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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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They need WOM which this movie has, they need closure which this movie gets, the only reason for lower OW is people are hesitant in going THIS weekend . It doesnt mean they will not see it at a later weekend. You think people who wanted to see TDKR will just ignore the movie until Blu-Ray/DVD?

This year I already made up what movies I was going to see, John Carter(for real) TA, TDKR and TH. I only make it to 4 or 5 a year.
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There are a lot more reasons than the tragedy, but I don't expect you to ever admit that.

There really isn't. Your reasoning's have been beat to death and have no merit. The shooting is the ONLY reason this is doing what it is. Is it really that complicated?
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It will be interesting to see how BD2 does on midnight business, if it misses 30m then we will know its effect will last a long time and by then we will truly understand how much this film was effected

BD2 actually had/has a chance of missing $30M in midnights w/o the tragedy.
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I'm sure you have movies you wish had done less, which makes you a hypocrite.Having said that, breaking $400m is not doing poorly.

I wish some films had done less but still enough to be considered successful. You got that, tallywacker?
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Even if people root against a particular movie, they usually don't break out the champagne and laugh at the "idiot fanboys" when its failure is inextricably linked to a huge catastrophe.

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That's not the point. Not everyone is dying to see TDKR and for people who frankly don't care about the level of violence in a film after this incident (there are many), the fact that they will have more options going forth hurts TDKR. Look at it this way. If 100 people were going to see TDKR sometime but didn't, they may return to the theaters in...let's say 3 weeks. Now, they can choose between TDKR, TE2, and TBL. Let's not pretend that TDKR is without violence when terrorism is a central topic in the film. Out of these 100 people, 80 still go to see TDKR but 20 people decide they want to see TE2 or TBL instead. This still represents an overall drop in revenue. Applying your own film preferences to the general audience doesn't work. Some people will shockingly want to see TBL or TE2 over TDKR if given the choice.Yes, some people will be turned off from film violence as a result of this incident. This isn't universal however. many, many people won't give a shit. It's one isolated incident and as time passes, its impact continually decreases.

more much lower hyped options, nearly everyone did and I think still does want to see the movie, there are many who want to do repeats which contribute to this. So you do admit the 80% will see TDKR, those remaining 20% will see it later and there will always be those who don't want to see it but they are far a few in between. This will easily go past 400 and will probably touch 500 Million.
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Even if people root against a particular movie, they usually don't break out the champagne and laugh at the "idiot fanboys" when its failure is inextricably linked to a huge catastrophe.

He's clearly trying to stir the pot, best to put him on ignore.
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Your point.

Well from what I've heard, BD2 is much less anticipated than BD1 because the first part is where all the "interesting" stuff happens. Again, that's what I've heard. I've never read the Twilight books so I can't speak for myself.
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I think he means, if the tragedy hadn't happened, sub-30m would still have been possible for BD2 anyway.

I got that, I'm saying that BD2 doing sub-30 even without the tragedy doesn't make sense. There's no way it falls below 30, it's the last film in the series, and the fangirls will go crazy, midnights should be 35M+ without the tragedy.
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Well from what I've heard, BD2 is much less anticipated than BD1 because the first part is where all the "interesting" stuff happens. Again, that's what I've heard. I've never read the Twilight books so I can't speak for myself.

I didn't know that, but I think that the finale factor will push that midnight number up huge just like DH2 had a huge increase over DH1 (Obviously not to that scale of course).
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