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BSG Surprise Number 1 (The Donovan CHOOSE WISELY question)

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I am pleased to announce the first ever twist in the game.  I had been looking to add something to the game and finally came up with something for this year.  I have two other surprises I may or may not launch this year as well.


This question runs from Friday May 24th to Friday August 9th.    Once you pick the question YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT.  THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.  CHOOSE VERY VERY VERY WISELY, or you end up like Donovan from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, when he chose poorly with his Cup of Christ.   :)




For this one:


This is truly an individual question, meaning each person can answer it differently.


Each one of you can choose one of these and only one:  Once you have picked one of these, you cannot change it.  So choose wisely.


You cannot choose any films past August 9th or any films before May 24th.  Only films released on August 9th or before can count for this.


All of us have a top 15 domestic films.  This means there are many films you kept off your list.


A) choose one film that you did not put on your list.  Predict what it's final gross will be.  Your deadline to pick this film and predict the gross is the day before it comes out.  For example, if you choose The Purge, then your deadline to predict its final gross is Thursday June 6th at 11:59pm.  This will give you time to use tracking to decide what it will open to and subsequently what it will finish with.


Points for A)  if you call the final gross within 5 million, you get 15,000 points.  If you call it within 10 million, you get 8,000 points.  If you miss the gross by more than 20 million, you lose 5000 points.  


B] You can choose any film in your top 15 and predict a different gross.  This does not affect your top 15, this is a completely separate question.  Your deadline for this is after actuals come out on the first Monday of its release.  So if you (for example) predicted Gatsby in your top 15, and you predicted it at 100 million, then you have the option of predicting that film to make a different total.  


Points for B] if you call the final gross within 5 million, you get 15,000 points.  If you call it within 10 million, you get 8,000 points.  If you miss the gross by more than 20 million, you lose 5000 points.


C) Choose any*** films opening weekend in dollars.  Our question about best opening weekend doesn't have any dollar figures attached to it.   You have the option of choosing one*** films opening weekend.  Your deadline for this is the Thursday before the film opens.  So if you choose Pacific Rim, your deadline is Thursday July 11th at 11:59 pm.  If you choose a film that opens on any other day than a Friday, then your deadline is the night before at 11:59 pm.  

*** the caveat to this is that the film you choose has to open to more than 45 million dollars.  If you choose a film and it opens to less than 45 million, you automatically lose 10,000 points.  So choose wisely.


Points for C) call any film correctly within 5 million dollars, 25,000 points.  Call any film within 10 million, 15,000 points .  Miss the call by more than 12 million and lose 15,000 points



D) Now what would the summer game be without a bit of treachery?  You have the option of going for all three.  If you go for all three, and you are correct, you will not only get the points for these three questions, but you will get a 25,000 point bonus.  But of course if you go for all three, YOU MUST GET ALL THREE CORRECT. If you do not get all three correct, not only not get any of the points entitled to you, but you will in total, lose 50,000 points.  To qualify as all three being correct, you have to get all three within 5 million.  


E) Choose to abstain from all of them, and you get 2000 points.  But you must tell me you are abstaining.  




As I said, you can only choose one of these and once you choose one, you cannot change it, cancel it or choose to go for another.  So think this through.


All answers will go in here.  All questions you have about this will go in here.  



Edited by baumer
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What do you mean no more?  


This is how the game goes.  It's like this all summer.  :)


Wait till the SOTM questions start.

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By "final gross", you mean the gross as of September 2, not the one with which the chosen movie is going to close in November or something, right?




C) Choose any*** films opening weekend in dollars.  Our question about best opening weekend doesn't have any dollar figures attached to it.   You have the option of choosing one*** films opening weekend.  Your deadline for this is the Thursday before the film opens.  So if you choose Pacific Rim, your deadline is Thursday July 11th at 11:59 pm

*** the caveat to this is that the film you choose has to open to more than 45 million dollars.  

What if I choose a Wednesday release (say, Despicable Me 2), is the deadline on Thursday or Tuesday?

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By "final gross", you mean the gross as of September 2, not the one with which the chosen movie is going to close in November or something, right?




What if I choose a Wednesday release (say, Despicable Me 2), is the deadline on Thursday or Tuesday?



Yes, good point.  Thank you.  Wednesday releases obviously have a deadline of Tuesday at 1159 pm.

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I'll chose another time. Currently, I'm so lazy that I would abstain, but I think this is a great opportunity to fix Great Gatsby on my prediction list.

 I don't expect you to choose now.  Read the question carefully.  

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I don't really understand this "Choose any*** films opening weekend in dollars."


Care to elucidate? :)


The film you choose has to open to at least 45 million dollars.  That what the *** means....it's written out at the bottom where the *** is.


*** the caveat to this is that the film you choose has to open to more than 45 million dollars.  If you choose a film and it opens to less than 45 million, you automatically lose 10,000 points.  So choose wisely.

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The film you choose has to open to at least 45 million dollars.  That what the *** means....it's written out at the bottom where the *** is.


*** the caveat to this is that the film you choose has to open to more than 45 million dollars.  If you choose a film and it opens to less than 45 million, you automatically lose 10,000 points.  So choose wisely.

Oh, I understand now. Thx for explaining. :)

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For part D how does the bonus work exactly? Do you have to score top marks for each part? Just score points at all? Or just not lose points for any question?For example on A:Points for A) if you call the final gross within 5 million, you get 15,000 points. If you call it within 10 million, you get 8,000 points. If you miss the gross by more than 20 million, you lose 5000 points.Do qualify for bonus here to I have to hit within 5 million or just not miss by more than 20million etc.Finally as we cannot change our minds I am assuming that our choice of A-E should be posted in its own post which never gets edited (upon pain of losing 50k or whatever) and then the prediction itself occurs in another post that can be edited ad infinitum until the deadline,

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If you go for part D, you simply have to get every question right within 5 million.  Thanks for bringing this up.


And you cannot change your mind.  Once you tell me in here what you are going for, you cannot decide to go for a different question. And yes, there are no edits.  So choose carefully.  Once you tell me what you are going for, that is your final choice.  You get one kick at the can.

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I personally think going for the big one is silly.  Huge reward (about 100,000 points) but very difficult to get and you lose 50K.  Doesn't seem logical to me....but I'm only one player.  :)

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No edits means no reserves I guess. :/



Correct....when you figure out what you are going for, then u post. 

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