,577 (#1 with 36.6% share)Tues: 64,486Amazing Spiderman 2:Mon: 51,553 (44% share)Tues: 65,534 (50.1% share)

Days of future past presales:52.5% (57,256)

DOFP's number (57,256) should be compared to Cap's and TASM2's monday number..Very interesting to see the number which should be compared to tuesday numbers. Will it have a Cap jump or a TASM2?? Or something else
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