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The Movie Man

Will Lindsay Lohan ever get another acting role?

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LOL clearly she has no passion for acting and is only in it for the paycheck at this point to fuel her family's high roller lifestyle.She is the only one out of that circle Paris, Nichole and others who is still doing the excessive partying. The others have moved on Paris went to jail and Nichole got married and had kids. But here Lindsay is still wrecking herself. There is a reason for that.

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LOL clearly she has no passion for acting and is only in it for the paycheck at this point to fuel her family's high roller lifestyle.She is the only one out of that circle Paris, Nichole and others who is still doing the excessive partying. The others have moved on Paris went to jail and Nichole got married and had kids. But here Lindsay is still wrecking herself. There is a reason for that.

Nicole Richie did a great job of cleaning herself up. As she was a.real mess. But you wonder how much credit goes to her father, Lionel Richie or her present husband. Also the Kardashian sisters have also done this. Maybe because the mother showed them how to be good and make lots of money. As for Paris, she hasnt gotten into trouble lately but that is also partly luck. As she hasn't changed her life greatly in the last couple of years as she is still going to clubs. But is that because she can't pick the right guy or no one wants to marry her??? Edited by The Movie Man
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Nicole Richie did a great job of cleaning herself up. As she was a.real mess. But you wonder how much credit goes to her father, Lionel Richie or her present husband.

Also the Kardashian sisters have also done this. Maybe because the mother showed them how to be good and make lots of money.

As for Paris, she hasnt gotten into trouble lately but that is also partly luck. As she hasn't changed her life greatly in the last couple of years as she is still going to clubs. But is that because she can't pick the right guy or no one wants to marry her???

Here is my point. These other girls have had positive people in their lives. Not perfect parents but parents that do actually care about their kid's lifestyle.

Lindsay doesn't have that now and has never had that. Her mother is a bigger party animal than she is. Sad that she was dragging her underage kid to clubs just so she could gain VIP access. Her father is no better. Leaking stories to the tabloids for money. They are just one big f--ed up mess. These are some sick people.

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Here is my point. These other girls have had positive people in their lives. Not perfect parents but parents that do actually care about their kid's lifestyle.

Lindsay doesn't have that now and has never had that. Her mother is a bigger party animal than she is. Sad that she was dragging her underage kid to clubs just so she could gain VIP access. Her father is no better. Leaking stories to the tabloids for money. They are just one big f--ed up mess. These are some sick people.

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You call this sick, I call this Heaven
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Liz and Dick got 3.5 million viewers mainly because of Lohan so ,yes, she is going to get more roles. If you can sell a product, you will get paid. However, she won't be getting serious roles but she can still have a decent career.

Yeah but those viewing figures arent that big. Lifetime have had other original TV movies with much bigger viewing figures. It certainly wasn't a massive hit. It was decent thats all.
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Well now felonies filed in ny & la on same day, which means back to jail on a probation violation.....but who knows for how long? As lucky for her, California doesn't keep their woman celebrities in jail for a long time.While in NY, it could mean longer time, for slapping a girl who supposely stole the guy she liked while in a NYC nightclub at 4AM. LOL!Think it depends if their is a tape of her hitting the girl, how screwed she is?????Anyway, think this will greatly hurt her getting decent future roles....as the insurance $ to bank her appearance in a movie is probably unbelievably high right now.

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While in NY, it could mean longer time, for slapping a girl who supposely stole the guy she liked while in a NYC nightclub at 4AM. LOL!

I heard the husband of the woman that she slapped on the news tonight. He was in the club with his wife. So I hope that's not the guy that Lindsay thinks was stolen from her.
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I heard the husband of the woman that she slapped on the news tonight. He was in the club with his wife. So I hope that's not the guy that Lindsay thinks was stolen from her.

Yeah that was the first story that was reported.Next I heard that LL was pretty drunk and the woman who she slapped was a semi famous psychic who offered LL a free reading. Supposely LL said no and leave me alone/give me space...and then as the woman was walking away, LL group made fun of her calling her a gypsy....then the woman supposely trashed LL for things including the horrible Liz & Dick.....and then minutes later LL supposely lost her cool, and slapped the woman.Not sure if all the verbal back and forth matters...but LL was the one that was drunk and hit the other woman.
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She's going back to the slammer for minimum 1 year methinks. Goodbye acting career.

Supposely the video didn't show the fight, so maybe there won't be proof and enough for the DA to bring to trial???Some other interesting points I read from various stories....* This is like the 3rd time that Lohan has lost a purse with $10,000 in it!!! Does she lie alot? Why carry that much cash? Hiding $ from IRS? Ever hear about checks?* Supposely the girl she hit, was in a group that took Lohan's purse...and she went over there to get it back....but how come her group knew the other group took the purse...but no one stopped the purse from being stolen????* Lohan did every thing - call her a gypsy, accused them on stealing the purse, told the woman to leave her alone and give her space....but she didn't hit the girl.* The other girl is being repped by the pain in the ass, Gloria Allred.* Lohan is hiring a PI to find out all the dirt she can on the fortune teller, just in case she is sued.
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I hope Amanda Bynes cleans it up a lot more than I hope Lohan does. Amanda can be quite hilarious in comedic roles and was a lot less irritating in What A Girl Wants and Easy A than Lohan was in Parent Trap.

Yeah poor Amanda Bynes, I think she had great comic timing.At least Hilary Duff is doing good with her personal life right so at least one famous child star of my era is not a trainwreck ;)
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I just hope she fucks off and becomes a nobody. She's talentless and a waste of space, but I suspect after being in Liz & Dick, even though it was a failure, she'll get more roles from wanker producers that need instant publicity that one gets when they hire a tranwreck like LiLo.

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