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War of the Worlds (2005)


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I remember going into the movie with a weird preconceived notion that I'd hate it. I ended up totally mesmerized by Spielberg's ability to translate mass hysteria and how dramatic events bring the best and the worst in all of us.


If I got to choose one scene that sold the movie for me, it would be that first Tripod appearance because it is such a lesson in intense and effective filmmaking.


That thrilling escalation, I nearly shit my pants in theater from the moments the city centre buildings are cracking and the central area began to roll on itself then that beautiful shot of the church moving in a surreal holy backlight.  The whole place just collapsed in a giant crater.  :o  Chills. You're just stuck in primal fear mode trying to distinguish and understand the deal through the smoke like "OMG, What the flying fuck is happening before my eyes?".


(I love the detail of the car you see falling into the hole then being spit in the air to crash just like a little rock next to Cruise as a prelude to us being crushed like insignificant ants). Then the tripod foot crushing the 4x4. Then a roaring and deafening giant machine emerging from the crater. :mouthdropped:  VFX are perfectly integrated. By the moment you see that giant alien tripod from the deepest of the underground and hear that brassy frightening siren (Suck it Zimmer, Williams rocked the Inception BRAAAAAAM horn before you), I was floored and as mesmerized then terrified as the characters.


The travelling ensuing is really a feat of mise-en-scene as well. Spielberg is definetely a master in staging thrilling set pieces and making you experience the character's POV, from sheer awe to absolute terror. Very reminiscent of the T-rex first appearance in JP.


That bridge collapsing shot, I picked my jaw down the floor too.


And Tom Cruise really sold well the immature daddy that got to step up and grow into a responsible father to his brats children.(That peanut butter scene with the bread crashing on the window always cracked me up :lol: )



Edited by dashrendar44
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Love the atmosphere, love the initial reveal of the alien machine (coming up from the ground, and not down from the sky), love the sound the alien machines make, love that the action/invasion starts almost right away, love the scene at the docks where the alien machine is seen in the distance, and panic ensues on the ferry, love the way the movie is shot.


Don't like that the son, for some inconceivable reason, feels the sudden need to leave his family, join the army, and fight the alien machines. Don't like the abrupt, non-ending of the movie. Feels like they ran out of time and/or money.


All in all, a great alien invasion movie, that could have been even better with a more satisfying conclusion to the story.

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I just CANNOT be irritated enough by the characters of son and daughter ... I will be reviewing them only 


First off the son who wants to fight the aliens even though he has no training whatsoever and is just stupid kid ... I mean do they intentionally want us to hate his character ??? The scene in which he's trying to get to the battlefield and Cruise is holding him back is just so frustrating and kid is a terrible actor and the frustration is starting to show on Cruise too who's just like fuck it go and die if you wish you silly fuck ... I'm gonna go and try to save your sister you ungrateful POS 


sidenote - he actually says ' I need to see this ! ' so he's not even gonna fight he just wants to watch the fireworks ... most bizarre character ever 


The daughter ... not even gonna bother here she needed to die straight away 


And the ending when the douche son returns I felt fucking sick 


Also for a movie called War Of The Worlds it all ended kinda short ... definitely needed extra 10-20 minutes 

Edited by Crusader
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This was a mess of a movie. 


So the plot is that we learn that millions of years ago aliens buried huge machines all over the earth, come back and activate them, and start death zapping everything.  Why bury a bunch of giant weapons on a planet long before intelligent life(humans) even existed? That makes zero sense.  Not only that, how did these huge metal machines lie undetected for so long beneath the streets of cities honeycombed with subway tunnels, sewers, water and power lines, and foundations? Its just not practical at all.  I mean really, I was laughing at the movie when the first Tripod comes up out from under that intersection in the middle of the city. And it seems like the aliens are here to harvest humans, so why the hell are they death zapping practically every one of them, especially the clearly harmless and none military people that are running away from you?  That don't make no sense.


Surprisingly, all that wasn't the worst parts of the movie, it was the characters.  They are all 1 dimensional and none of them are particularly likeable, especially the kids. The kids in this movie are unbelievably annoying and it makes you sit there hoping they would get death zapped or drained dry before the movie is over.  The son is just an arrogant brat and downright stupid douche bag the whole movie and Dakota Fanning's character makes you want to pull your hair out.  Tom Cruise isn't annoying, but hes mostly boring with not much to do.


So, a stupid plot and annoying, 1 dimensional, unlikable characters.  I'm not sure if I'd even call the action or visuals all that memorable, just a dud.



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I am a big fan of this movie. It isn't my favorite Spielberg movie, but that doesn't mean it isn't really good still.


I think Crusie is really good in it and I think they did the alien invasion really well.


I would give it an....



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