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Weekend Estimates TDKR 62.84 IA4 13.3 TW 13 SU4 11.8

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The thing that made me mad was their little PR stunt on Oprah. Then she goes on Letterman and other shows supposedly promoting Batman Begins and all they talk about is her new boyfriend. That story completely overshadowed the film, just like Ledger's death overshadowed TDK, and the shootings overshadowed TDKR. Whole fucking trilogy was cursed in terms of having huge media coverage of other stuff than the films themselves at the time of their release. :(

This was probably the biggest tragedy from BBhttp-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM3_e6o6p3IFor real, WB? Nickleback?! Edited by MrPink
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The thing that made me mad was their little PR stunt on Oprah. Then she goes on Letterman and other shows supposedly promoting Batman Begins and all they talk about is her new boyfriend. That story completely overshadowed the film, just like Ledger's death overshadowed TDK, and the shootings overshadowed TDKR. Whole fucking trilogy was cursed in terms of having huge media coverage of other stuff than the films themselves at the time of their release. :(

Yeah I remember that. It makes me cringe every fucking time. She is Batman Begins Achilles heel, and it shows. The PR stunt wouldn't bother me so much as it does if at least her ACTING wasn't affected by the a-hole. I can't see a film of him the same way since that thing. I still haven't watched MI4 and I don't know if I ever watch it. Hell I believe the last film I've seen with him was Tropic Thunder, and that's it.
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I'd still take Holmes in Begins a million times over Gyllenhaal in TDK. God that woman has to be the most perplexing case in Hollywood today. Seriously she's more wrinkled than a Pug and has about 3 expressions in all her movies. How in the blue hell does she keep getting work?!? I still laugh/get nauseous everytime Ledger says "Hello beautiful...and you are beautiful" to her in TDK.

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Just shows how cynical the studio really was. They forced a casting of one of their female TV stars in an attempt to get her teenage fans to watch the movie. Then they crammed in a kissing/rejection scene in at the end as a ripoff of SM1. Then they even ripped off SM1 by sticking Nickelback into the marketing! Sooooo cynical.

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I'd still take Holmes in Begins a million times over Gyllenhaal in TDK. God that woman has to be the most perplexing case in Hollywood today. Seriously she's more wrinkled than a Pug and has about 3 expressions in all her movies. How in the blue hell does she keep getting work?!? I still laugh/get nauseous everytime Ledger says "Hello beautiful...and you are beautiful" to her in TDK.

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True story here. One of the times I saw TDK, crowd was packed. During that scene, as soon as Ledger said it...someone yells, "That's a lie!" Quite a few people laughed, including me. :D
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This was probably the biggest tragedy from BB


For real, WB? Nickleback?!

And that's just makes me even more fucking pissed with TDKR. If this can give me shivers even with fucking Nickelback playing at the background and with Katie fucking Holmes, WHY I CAN'T FEEL THE SAME ABOUT TDKR? :(

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True story here. One of the times I saw TDK, crowd was packed. During that scene, as soon as Ledger said it...someone yells, "That's a lie!" Quite a few people laughed, including me. :D

Fucked Up.
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And that's just makes me even more fucking pissed with TDKR. If this can give me shivers even with fucking Nickelback playing at the background and with Katie fucking Holmes, WHY I CAN'T FEEL THE SAME ABOUT TDKR? :(

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Justice is balance. Love TASM to death? Then TDKR must disappoint you to no end.

Consider it even.

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True story here. One of the times I saw TDK, crowd was packed. During that scene, as soon as Ledger said it...someone yells, "That's a lie!" Quite a few people laughed, including me. :D

Similar thing happened at one of the TDK showings I went to. I chuckled because it was true.
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True story here. One of the times I saw TDK, crowd was packed. During that scene, as soon as Ledger said it...someone yells, "That's a lie!" Quite a few people laughed, including me. :D

LMAO! That never quite happened with me but I remember hearing several "yeah right" type chuckles from the people around me whenever that part came up.
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Nothing tops the end of SM2 though. I was sitting there with a sold out crowd on opening night. As soon as MJ said, "I'm standing in your doorway," some dude yells "fuck her brains out!" Crowd went bonkers. :lol:

She's not even that Ugly. I'm sure there are guys who find her attractive.
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She's not even that Ugly. I'm sure there are guys who find her attractive.

But she is. And I'm not talking by movie star standards either, just by average every day standards. I wouldn't even care that much though if she could act. Sadly she cannot however. At all. I honestly prefer Holmes "acting" in Begins to Gyllenhaal's in TDK's. Gyllenhaal sticks out as an even bigger weaker link in TDK than Holmes did in Begins, imo. And every movie I've seen Gyllenhaal in her acting is awful. Like I said, about 2 or 3 expressions she uses for all her roles. And if they are gonna cast her in a part where she's supposed to be beautiful like Dawes character is than her looks do matter a little. Edited by MovieMan89
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But she is. And I'm not talking by movie star standards either, just by average every day standards. I wouldn't even care that much though if she could act. Sadly she cannot however. At all. I honestly prefer Holmes "acting" in Begins to Gyllenhaal's in TDK's. Gyllenhaal sticks out as an even bigger weaker link in TDK than Holmes did in Begins, imo. And every movie I've seen Gyllenhaal in her acting is awful. Like I said, about 2 or 3 expressions she uses for all her roles.

I agree with Katie Holmes was a better rachel. I actually like katie in the first film. I had no problem with Maggie acting( i hardly see her films so i dont judge. I just dont like it type cast so i didnt care for her tdk. glad she died too.
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Nothing tops the end of SM2 though. I was sitting there with a sold out crowd on opening night. As soon as MJ said, "I'm standing in your doorway," some dude yells "fuck her brains out!" Crowd went bonkers. :lol:

I fucking HATED Kirsten Dunst's MJ. Every single fucking scene. The pov kissing scene made me cringe. But that scene where she is running to Peter's apartment and just gets there after quitting a marriage... fuck yeah. Fuck her brains out was definitely something I had in mind and wish I could do it at time. The single moment in time that I loved Raimi's MJ to death. Then "Go get 'em tiger" happened and...

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Droopy Maggie and Snaggletooth Kirsten. Thank goodness we're done with these ladies in the genre.

Aside from the teeth I don't think Dunst is that bad looks-wise. Now she's a perfect example of someone who isn't great looking by "movie star" standards but she's pretty good by average standards, imo. As much as I hate on TASM though, I will say one thing it definitley got right above all the other SH movies....

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Aside from the teeth I don't think Dunst is that bad looks-wise. Now she's a perfect example of someone who isn't great looking by "movie star" standards but she's pretty good by average standards, imo. As much as I hate on TASM though, I will say one thing it definitley got right above all the other SH movies....

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Now think that Andrew Garfield can pick if he is going to fuck MJ or Gwen Stacy every fucking night. Breathe. Curse the skies. And hate The Amazing Spider-Man a little bit more. :P
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This is the chart to compare this weekend with last weekend.

MOVIE MIDNIGHTS Friday Saturday Sunday Totals IM
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES 1195 2080 2184 2115 7574 2.31
+/-     -0.33 -0.03    
    Friday Saturday Total    
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES   863 1245 2108    
+/-     0.44    
This is the chart that compares it's weekly drops with THG and DH2:
MOVIE WEEKEND Friday Saturday Sunday Total
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES 7/20-7/22 3275 2184 2115 7574
  7/27-7/29 863 1245    
  +/- -0.736 -0.430    
THE HUNGER GAMES 3/23-3/25 3185 2928 2231 8344
  3/30-4/01 1079 1622 1083 3784
  +/- -0.661 -0.446 -0.515 -0.547
DEATHLY HALLOWS 2 7/15-7/17 3784 1799 1719 7302
  7/22-7/24 652 782 662 2096
  +/- -0.828 -0.565 -0.615 -0.713
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