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Weekend Estimates TDKR 62.84 IA4 13.3 TW 13 SU4 11.8

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I think the script it's the film's strongest asset. For me to not even bother that Vanessa Hudgens plays a part and actually *gasp* enjoy her here it's an impressive feat. I think people with time will discover this film. And I'm dead serious about this. I do have an awkward movie taste and it isn't a perfect film by any means. But it's quite good. Very powerful message as well.

Yes, it is a good asset for me too, but IMO if Snyder is given more time, the outcome will be much better =)Anyway, I love his production on the baby owls lol...
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Yes, it is a good asset for me too, but IMO if Snyder is given more time, the outcome will be much better =)

Anyway, I love his production on the baby owls lol...

I'm confident with MoS as well, but I think Sucker Punch is a criminally underrated film, and at the same time, Inception and more recently TDKR, seriously overrated. But let's keep the focus on Sucker Punch right now: do you know what other film was DESTROYED by the critics and general audience back in 2000? Arguably one of my favorite films ever. Really interesting article here:

The tax for being first is often scorn, criticism and hostility: Pioneers shouldn’t expect a mainstream praise… yet.

When David Fincher’s big screen adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club first hit theaters, it was destroyed by critics. They tore it to shreds. If you go to RottenTomatoes.com and look at ratings and comments now, you will see a very positive 81% on the tomatometer and a 95% overall approval rate by viewers. Back in 2000, when the movie opened across the US, the picture wasn’t so bright. At the time, Fight Club had one of the lowest tomatometer scores I had seen on the movie review site. People called it mindless and needlessly violent. Most of the reviews looked like this:

“An unhinged mess of a movie, with potentially dangerous ideas handled in a winking, cynical manner.” – Nitrate Online

“David Fincher’s dumb and brutal shock show of a movie floats the winky, idiotic premise that a modern-day onslaught of girly pop-cultural destinations (including but not limited to IKEA, support groups, and the whole Starbucks-Gap-khakis brand-name axis) has resulted in a generation of spongy young men unable to express themselves as fully erect males.” – Entertainment Weekly

“Bloody mess of a guy film loses its battle to have any real meaning.” – Detroit News

“When you see good actors in a project like this, you wonder if they signed up as an alternative to canyoneering.” – Roger Ebert / At the Movies

You get the idea. It got killed. Was it because Fight Club was a bad movie? Was it because the book it was based on was bad? Neither. And more than a decade later, now that fans have had time to find the film and make it their own, its early mainstream rejection seems ridiculous and outdated. It just wasn’t mainstream enough when it was first released, nor was it intended to be.

The film, like the book, were never meant to appeal to the millions of fans of Friends and Seinfeld looking for a light family-friendly comedy to take their kids to on a Friday night. It aimed for the exact opposite: Fight Club‘s target audience was deep, not broad, just like films like A Single Man, Black Swan, Memento, Pulp Fiction, Watchmen and Edward Scissorhands. Sometimes, movie makers turn to projects they know will appeal only to fans of a genre or style, a narrow bandwidth of potential core fans, at the expense of huge bankrolls and mass appeal. If they didn’t, all we would end up with is derivative “content” packaged as yet another sequel to an offshoot of a popular series remake. When does a copy of a copy of a copy finally lose its appeal? (I am not just talking about movies.) How many Rocky, Rambo, Shrek, Spiderman or Kung-Fu Panda sequels do we really need to put ourselves through before brain cells actually start shriveling up like raisins?

Source: http://thebrandbuilder.wordpress.com/2011/04/12/mainstream-vs-cult-the-case-for-success-incubators/

It's possible to argue that the same cult following that made Fight Club become one of the greatest pieces of filmmaking of all time can happen with other films. Is Sucker Punch at the same level than Fight Club? Of course not. But I think that film's real critics are the test of the time and how many fans the film is capable of getting as the time goes by. I think both Watchmen and Sucker Punch will end up getting quite a respectable cult following with time.

Remember, Batman Begins also wasn't as loved by everyone as it is right now. A lot of people hated. Most of my friends found it boring and liked Burton's Barman better. With time, some of them changed their minds or just grow out caring about films. I have faith that same will happen with TASM as well. Strong following with the reboot, pleasing old and new fans, with a truly well made sequel, it could go fucking gangbusters like nothing we've seen from a Spider-Man film so far. All it takes is Sony to believe in what Marc Webb and the cast are doing, that's why I'm so adamant defending this film. I believe in the greater story they are telling here and look forward where it's heading next. I hope me and Sony are in the same page here. And fuck Fox Searchlight, they can wait.

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This is the first day that TDKR did better than I expected since it came out. A 65m weekend would be a 50% drop without midnights. Not bad. Can't believe people were doubting 400m earlier in this thread. Sure its numbers have been underwhelming but 400m was happening regardless. 450m is the target now.

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Woah, now we might be looking at 65m? Maybe the Olympics had a bigger effect than we gave them credit for...

Nikki sucks at projections..... after 25M Saturday, it will get probably 19-20M Sunday for 62-63M weekend.
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65m? That's 10m less than TDK. This is falling like a rock. It will be lucky to pass 400m , let alone THG.

And yes, the sarcasm will be even thicker when(not if) it passes---sorry, blows by THG.


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While I haven't been convinced yet that Friday with actually will wind up at 18m , asuming it does at present I'll go with sat being bet 24.8-26 see later if I think it will differ, SUP4 looking to be under Fri and Watch get slight bump

TDKR sat id go with 25m most other not much diff to what Nikki was givenIA4 5.3,Watch 4.7,SUP4 4m, Ted 3.1,TASM 2.9,Brave 1.7,MM 1
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How is that good for TDKR? TDK made 75M in its second weekend. 10M more... -_-

It's good because of the hit the box office had last weekend.Numbers haven't been confirmed and idk if RTH has posted.
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Numbers haven't been confirmed and idk if RTH has posted.

TDKR sat id go with 25m most other not much diff to what Nikki was givenIA4 5.3,Watch 4.7,SUP4 4m, Ted 3.1,TASM 2.9,Brave 1.7,MM 1

Edited by lab276
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