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Who should direct a new trilogy?

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I don't think Gunn or Taylor will be able to do Episode VII since in order for that film to make a summer 2015 date it will need to start pre-production January or February (because of how long SW films take from pre through post). However if Thor: The Dark World turns out well I would definitely support Taylor for a later outing.Brad Bird obviously is a fan favorite and I imagine he would do well with the job. Cuaron I think is a little too stylistic for a trilogy based on Lucas' treatments, but I wouldn't mind handing him a one-off film. I need to see how Kosinski handles Oblivion but he showed promise with Tron Legacy.I'd like to see an Andrew Stanton Star Wars film. I liked John Carter and found the weak spots to be more along the writing here and there and a little of the acting here and there.

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Bird will have 1952 for Spring 2013 (start date). Still time to make SW7 IMO.

If Bird gets SW7 then 1952 gets pushed aside because of the immense time committment needed. Both are Disney projects so the scheduling ultimately lies with Disney.And of course you have the recurring rumor that 1952 is SW7, far-fetched or not.
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Steven Speilberg - To commercial.Neil Blomkamp - Good choice, but tends to do his own movies.Alfonso Cuarón - Good choice (one of my picks).Matthew Vaughn - Not thrilled. Darren Arnofsky - Wouldn't suit him.Joss Whedon - Not so much.http://marketsaw.blogspot.com/2012/11/exclusive-more-secret-details-revealed.htmlFor me it would be between Blokamp and Cuarón.

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As for Bird, I sorta doubt he's so desperately in demand at Disney that they would force him off a project they assigned him to so he could do a Star Wars movie. Besides, the way this deal goes down it sounds like he'd have plenty more opportunities to get into the act beyond Episode VII. It will make a lot of money with or without his involvement, and there are many other filmmakers who are up to the task.

Edited by tribefan695
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Would have been one my picks, but like to do his own movies.

Lets not forget that Cameron wrote his own movie that he transformed into Aliens when he was called to direct the sequel. I`m sure that Blokamp has few SW-ish ideas that could be easily transformed into SW7. It`s like Fifty Shades of Grey with the twist. You love a movie, write an imaginary sequel but change names for copywright purposes. Then your fave movie calls you to direct and you change names back to those of the franchise. Edited by fishnets
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