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SAT/Wkd Numbers (EST TASM $23.8m(+15%)/$65m; Savages $5.6m(-2%)/$16.2m; KP 2.5m(-8%)/7.2m

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20.7 M Friday22 M Saturday19 M Sunday61.7 Weekend136.7 Weekend

And that's sticking with the 20.7 estimate, which could lower.A 4 million difference between $60m & $64m is nothing to get worked up about. It happens.
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:rotfl: 280 with 3D and Imax. I thought Spider Man was a brand? That is below Spidey 3! They are going to need more then a better villain for any increase. But I ams ure we will get another 20 clips to analyze the movie before it comes out.

BRAVE had 3D too. So that's a fail too right? EPIC FAIL?
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It was predicted to make mid-200s, which is only a disappointment for the studio financially, but a failure for a Spider-man movie.

This movie was not made for the domestic audience. WE, the overseas auds are far more important.
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It was predicted to make mid-200s, which is only a disappointment for the studio financially, but a failure for a Spider-man movie.

Don't know if someone already said that or if i will start a "war" here but i think SPIDER-MAN 4 would have gross more.
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and now the TASM defense league shift focus from Domestic saying its not important......

Did I say it was not important? I said the overseas gross is more important. These studios won't greenlight films with these huge budgets had not they known the potential overseas gross is huge. #puttingwordsinotherpeoplesmouthsmode
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Would hate to see what the ASM-haters here would have had to say when Batman Begins opened to such middling numbers.ASM is on track for 250-280 mil, which should put it around #5 for the year (behind TA, TDKR, Hunger Games, and The Hobbit). That seems more than acceptable to me - not mind-blowing, but decent for an unprecedentedly soon reboot. BB ended up #8 back in '05, and was considered a franchise-saver. ASM will probably do considerably better, but people want to call it a disappointment. Is that because they consider Spider-Man to be that much more popular than Batman? ;)

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:ph34r:Colin has screen presence, it's undeniable.Just from Tigerland, you could sense it.Like a young Russell Crowe.People like to bash him because of his gluts of movies in 2003-2006 but he has rebounded and he's here to stay.Unless he commits something stupid in his private life or something.

No I like Colin Farrell. I think he's a good actor BUT if it wasn't for his looks he would have been out of the business a long time ago.
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