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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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-The movie had great memorable moments.- The casting was great. The acting was great all around (there was no one that was as bad as Anne Hathaway in TDKR), with the actors delivering their lines just right.-The movie had witty lines and funny moments- The action sequences were great. The action was great.-The movie had a little bit of everything and everything worked perfectly. It was the definition of a great action movie.

What was wrong with Anne Hathaway? I thought she was one of the best performers along with Caine.
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Did you just say there was no one as bad as Anne Hathaway...Now, I don't believe for a second that you've seen TDKR. How can you imply Hathaway's performance sucked?

^this. Hathaway kicked ass, and was fucking awesome. Better than Pfeiffer, she was the catwoman that Pfeiffer should've been but also still uniquely her and chris's take on it.
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Did you just say there was no one as bad as Anne Hathaway...Now, I don't believe for a second that you've seen TDKR. How can you imply Hathaway's performance sucked?

Yeah Anne was great. Marion, not so much
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Agreed. These are the same fools that said The Avengers would have a hard time beating Avatars second weekend after it pulled in nearly 30 million on its second Friday.

They said that 90M or an even lesser number was the most optimistic projection going into the weekend. Then after the 30M Friday, they said it would drop on Saturday because it dropped on its first Saturday.
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Did you just say there was no one as bad as Anne Hathaway...Now, I don't believe for a second that you've seen TDKR. How can you imply Hathaway's performance sucked?

Because it did. She was horrible. You may want to blame it on the writing, but I believe it was her acting. The lines that were written to be witty were horribly delivered; she wasn't funny. Her funny lines came off as lame.As for whether you believe I saw the movie or not, you wouldn't wanna bet on it would you? Because if you put up some cash, I can give you the proof you desire.
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yeah but is still an impact and for example i told my mom about the shooting and she said that if it had been here on mexico see wouldn't let me go and see it even i thought i have talk it like crazy for the las 4 years so this could happen to people specially on the ages of 13-16 which at least here go to me movies very often and see this kind of things i mean i will impact but hopefully i will mke up later on the run hopefully

True but it would only be affecting the OW then if that is the case. TDKR will get the money from people that want to see it eventually.
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What was wrong with Anne Hathaway? I thought she was one of the best performers along with Caine.

I already answered that in a post above, but I'll expound a little bit here. The theater didn't laugh once at any of her lines that were supposed to be funny. No one in TA had a similar situation.
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^this. Hathaway kicked ass, and was fucking awesome. Better than Pfeiffer, she was the catwoman that Pfeiffer should've been but also still uniquely her and chris's take on it.

I'd take Pfeiffer any day. I am actually shocked that so many of you liked Hathaway's performance. I didn't think she did a good job at all.
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Anne Hathaway was great as Catwoman. Underutilized but she did a great job.

I thought she was perfectly utilised. as if she had been in more of it, she might've seemed a bit repetitive. The amount of screentime she has, makes her performance seem even better.
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I already answered that in a post above, but I'll expound a little bit here. The theater didn't laugh once at any of her lines that were supposed to be funny. No one in TA had a similar situation.

Can't say the same for my showing. Audience seemed to really like her. And she was the only one out of the actors from the movie that was in the top trending topics on twitter.
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So do we think the estimate might go up or no? 85 OD would be great but missing Potter's OD record would be a slight bummer.

Well, the estimate has been veering downward throughout the day...somewhere around a 80M total looks likely at this point. Having said that, no one really knows with certainty what effect the shooting is having, so it's probably best to sit back and wait for more concrete figures.
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