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Boxoffice.com's Top 100 Films -- 2013 THREAD TO START SOON! POSSIBLE RULE CHANGES ON PG. 50

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Here is the full list. It will go in the OP too.

1. Pulp Fiction (Tarantino, 1994)2. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Jackson, 2001)3. The Empire Strikes Back (Kershner, 1980)4. The Godfather (Coppola, 1972)5. Titanic (Cameron, 1997)6. Star Wars (Lucas, 1977)7. The Dark Knight (Nolan, 2008)8. The Godfather: Part II (Coppola, 1974)9. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Jackson, 2003)10. The Matrix (Wachowski & Wachowski, 1999)11. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Jackson, 2002)12. The Lion King (Allers & Minkoff, 1994)13. Raiders of the Lost Ark (Spielberg, 1981)14. Inception (Nolan, 2010)15. Forrest Gump (Zemeckis, 1994)16. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Cameron, 1991)17. The Social Network (Fincher, 2010)18. Fight Club (Fincher, 1999)19. Back to the Future (Zemeckis, 1985)20. Goodfellas (Scorsese, 1990)21. Schindler’s List (Spielberg, 1993)22. 2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick, 1968)23. The Dark Knight Rises (Nolan, 2012)24. The Shawshank Redemption (Darabont, 1994)25. Memento (Nolan, 2000)26. Taxi Driver (Scorsese, 1976)27. There Will Be Blood (Anderson, 2007)28. The Terminator (Cameron, 1984)29. Saving Private Ryan (Spielberg, 1998)30. Apocalypse Now (Coppola, 1979)31. The Avengers (Whedon, 2012)32. Return of the Jedi (Marquand, 1983)33. Casablanca (Curtiz, 1942)34. Toy Story (Lasseter, 1995)35. 12 Angry Men (Lumet, 1957)36. Jaws (Spielberg, 1975)37. Se7en (Fincher, 1995)38. Jurassic Park (Spielberg, 1993)39. The Wizard of Oz (Fleming, 1939)40. American Beauty (Mendes, 1999)41. The Big Lebowski (Coen & Coen, 1998)42. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (Spielberg, 1982)43. Avatar (Cameron, 2009)44. Batman Begins (Nolan, 2005)45. A Clockwork Orange (Kubrick, 1971)46. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Gondry, 2004)47. WALL-E (Stanton, 2008)48. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Forman, 1975)49. The Truman Show (Weir, 1999)50. Alien (Scott, 1979)51. Ratatouille (Bird, 2007)52. Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960)53. Citizen Kane (Welles, 1940)54. Aliens (Cameron, 1986)55. Fargo (Coen & Coen, 1996)56. Aladdin (Clements & Musker, 1992)57. Finding Nemo (Stanton & Unkrich, 2003)58. Inglourious Basterds (Tarantino, 2009)59. Gladiator (Scott, 2000)60. Kill Bill Vol. 1 (Tarantino, 2003)61. Die Hard (McTiernan, 1988)62. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Lucas, 2005)63. Pan’s Labyrinth [El laberinto del fauno] (del Toro, 2006)64. Spirited Away [sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi] (Miyazaki, 2003)65. Iron Man (Favreau, 2008)66. Lawrence of Arabia (Lean, 1962)67. Toy Story 3 (Unkrich, 2010)68. Star Trek (Abrams, 2009)69. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly [il buono, il brutto, il cattivo] (Leone, 1966)70. The Shining (Kubrick, 1980)71. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Gilliam & Jones, 1975)72. Rear Window (Hitchcock, 1954)73. Toy Story 2 (Lasseter, Brannon & Unkrich, 1999)74. Batman (Burton, 1989)75. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Kubrick, 1964)76. How to Train Your Dragon (DeBlois & Sanders, 2010)77. Beauty and the Beast (Trousdale & Wise, 1991)78. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Spielberg, 1989)79. Vertigo (Hitchcock, 1958)80. The Silence of the Lambs (Demme, 1991)81. City of God [Cidade de Deus] (Meirelles, 2002)82. It’s A Wonderful Life (Capra, 1946)83. Unforgiven (Eastwood, 1992)84. My Neighbor Totoro [Tonari no Totoro] (Miyazaki, 1988)85. L.A. Confidential (Hanson, 1997)86. Network (Lumet, 1976)87. Ghostbusters (Reitman, 1984)88. Rocky (Avildsen, 1976)89. The Incredibles (Bird, 2004)90. Full Metal Jacket (Kubrick, 1987)91. The Usual Suspects (Singer, 1995)92. The Hunger Games (Ross, 2012)93. Black Swan (Aronofsky, 2010)94. Slumdog Millionaire (Boyle, 2008)95. Halloween (Carpenter, 1978)96. Requiem for a Dream (Aronofsky, 2000)97. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (Verbinski, 2003)98. 8 ½ (Fellini, 1963)99. The Bourne Ultimatum (Greengrass, 2008)100. Trainspotting (Boyle, 1996)

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Here are all other films which received over 200 points:

101. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) - 267 points102. Planet of the Apes (1968) - 261103. Reservoir Dogs (1992) - 260104. Groundhog Day (1993) - 256105. The Apartment (1960) - 254106. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) - 251 (shoulda voted, Noctis)107. JFK (1990) - 250108. Up (2009) - 250109. The Blues Brothers (1980) - 248110. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) - 247111. The Sixth Sense (1999) - 246112. Chinatown (1974) - 242113. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) - 242114. Gone with the Wind (1939) - 240115. American History X (1998) - 237116. All About Eve (1950) - 234117. The Deer Hunter (1978) - 233118. Raging Bull (1980) - 232119. The Ten Commandments (1956) - 231120. Pinocchio (1940) - 231121. Cinema Paradiso (1988) - 230122. Little Miss Sunshine (2006) - 230123. Predator (1987) - 228124. Braveheart (1995) - 219125. Moulin Rouge! (2001) - 216126. Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004) - 215127. Zodiac (2007) - 214128. North by Northwest (1959) - 214129. Paths of Glory (1957) - 212130. Brokeback Mountain (2005) - 211131. Children of Men (2006) - 211132. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1978) - 210133. The Untouchables (1987) - 209134. Robocop (1987) - 209135. The Green Mile (1999) - 208136. Spider-Man (2002) - 208137. The Thing (1982) - 203138. Glory (1989) - 203139. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) - 203140. Amadeus (1984) - 203141. Singin' in the Rain (1952) - 202142. Black Hawk Down (2001) - 200

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Some of the more mainstream classics that didn't hit 200 points:Seven SamuraiRashomonSunset Blvd.Some Like It HotTo Kill a MockingbirdThe SearchersOnce Upon a Time in the WestBridge on the River KwaiBen HurSpartacusThe Sound of MusicSnow WhiteFantasia

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44. Batman Begins

Christopher Nolan, 2005

"Master Wayne, you've been gone a long time. "

Nominated for 1 Oscar

490 points

Synopsis: Bruce Wayne loses his philanthropic parents to a senseless crime, and years later becomes the Batman to save the crime-ridden Gotham City on the verge of destruction by an ancient order.

Trivia: The average length of a shot is 1.9 seconds


43. Avatar

James Cameron, 2009

"Trust me now."

Nominated for 9 Oscars, won 3

503 points

Synopsis: A paraplegic Marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.

Trivia: First movie to ever cross the US$ 2,000,000,000 mark worldwide


42. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial

Steven Spielberg, 1982

"E.T. phone home"

Nominated for 9 Oscars, won 4

504 points

Synopsis: A meek and alienated little boy finds a stranded extraterrestrial. He has to find the courage to defy the authorities to help the alien return to its home planet.

Trivia: When it was test-screened at the Cannes Film Festival as an unofficial entry, it brought the house down, receiving a standing ovation that had eluded most of the official entries.

A good threesome, but ET is my number two film of all time, so naturally I wish it was higher. But knowing how diverse this site is in age, I'm just glad it made the list.
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41. The Big Lebowski

Joel and Ethan Coen, 1998

"I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. "

No Oscar nominations

517 points

Synopsis: "Dude" Lebowski, mistaken for a millionaire Lebowski, seeks restitution for his ruined rug and enlists his bowling buddies to help get it.

Trivia: Recipe for making a White Russian: 2 parts vodka, 1 part coffee liqueur (such as Kahlúa) and 1 part cream. Served with ice in a low ball glass.


40. American Beauty

Sam Mendes, 1999

"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life."

Nominated for 8 Oscars, won 5

524 points

Synopsis: Lester Burnham, a depressed suburban father in a mid-life crisis, decides to turn his hectic life around after developing an infatuation for his daughter's attractive friend.

Trivia: The helicopter shot at the beginning of the movie was originally for a flying sequence where Lester floats over the houses and then down onto his bed.


39. The Wizard of Oz

Victor Fleming, 1939

"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."

Nominated for 6 Oscars, won 2

527 points

Synopsis: Dorothy Gale is swept away to a magical land in a tornado and embarks on a quest to see the Wizard who can help her return home.

Trivia: The only location footage in the entire film are the clouds over the opening titles.

A fantastic threesome. American Beauty is top five for me but I am thrilled to see that the members here like it enough to put it on the list!
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38. Jurassic Park

Steven Spielberg, 1993

"Welcome to Jurassic Park!"

Won 3 Oscars

528 points

Synopsis: During a preview tour, a theme park suffers a major power breakdown that allows its cloned dinosaur exhibits to run amok.

Trivia: There are only 15 minutes of actual dinosaur footage in the film


37. Se7en

David Fincher, 1995

"Become vengeance, David. Become wrath."

Nominated for 1 Oscar

537 points

Synopsis: Two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi.

Trivia: All of John Doe's books were real books, written for the film.


36. Jaws

Steven Spielberg, 1975

"We're gonna need a bigger boat."

Nominated for 4 Oscars, won 3

549 points

Synopsis: When a gigantic great white shark begins to menace the small island community of Amity, a police chief, a marine scientist and grizzled fisherman set out to stop it

Trivia: Following the release of the film, interest in shark fishing soared.

Very very disappointed that JAWS is so low.
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Please, I bet you also magically predicted *Massive Spoiler Alerts Below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Bruce Willis was a ghost, Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker, Soylent Green was people, and To Serve Man was a cookbook.

I'm out of likes, but I LOVE this post.
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23. The Dark Knight Rises

Christopher Nolan, 2012


734 points

Synopsis: Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.

Trivia: The most recent film on the list, despite a late rally by Oogieloves and the Big Balloon Adventure.

#22 (tooooo lowwww)

22. 2001: A Space Odyssey

Stanley Kubrick, 1968

"Open the pod bay doors, Hal."

Nominated for 4 Oscars, won 1

737 points

Synopsis: Humanity finds a mysterious, obviously artificial, object buried beneath the Lunar surface and, with the intelligent computer H.A.L. 9000, sets off on a quest.

Trivia: HAL 9000 never once says, "Good Morning, Dave," despite this line being one of his most recognized quotations.

TDKR makes the list? Oh man, I feel like I'm going to be sick. Seriously, how can an average movie like it make the list? There are so many other fine films. I'm really disappointed in this one.
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TDKR makes the list? Oh man, I feel like I'm going to be sick. Seriously, how can an average movie like it make the list? There are so many other fine films. I'm really disappointed in this one.

Wait till you see Half Blood Prince at #1. :P
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