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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. tom appeals more to white middle america then Denzel lol. Also This ends on a high note while Flight does not. I think people would prefer a feel good film to one with actual serious repercussions.
  2. this probably wont appeal to most black audiences. its very indie. and niche.
  3. The subject matter of Loving seems like something the Academy would like. I've heard some people didn't like Jeff Nichols overly subtle approach though. I'm not saying this definitely won't get nominated but I'm surprised by declarations it's a front runner to win. The tweet reactions I remember didn't seem to indicate that at all.
  4. Yeah I actually remember someone posting about a screener awhile ago and tweet reactions about it on Imdb and they said maybe Emma will get a nomination and the globes will love it but it probably won't be a major Oscar contender.
  5. But how? Has there been screeners? This isn't the type of movie that usually wins. It seems people are just enchanted by the trailers.
  6. I still don't get the thinking that this is a front runner for awards though. I know whiplash did well but this in a completely different vein.
  7. Emma Stone's voice is kind of mediocre though. The cinematography looks amazing though.
  8. It's definitely possible/likely. I feel the Academy would rather vote for an adult musical than an animated one. It's too bad. I could tell he really wanted that oscar lol.
  9. Aren't they making a movie with Chloe Moretz as well? Will Disney race to release this first lol
  10. http://deadline.com/2016/08/hidden-figures-pharrell-williams-toronto-film-festival-academy-awards-nasa-1201804998/ It seems they are really trying to target a awards-qualifying release. They are planning to show scenes at this at TIFF and hoping to have this released in 2 cities in December. I've been hearing rumblings from people who work for Fox that they are very proud of the film
  11. I've actually changed my mind on this. Although i think the trailer is poorly pieced together and inconsistent in tone I think it looks good. It just wasn't what I expected when I heard of the movie. Hopefully it's good and gets awards attention. Definitely going to see it with my friends and maybe my mom
  12. I feel bad for his 5 daughters. they are innocent in all of this and it must be hard to hear this about youe dad.
  13. To give him the benefit of doubt (which I really shouldn't) it's possible he didn't know, He probably cut off all contact with her. The media probably tried an get in contact with her and then realized she was dead.
  14. Damn I just read this witness testimony by one of his friends who they also invited to have sex with the girl but refused. Not seems Nate got off because he and the girl were dating or in some sort of relationship which is Bullshit. The justice system is corrupt.
  15. I dont know all the facts obvisouly but basically it seems nate parker got off because the accuser admitted to having consensual sex with him a few days earlier. Celestin was convicted and only charged with 6 months and was even let out early so he could graduate. However he applied for retrial and his convicton was eventually overtuened for a few reason and because the accuser refused to retestify. They were both star wrestling athletes by the way.
  16. There's this one popular blog site/forum for black women that I sometimes look at on and they've been talking about this for the past few and most of them are completely done with this movie and boycotting it and that is like the main audience for the film. And people like Oprah and the African American heavy hitters aren't going to want to get behind this anymore. Gabrielle Union one of the biggest stars in the movie among African Americans is a rape victim which makes this even more awkward and apparently there's a rape scene in the movie. i think they can possibly still save the movie but this is not good PR. I mean it's possible people are being hypocrites. There have been a lot of shitty people that have still won oscars and had huge success.
  17. No I think it looks like The Help because its movies about black women and their struggles written by white men using stereotypical voices and they are made to appeal to mass white audiences like The Help was. It looks okay but the writers they got aren't even good writers. Edit: I'll definitely watch it though. Maybe I'll like it I love the subject matter. Janelle Monae looks great.
  18. this looks so much like The Help. i like The help but this looks so generic. They should have gotten a a better writer or a black one for this.
  19. LOL Its all great and fine to say were all one race but too bad were not treated that way. i hate when people tell people to shut up and that were all one race when people are discriminated and killed everydy because of their race. its dumb. anyway i dont know how this argument started. Im leaving this thread.
  20. Love this cast Rihanna and that Awkwafina person seem kind of out of place though. Hopefully the misogynists don't come out in full force against this.
  21. Indian people are definitely not black lol. Black people are people who are of African descent..... I know race is a social construct but Mindy Kailing is not considered black in anyway. Why is this even an argument?
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