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You're too high on IM3. :P (I'm taking the piss, you're only a couple mil high or so.)


You're just joking about it finishing below 400, right? Disney would pretty much have to pull it from the theaters in 2 weeks for it not to make it from here.


The SOTM 2 question is going to be really close though.

I just counted:

-8 people said DH2

-30 people said Spiderman (403.7m)

-3 people said Lion King


Obviously the people who said DH2 are locked to get 3000 points, while the folks who said Lion King are locked to lose 7000. The question is whether the 30 other people lose 5000 or gain 5000.


$403.7m definitely isn't a stone cold lock, but I think the odds are better than 50/50 that IM3 can get there.

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Baumer I lost a bet so for this week my name has been changed from MGS to Hannah Montana lol


You lost quite a few bets in the last few weeks... Should teach you a lesson ^^ Just wait 'till you lose that bet against me.

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Week 6 points

iTz OnLy ED 9000
junkshop38 8000
Olivedeep 10000+3000+2000=15000
Punishment 9000
The Stingray 5000+2000=7000
Sam 9000
baumer 1000+3000=13000
Polar Bear 11000+4000
Blank of Steel 8000
Filmovie 11000+4000+2000+4000(B1)=21000
CJohn 9000
glassfairy 6000
MGS 7000
Cmasterclay 7000
grim22 10000+2000=12000
CEDAR 9000+2000=11000
ChD 8000+4000=12000
gizmo 7000
druv10 8000
Jake Gittes 8000
Schumacher FTW 10000+3000=13000
kayumanggi 10000+3000+2000=15000
Goffe 10000+3000=13000
DAR 8000
Tower 10000+3000=13000
icedeep 11000+4000=15000
TylerDurden365 8000
laguy03 8000+2000=10000
chasmmi 8000
ShawnMR 10000+3000+4000+4000(b2)
Telemachos 10000+3000
narniadis 9000
24Lost 9000+2000=11000
kitik 8000+2000=10000
Mattrek 7000
Edited by Olivedeep
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Standings in order: 

1)  kitik 293,000

2) Sam 289,000
3) CEDAR 263,000

4) ChD 254,000
5) Olivedeep 251,000

6) druv10 249,000

7) narniadis 247,000

8) Cmasterclay 245,000
9) gizmo 241,000

9) TylerDurden365 241,000


11) Filmovie 231,000

12) Blank of Steel 229,000
13) grim22 222,000

14) Tower 212,000

15) Polar Bear (Dex) 212,000

16) iTz ED 211,000
17) Schumacher FTW 210,000
18) Simionski 209,000
19)  icedeep 202,000

20) ShawnMR 202,000


21) Punishment 199,000

22) Jay Salahi 197,000
23) MovieMan89 196,000
24) Mattrek 190,000

25) junkshop38 189,000
26) RichWS 185,000
27) Stingray 185,000
28) Goffe 185,000
29) DAR 183,000

30) Fake 182,000


31) Jake Gittes 170,000

32) TLK 155,000

33) kayumanggi 149,000
34) Telemachos 144,000
35) Newbie 145,000
36) acsc1312 142,000
37) baumer 141,000
38) glassfairy 137,000
39) 24Lost 136,000
40) Michael G Scott 132,000
41) chasmmi 132,000
42) laguy03 130,000
43) Cookie 126,000
44) Neo 126,000
45) JackO 123,000
46) CJohn 119,000
47) Vanilla Sky 101,000
48) Jessie 40,000
Edited by Olivedeep
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Thanks Olive. My internet went out last night....fucking Rogers communications.  It's back now but thank you so much for doing the points,

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