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A non-reader's speculation on the next three episodes 

For me, there are only two storylines which need to be resolved this season - KL/Tyrion and the Wildling attack on the Wall. The rest feels like filler and world building for next season.+ Stannis has been in stand-by mode since the battle for KL in S2.+ Dany rules over Mereen and her storyline for this season could end right here. Tywins letter will probably shake things up, and we haven't seen much from the dragons this season. (Someone else will try to kidnap one??)+ Briennepod and Aryahound are not going to make it to the Eeyrie. They will be turned back at Chekhov's gate and perhaps meet and fight it out on the road.+ Theon will help Ramsay to take the Moat and Boltons army will return North. That whole storyline feels just like an excuse why the Northerners can't help defend the Wall+ Bran will arrive at his special tree and find something???So my guess:Episode 8 - Trial by combatEpisode 9 - Wildlings attack the Wall - GIANTS!!!Episode 10 - Check in with all characters and set something interesting up for next season.My death predictions for the remaining three episodes:+ The Mountain - Cersei will try to have Tyrion killed by some other means after Oberyn wins the trial.+ Shae - by Cersei+ Loras - by Cersei+ One of Danys dragons+ Yara - by Ramsay+ Gilly by Ygritte and Sam will blame Jon for it.+ Thorne by a giant+ Pyp and Grenn and the boy from the village+ The Hound (at the hands of Brienne)

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GRRM's Editor did a Q&A very recently and one of her answers indicated a growing (though still small) possibility that "7" books might end up as "8."
If so, that would kinda ruin the odd insistence on "7 seasons" by some of the runners/producers of the show.
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7 seasons was never happening imo, since they've already split book 3 in two parts. 8 or 9 seasons is more realistic if they don't rush things, especially when the last two(three?) books are probably going to be huge...


But when is he going to release these??? (insert G.R.R Martin is so slow joke)

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They've essentially thrown the entire 4th book out the window for Sansa and are going to straight-up invent stuff from thin air.

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They've essentially thrown the entire 4th book out the window for Sansa and are going to straight-up invent stuff from thin air.


Yea the Sansa thing is happening pretty fast...even the fact that she is already getting good at playing the game...

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At least he won and gregor is dead to


Gregor ain't dead yet. He's passed out. None of the wounds he was dealt were clearly mortal.


They have yet to establish that Oberyn had poisoned his spear blades, making even a small cut fatal

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Technically I think they counted Viper losing hence Tyrion being sentenced to death...Oberyn at least got his vengeance...

I don't care about that in the fight proper Oberyn beat gregor fair and square and it didn't seem close 

Edited by The Sun's Son
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Gregor ain't dead yet. He's passed out. None of the wounds he was dealt were clearly mortal.


They have yet to establish that Oberyn had poisoned his spear blades, making even a small cut fatal

The spear through the stomach that impaled him to the ground was pretty fatal especially since he pulled the spear out

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