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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Have you guys heard of the Reyne speculation (MASSIVE SPOILERS):


A couple of fans are theorizing that Littlefinger is the grandson of Ellyn Reyne, who was originally married to Tywin's uncle Tion and tried to have an affair with his father Tytos too after Tion died (when she was Lady of Casterly Rock).

She was later married off to a Tarbeck and she had plenty of kids with him, including a daughter Rohanne (suspected to be Petyr's mother). Ellyn Tarbeck was one of the people suspected to have uttered the words "You are not the only lions in the west, and our claws are as long and sharp as yours" to Tywin and Kevan when they tried to collect debts that were swindled from their dope father. When Tywin wiped out the Reynes and Tarbecks, he had Ellyn hanged from the highest window of her castle, killed her sons and sent her daughters to the Silent Sisters.

It is suspected that one of the daughters Rohanne, left the Sisters and married the lowly knight Ser Baelish (Littlefinger's dad). Sansa's fake name "Alayne" is an Ellyn/Rohanne combination and Petyr lied saying she was with the faith but then later left it (based on his own mother's life?). Littlefinger's roots could be why Hoster Tully adopted the son of a lower knight like Baelish.

It will be epic if this turns out to be true. It means that Littlefinger is not only a super expert GoT player who put the events in the series into motion through Jon Arryn's murder, but it also shows that he is exacting his calculated vengeance against the Lannisters for what they did to the Reynes and Tarbecks!


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At least GoT is coming to Spain to film parts of Season 5, so you can hop on a train to check it out!


I live 2 hours away from where they've been filming for 3 years and I've never gone there :ph34r:

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Haha, yeah a couple of times. Somebody else came up with that theory though. :P On the other hand,


it was me who thought of a potential Sansa/Aegon pairing in the books and apparently it occurred to a couple of other folks too and now they've got evidence to back up their speculations. Ugh, if only GRRM finished Winds of Winter!

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Roger Reyne is a badass though


Lol at the Lannister trolling by taking the same sigil and just recoloring it!  :lol:  Kind of like all those cheap Asian knock-offs of Disney/superhero/sports merchandising.


The Reynes mocking/copying the Lannisters with their sigil (cat of a different coat) is similar to the mockingbird that copies sounds it hear. The same mockingbird that is the new sigil of one Petyr Baelish. Coincidence?

:nudgewink: Plus, both excelled at draining Lannister wealth: Houses Reyne/Tarbeck AND Littlefinger. The more I hear of this theory and its implications, the more enthralled I am by it.  :wub: 

Edited by Spidey Freak of Highgarden
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It's an interesting theory, but considering most of the evidence used comes from a chapter in a non-essential, non-narrative component of the Westeros literature (The World of Ice and Fire), it seems too out-there a shoe to drop in the final two books because of how there's been almost no build-up in a proper narrative.


Unless Martin really does end up at 8 books like his editor hinted could be the case.



I think further discussion of this topic should be taken to the Book + TV thread, or the ASOIAF thread in the Reading Subforum, so we can proceed without spoiler tags.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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Lol I know its cliche but I want a Lotr style entrance for Stannis and his army...The battle is lost and then you Stannis with a stern lock and Ser Davos at his side... He takes his sword and out Yells and charges, white light appears behind him

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I started watching the show on season 2 on a day I was bored zapping through channels and I kept watching because at the time I though it was a cool show but I was not as devoted/crazy/obssessed with GoT yet, but then something happened... after eight enjoyable weeks watching the show, an ninth episode called "blackwater" was aired on HBO.


I was flipping out, I never thought in my life I would watch anything like that on television, it was the greatest hour of my life and it was the episode that soldified my love for Game of Thrones  and that made me want to watch the entire first season back to back and then the second season again just to see that grand spectacular battle again, I felt like little 10 year old kid watching Lord of the Rings in theatres again.


That is the reason why I was waiting for this particular episode ever since the fourth season came out (besides Joffrey´s wedding) because the Game of Thrones battles are an event. So I hope "Watchers on the Wall" makes me feel like that again, and so far Game Of Thrones never disappointed me before.

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Great great episode.BUT I am also really really annoyed, because they ended the episode 5-6 minutes too early.

Did they seriously push Jon's conversation with Mance and Stannis' army showing up to rout the Wildlings to next week? That's just fucking blue balls for us readers.

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