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The only problem I had with this movie was that it didn't fully explain why some of the animals became messed up when they were reincarnated, when Sparky was his old normal self.Granted, Colossus didn't really act any different from how it was, and Toshiaki's turtle had the Miracle Gro, which must have messed things up, and Mr. Whiskers was shocked with the bat. However, they don't really explain what happened with the dead rat, the sea monkeys, and the invisible fish (or that it disappeared.)That doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed the hell out of it.

Also, Weird Girl was amazing.

Edited by Wreck It Spaghetti
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The screenplay obviously needed work (the second act is basically characters waiting around for the final monster mash, which itself feels different in tone from the rest of the movie) but I still thought it was expertly animated and scored, and easily Burton's most heartfelt movie in a while. He's a 'one for them, one for me' director at this point, which I can live with. I now totally understand why it bombed too. Its target audience is more film and horror geeks than anyone else. Still, I'm glad a movie like this was made.

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I had issues too, mainly that the ending was a bit of a cop-out and the parents' non-reaction to a resurrected dog. But every frame of the movie, or of every stop-motion movie really, just oozes with love and passion.I loved when Sparky started lying down by his grave. :(

Edited by Frankendddeeenie
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I had issues too, mainly that the ending was a bit of a cop-out and the parents' non-reaction to a resurrected dog. But every frame of the movie, or of every stop-motion movie really, just oozes with love and passion.I loved when Sparky started lying down by his grave. :(

Great scene. I kinda wanted sparky to remain dead in the end.
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The screenplay obviously needed work (the second act is basically characters waiting around for the final monster mash, which itself feels different in tone from the rest of the movie) but I still thought it was expertly animated and scored, and easily Burton's most heartfelt movie in a while. He's a 'one for them, one for me' director at this point, which I can live with. I now totally understand why it bombed too. Its target audience is more film and horror geeks than anyone else. Still, I'm glad a movie like this was made.

Yeah, I pretty much agree with this.
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Frankenweenie is no doubt a good movie that is tense, very beautiful to look at, great voice casting, and had me at the edge of my seat during some of the scenes. The movie does have a few problems including the middle portion of the movie could of easily been shorten, it was basically the characters just waiting for the 3rd act and for me personally the last 2 minutes of this film made me drop it down a grade. I think bringing Sparky back to life a second time was just the wrong message to send to the kids

Grade: B-

Edited by MGK17
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I'm surprised Burton and August decided to bring Sparky back at the end. Burton normally loves his bittersweet endings, as seen with Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Corpse Bride, Ed Wood and Batman Returns which are his other more personal films.

Edited by Frankendddeeenie
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I have been talking a lot of shit about Tim Burton, and how I think he's been pretty much fucking up for the last eight or so years. Dark Shadows was dire, AiW was unimaginative and boring and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory was just annoying.

Tbf Sweeney Todd was actually an alright movie, but still, he hasn't exactly been on a roll lately.

Then comes Frankenweenie.

My god what a delight this movie is. ddddeee, you were right, Frankenweenie rocks. The animation, while not as expressive as Nightmare Before Christmas or Corpse Bride, is still great to look at, and there's a lot of beautiful b&w- imagery going on.

The set designs and the overall look of this film made me kinda giddy. This is Burton being very burtonesque, but for once in a good way. Unlike Paranorman, FrankenWeenie is a ton of fun, with the second craziest monster mash climax of the year. Thats an other thing I really liked, how the movie goes "Fuck it, lets be a monster movie". Good stuff.

Frankenweenie also benefits from having a better main character than ParaNorman. Sure, he's not very fleshed out, but he doesn't really need to be. He's likable enough, and I'm sure kids could identify with him. I also loved the little hunchback kid.

Sparky the dog is the movie's finest creation, though. While he is dumb, even for a dog, they still made him so lovable and huggable (even though he looked like he was made with leather), that I'd rank Sparky as one of the best canine characters in movies, up there with Uggie from The Artist, Baxter from Anchorman and, of course, Pluto. I think the kinda cop out with the ending, going for the simpler option, but its nice that the dog lived.

Frankenweenie is as much about a boy and his dog as it is about the love for old horror movies, or movies in general. The film starts with a homemade monster movie, and they even show a clip from a Christopher Lee Dracula movie. The atmosphere and cinematography reminds you of the scifi movies from the 50's, and of course the movie takes place in an unassuming neighborhood reminicisent of the one in Edward Scissorhands.

I have not seen Wreck it Ralph yet, but I can say at this point that Frankenweenie is a very good time at the movies. You kinda dont want it to end. The world they create is so lovely and interesting that I could have watched a two hour movie taking place there.

Maybe Burton should make just animated movies.


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Frankenweenie was really good. Atmospheric, beautiful to look at and it had all the Burton themes mixed in it. I just wish it was longer so the characters could be more fleshed out. Still i think it's the best animated film of the year (along with Paranorman).

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