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Ben-Hur | 8/19/16 | 7 minutes of Jack Reacher will play before the movie

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I really do agree here. I think they spend like a fortune on the budget for this film. Plus that Deadpool could take it's thunder & audience earlier...and even that film may not do a huge difference.


I just literally see nothing released in February breaking out that much.. Simple is that. :sadno:

Actually one of the film's biggest problems is that it has a budget of 70 million..and that is just not enough for a film with as sweeping a story as  "Ben Hur". I am one of those who think studios are grossly overspening on a lot of movies, but I also think there are some films where you either Go Big or Don;;t Even Bother....."Ben Hur " is one of them.

I think a Ben Hur remake is a bad idea to begin with for a variety of reasons (one being that audinces have changed since 1959,and it is hard to make a film on a religious topic which will please both the secular and the "faith" audiences,which was not the case in 1959)

but if you are going to do it realize you are looking at a big budget film and don't try to do it on the cheap...which,in terms of a story with several huge set pieces is what you are doing with a 70 Million dollar budget.

Edited by dudalb
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There's movies you do not remake..... and this is one of them.


There's no way that this remake will be 1% as good as the original.


Ben Hur 1959 was a remake.  The original was an epic made in 1925 starring the great film star Ramon Novarro









But I agree, a remake is folly especially if they're doing on the cheap.

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It s incredible how those old movies had thousands of extras ...

Epics were different back in the day.

Understandable it's not done like that anymore.

But damn is it impressive. I think of scenes in movies like Cleopatra and Ghandi and these...damn, they're still impressive. Cause you know what's up.

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Only a 70 mil budget? Meanwhile, Gods of Egypt by Lionsgate has a 150 mil budget I hear.

Lionsgate is going to end up like New Line Cinema if they keep spending the way they are. A small studio that has a couple of huge blockbusters hits,thinks it is a major studio, spends money like the proverbial drunken sailor,and ends up in bankruptcy .

Edited by dudalb
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Glad they're remaking this classic.



I know it's early but I see Timur as this generation's Ridley Scott (meshing unique visuals with decent storytelling).

Yeah,"Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Slayer" just reeks of another Ridley Scott.......



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To be fair Ridley Scott has also made some embarrasing movies.

Agreed,but Scott has also made some great ones . Timur has not.

The more I think about this, the more I am convinced that this is one of the worst thought out projects I have seen in a while.


70 Million way too small a budget for the story;very hard nowdays to make a Jesus Themed film that will please both the "Faith" and secular audiences (if they try to be as ambigious as the 1959 was about Jesus the Faith audiences will go berserk; if they make it heavy handed with the Christian preaching the G.A. will stay away);they chose absoultely the wrong director;almost none of the choice make any sense.

They might end up marketing it pretty much only to the Faith audience;in which case 70 Million is way to big a budget for a faith film. Whole thing was horribly thought out.



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Lionsgate is going to end up like New Line Cinema if they keep spending the way they are. A small studio that has a couple of huge blockbusters hits,thinks it is a major studio, spends money like the proverbial drunken sailor,and ends up in bankruptcy .

that not going to happen. To compare Lionsgate to New Line Cinema is extremely stupid.....and it's not ending up in bankruptcy in the near future

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