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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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Hey FM pro buddy are you in China :-)???  Why do you feel Prime will blow Godzilla away my friend and glad your stating thats its great number for Godzilla.. Still you cant say it didnt live up to its potential when one of the biggest  China monsters is about to debut :P.. Godzilla would have made 120-150+ if not for transformers and xmen..Those are massive behemoths good buddy. :) A lesser film would die a quick death. I hope your wrong though and Godzilla creeps to 90m or more :D

Nahh. Im not in China. But i have been following chinese BO long enough to know that Godzilla wont gross much more than 80 mill and 76-77 mill is more likely..TF4 will take almost all screens away along with the local movie so thats why Godzilla will drop like a rock tomorrow
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Its surprising Tom Cruise has never fully embraced the Chinese market. The international market has saved him in recent years and it would make perfect sense for him to be the one setting movies in China and having premieres there. An all out publicity offensive for Edge would have made its chinese box office even higher even though its obviously done well. I do remember MI3s finale was filmed in China but I think theres a real opportunity for someone like Cruise who still has a real star aura internationally to capitalise on the big asian markets.Something like a same date release for MI5 in South Korea, Japan and China with premieres in all 3 countries amd maybe some tv appearances could work wonders for box office.

He did visit China, for Oblivion last year and it didn't crack 100 Mil...maybe he should stay away?  Don't forget he shot M:I3 and came to China for that too.

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These numbers say DOFP did 1.13m on Sunday. Add that to the 718.6m Entgroup had it at through Saturday and you get 719.73m. Entgroup might end up reporting a different Sunday figure, but according to this, Entgroup had CA2's total at 718.9m, so DOFP only needs 300-400k on Sunday to pass it. (People who were pulling for CA2 can take solace in the fact that CA2 apparently had 28 screening days instead of 30; I assume it lost all of its last remaining screens to the May Day releases.)
Edit: Looks like the "Saturday" figures from Entgroup were actually for Sunday...not sure where the error was (probably on my end). So it appears DOFP finished 300k below CA2 by Entgroup's numbers, but there might be another set out there.



Asked a mate who has access to EN Database...it would appear CA retained its #2 imported film crown (let's face it, it will be supplanted by Transformers on top in a few days) against DOFP by a margin of 600-700,000 RMB, photo finish but Steve Rogers managed to eke out a win.  Credit still to DOFP, no IMAX after all.  Final counts should be 719.78 M for Cap 2, and just above 719 for DOFP.

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I dunno, entgroup's numbers always seem different from the ones reported here/some other Chinese sites. The daily gross is always lower than the actuals posted here. Since those other sites say 720m, it must be somewhere between 719.5-720.4 I guess.






Maleficent 23.34m (160m)

Godzilla 12.02m (439m)

EoT 5.02m (388m)

DoFP 0.47m (721m)

Edited by Skybreaker
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Final gross for DOFP should be at or slightly over 721m when all theaters and tickets have reported.


For total box office, Entgroup only shows the reported numbers, without factoring in the leftover theaters/screening. In most cases, they dont care to revise their final numbers, which trends to be one/two or few millions lower than actuals.


For daily box office, Entgroup database draws numbers from the Box Office System of China Film Speical Funds on an hourly base. But Entgroup's first wave daily report usually appears at 13pm or 14pm when as many as several hundred theaters still have not reported numbers on the System. So the later their reports are, the closer to actuals they are.


Over 4000 theaters now actively play movies, but by end of the day (FI, 6.24, 23pm), there could be only 3700~3900 theaters that have reported box office for the previous day (FI, 6.23, not 6.24). By 13pm when Entroup first updates, maybe just 3300 have reported. 


For daily box office that re-posted here, it is usually revised estimates, factoring in leftover theaters, based on already reported actuals.


Similar way, for movie X, why you see the total gross is usually a bit higher than the daily takes combined. There are always some theaters that unregularly delay their reports due to all kinds of reasons: staff late/busy, staff not working, ticket system down, ect. Sometimes those theaters could delay as long as over one week. That's aslo why DOFP final number could (and will) still go up a tiny bit despite it already closed on Monday.

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Is a 200M OD (including midnights) theoretically possible?

Theoretically .... yes. But I doubt it could actually happen. Even Optimus Prime has his limitation ....


IMO, it needs around 230m OD (OW should be 3x OD) to have a shot at $300m 1.86B. It's not getting 3x Total/OW multiplier given the date and huge opening. 200m OD should mean $250m~260m 1.6B total, 170M OD 1.4B~1.5B, 150m likely will miss Avatar record 1.38B.

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I thought TF4 has no competition. Why cant it do > 3x legs. how about something like 70-75M OW/250M finish kind of run.

TF4 does have no major competition for 20 days. 


It's just my opinion. It opens huge, so I think the legs would not match CA2 or DOFP which opened much lower and had holidays during their later release. 


Plus, by this Weekend, at least one third students in the national should be out of shcool, comparing with none when CA2 or DOFP opened. (By 7.10, all students should be out.)

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If it gets really strong WOM, then 3x might happen (in which case, over 600m yuan OW should do $300m). Who knows. Let's wait to see.


Painted Skin 2 (2012) and Tiny Time (2013) opened on the same slot but on Thursday. Both decreased big on Friday.


For TF4, it will be interesting to see:


1) how high the OD can go beyond setting new record;


2) How Saturday performs comparing with opening Friday;


3) How general audience feel about the film's Chinese elements, which should set a benchmark for future China-Hollywood blockbuster co-productions. To some point, TF4 is the first deep co-production in this category


4) How its box office legs will be. We know local tentpoles will open big and drop on this slot (the real beginning of summer holidays). But (huge) hollywood tentpoles never opened this weekend in the past.

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