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2013 Best Picture Thread

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Gravity won't win, matter of fact I think it has zero chance of winning.


Yeah, Cuaron might win (it's 50/50 with McQueen) but the film is such an anti-Academy movie.


If the Academy is scared of 12 Years a Slave then American Hustle could win because there aren't really any viable alternatives. It's a very weak year (perhaps divisive is a more accurate word) and I don't think the Academy really know what to do with the films in contention.

Edited by pieman
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Every year there's a handful of films like American Hustle and 12 Years a Slave, they don't bring anything really new to the movies. They are still great films but critics will always eat up well executed history movies. Gravity however is quite ground breaking in what it managed to achieve and gives an unique amazing experience. That is why it deserves the best picture this year. Also American Hustle does not really have a chance when 12 Years a Slave is by far the better of history films this year.


Its either going to be Gravity or 12 Years a Slave. I'am hoping for Gravity because simple put Gravity on the silver screen is escapism at its finest.

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I still don't want to bet who will win.


For me, the most interesting questions right now are:

How many nominees we'll have?

What film will be surprisingly in?

What films are going to be painfully snubbed?


Every year the top 10 seems pretty obvious and then we have a lot of surprises. 


I think we'll have eight nominees.

12 Years a Slave (it has a legion of supporters)

Gravity (the blockbuster)

Captain Phillips (classy Academy voters going to support this)

American Hustle (the quality December hit spot)

Her (a lot of #1 votes for the indie supporters)

Nebraska (a lot of #1 votes for the indie supporters, part 2)

Saving Mr Banks (classy Academy voters going to support this, part 2)

Philomena (surprisingly in thanks to Weinstein factor + catchy emotional story)




Wolf of Wall Street (too divisive)

Inside Llewyn Davies (indie's supporting with #1 other options)

The Butler (lack of #1 votes)

Blue Jasmine & Fruitvale Station



What I would love to see getting in? Rush and All is lost.

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so Dallas Buyers Club's chance has gotten higher than ever with its WGA and PGA supports, no?

basically Slave, Gravity and Hustle are locked. Maybe Phillips and Nebraska, too.

other prominent players would be Her, Wolf, Llewyn, Banks and Dallas and each of them has its weakness.

(Her feels a bit too edgy for the Oscars, Wolf is too polarizing, Llewyn was snubbed by both WGA AND PGA, Banks - probably the weakest of the bunch - somehow always looks like an underdog even though it was nominated by most of the precursor awards (it didn't get a Golden Globe nod, either), and finally Dallas, which seems to have joined the party a little too late. well, to be fair, it could also be its strength since it'll be more memorable and feel more relevant.) and then there's Blue Jasmine and Philomena. (which is seemingly the best bait of the Weinstein)


I think this could be the best first year to have 10 nominees under the new rule. 2009 didn't deserve 10 slots, tbh. (Maybe that's why they revised the rule only after a year.)

Edited by yjs
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Real talk: If American Hustle was the exact same movie but from a different director, and released in like, April, nobody would be taking it into any sort of awards consideration. 

TBH, if it was released in April even with DOR, I think that no one would acknowledge at awards time, ala Shutter Island

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What a cuntt.


And you know what Armond White's favourite movie of the year was? American Hustle. Don't do it Academy. :lol:

Edited by CoolioD1
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I was the only person to mention 12 Years A Slave in like, the first ten pages. Although I did bring it up in the context of "yeah, that's not happening".


But I was also the first person to mention American Hustle too.... while everyone else was too busy talking about August: Osage County.

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And sometimes you see a title that changed or got delayed and you go "What is this film?"

One time in a acting cat I remember seeing a name of someone who I have no clue who it was (It was the famous someone put the actor/actress without the film)

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