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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. I love King and I love Elba but my god this looks wretched. Looks like a glossy, FX heavy flop like RIPD or Dracula Untold to me. Same style, same generic ass creatures and beats as those kind of movies. If this starred Reynolds and Tommy Lee Jones or something, everyone would call it the flop of the year. Ick.
  2. If greedy elites learned lessons from strikes, we wouldn't be having this same kind of thing happen in industry after industry for 150 years. Don't hold your breath for next time, either.
  3. Huh.....given the dumping date and troubled production, these reviews are better than I thought. Or at bare minimum make it seem more interesting. I might actually check it out if I have time. I do like the director. Also, FWIW watching Fargo and NBA games, this is actually getting a good push on TV.
  4. This movie is the production equivalent of a Ponzi scheme. "Yea, it's coming out in 2012/2014/2017/2018/2020!" Continued promises with no actionable proof of real results.
  5. They aren't on strike yet. They've voted to authorize a strike if negotiations go bad.
  6. That shouldn't be the responsibility of the people striking who are getting screwed. That's the responsibility of the people refusing to pay them what they are worth, giving them benefits they've earned, or looking out for their safety. People strike for good reason, and they don't do it just for attention or to whine, considering the constant media villification and hate from politicians. That's true whether it's writers, teachers, coal miners, or air traffic controllers.
  7. The best writers are going to be in WGA, because the union fights for things like better pay, royalties, better insurance, recognition, and a network to find projects. So the people available to write in a strike are either non-credited writers who don't have any experience, people breaking the strike who are okay with never working again apparently, or just random producers and actors who can fill in stuff. As noted, Daniel Craig pretty much wrote that crappy Bond movie on set, and stuff like that happens. But most likely, because of these bad options, they just delay and wait on projects.
  8. Yea, that's absolutely true. Last one happened before TV really got super fucking awesome and I didn't really watch TV then at all. Not so anymore. Hope that the union gets what it wants.
  9. Danny Craig bout to write Bond 25. Worked so well the last time. I'm supportive of this move because I support unions striking and fighting for their rights. That said, I hope for everyone's sake that things get hammered out sooner than later. Every blockbuster has 40 writers now so they probably can't just have random character actors write Aquaman on the set anymore.
  10. IN PROGRESS WILL FINISH QUESTIONS BY FRIDAY A: Domestic top 15: 1) Guardians 2- 355 2) Wonder Woman -320 3) DM3-315 4) Spider Man- 260 5) War For The Planet of the Apes - 205 6) Cars 3- 185 7) Pirates - 165 8) Transformers - 160 9) Mummy- 135 10) Dunkirk-130 11) Baywatch-125 12) Alien-118 13) Captain Underpants - 112 14) Emoji Movie -100 15) All Eyez On Me - 95 B: Top 7 Domestic OW: 1) Guardians 2- 140 2) Wonder Woman - 135 3) DM3- 110 4) Spider Man - 102 5) Apes - 75 6) Pirates- 70 7) Transformers - 68 C: Worldwide top 10: 1) Guardians 2- 1.1b 2) Spider-Man 1.05 b 3) DM3- 1b 4) Pirates- 975m 5) Transformers- 925m 6) Wonder Woman - 850m 7) Apes-725 8) Cars 3- 700m 9) Mummy - 650m 10) Dunkirk -526m D: China: 1) Transformers - 300 2) Pirates- 175 3) Guardians - 150 4) Spider-150 5) DM3-125 6) Wonder-110 7) Mummy -110 E: No More Heroes: South Korea -Transformers Russia-Transformers Brazil-DM3 Mexico - DM3 Australia - Pirates Italy - DM3 F: Total Grosses: Top 15 Dom) 2.780b Top 7 W/E) 700m Top 10 WW) 8.4b RFQ1: Predict which film will finish closest to each of the following milestones domestically by the end of the game: A: 100M Emoji B: 200M Apes C: 300M DM3 D: 400M Guardians E: 500M Guardians RFQ2: Predict which film will finish closest to each of the following milestones Worldwide by the end of the game: A: $1.5B Guardians B: $1B Pirates C: 800M Wonder Woman D: 600M Mummy E: 400M Captain Underpants RFQ3: Predict the top grossing film of each month: A: April (28th releases only) Latin Lover B: May Guardians C: June Wonder Woman D: July Spider-Man E: August Emoji CHASMMI’s 15 1) Tell me which of these will be the highest grossing film of the summer domestically: 3) The Mummy 2) Tell me which of these will be the lowest grossing film of the summer domestically: 4) Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Something Something Blah Blah Blah 3) Will at least 3 films make more than 300M domestically by the end of the game? Yes 4) Will at least 3 films make more than $1.1B worldwide? No 5) Will at least 3 films make more than 120M OW domestic? No 6) Would at least 4 of the March 2017 releases have made it into the Domestic top 15 for the summer game if their runs had been eligible (So if I made a combined top 10 list of the summer Game releases and the March releases, would 4 or more be from March?) Yes 7) Will at least 3 sequels, prequels, reboots or anything similar go on to be the highest grossing in their franchise domestic (A film must make at least $20M to qualify)? Yes 8) Will at 3 sequels, prequels, reboots or anything similar go on to drop more than 60% domestically from its previous franchise installment? (For this question purpose: Spiderman Homecoming is following ASM2, Despicable Me follows Minions, Wonder Woman follows Suicide Squad, Annabelle 2 follows Conjuring 2, I can’t think of any more that aren’t obvious right now) No 9) Will any film in the top 15 have a multiplier below 2.3? 10)Will Sci-Fi films (anything that BOM lists as Sci-fi or XXX/Sci-fi [so that means GOTG2 for example is not Sci-fi for this question) combine to make more than 700M domestically by the end of the game? No 11) Will the domestic top 8 make more than $1B combined in China? Yes 12) Will at least three out of Luc Besson, Christopher Nolan, Michael Bay, Ridley Scott and Edgar Wright have their highest grossing film not involving Batman or Transformers this summer (obviously with Michael Bay I mean will his 5thTransformers film outgross every non-transformers film he has done?) No 13) Will Warner Bros have exactly 3 films in the top 15 domestic this summer? Yes 14) Will a film finish in the top 10 WW, but fail to make the top 15 domestic? No 15) Will any film spend 3 weeks at number one domestic this summer? No JJ8's 14 Q1) Comic Book Adaptions Domestic vs International Grosses (4 films, 8 grosses - positions only) (5k Correct, -3k incorrect) 1) Guardians International 2) Spider International 3) WW International 4) Guardians Domestic 5) WW Domestic 6) Spidey Domestic 7) Valerian International 8) Valerian Domestic Q2) Will Wonder Woman be the #1 opening weekend of the comic book adaptions this summer (Domestically)? No Q3) The current top 6 "All Time May Open Weekends" (Domestically) occurred on the 1st weekend of the month (in the respective year). In what position will Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol. 2 open in (in the top 6)? (If you don't think it will open in the top 6 then put 7th - remember 6th is Iron Man 2 @ 128m)? 6th Q4) Will Wonder Woman collapse in it's second weekend with a greater than 60% drop like the 2 previous DC Extended Universe Films (Domestic)? Yes Q5) Will the total of all the Marvel films make more than double the DC films this summer (Domestic only)? No Q6) Will Valerian's final total (domestic gross) be less than all of the opening weekends of the other 3 films (Domestic)? Yes Q7) Will the total gross of ALL Comic Book adaptions this summer make less than 850m (Domestic)? No Q8) Will any of the Comic Book Adaptions make 200m or more internationally than the domestic gross? No Q9) Will a Comic Book Adaption make more than 1 billion worldwide this summer? Yes Q10) Will a Comic Book Adaption be the #1 film overall (and it must be released during the game) in ANY of the following markets - United Kingdom, Australia, or China (only 1 is needed) ? No Q11) Will at least 3 weekends during the summer be led by an animated film (Domestic only)? Yes Q12) Will less than 4 animated films make the top 15 films this summer domestically? No Q13) Both Pirates & Transformers are up to the 5th Film. the 4th film in both Franchises made more than 1 billion worldwide. Can the 5th film in both franchises repeat this performance? No Q14) Will a film released domestically make more in an International Market (must be a single market such as China, United Kindom, etc) this summer (Both markets must release during the game and be elegible for the top 15 domestic - ie. as per the list of films Chasmmi has posted) ? Yes
  11. Yea, definitely true on your first point - I guess what I mean is that they bring SOMETHING to the role beyond what is the most predictable/bland performance possible. I've just never seen it from Reynolds. He plays the exact same character with the exact same range in everything. Granted, I haven't seen the two movies you listed, so that might be why. But the whole quippy handsome guy thing is done to death, and done better.
  12. Skarsgard was a one note performer in a cast of pretty excellent layered performances. Luckily, that one note was exactly what the role called for, so he pulled it. Scott was a more impressive performance if they're nominating a male from that show. I just love tweaking Ryan Reynolds. Dude has a rabid fanbase on here and I just don't get it. He's totally fine. He's the same as every early 2000s rom com actor to me - charming quippy guy with a heart of gold. I don't know if I have ever watched a Ryan Reynolds performance and said "Wow, this is a performance unique to this actor that no one else could pull off. I'm glad I saw this performance." He's a replacement level charismatic lead. Deadpool works because of that, since it lampoons that and his typical image. It doesn't work for me when he plays that straight.
  13. Just chiming in to say that Charlie Hunnam has more charisma in his pinky finger than Ryan Reynolds/Taylor Kitsch/Tarzan/a million other of these white guy actors will have in their lifetime. Glad Lost City of Z is getting good notices, cuz he's actually way more talented than all his non-Sons stuff would indicate.
  14. Also not to go full SJW but liking Amy Schumer isn't a SJW stance at all, considering she kind of only empowers women that look and talk just like her. She's an upper class brunch feminist who thinks "Hahaha I have lots of sex" is the height of empowerment, when there's millions of women of color and poor women around the country who are like "Yea, I literally don't have access to reproductive services or education." She's the kind of person who goes to a Black Lives Matter meeting and hijacks it by telling a story about how much she loves dating black guys. I do think sexual empowerment for women is absolutely important and something we should talk about, and good for her for doing it. But it's the difference between signs I saw at the Women's March saying "I love my uterus" and "If I report abuse, I will actually be deported." IDK, if she's gonna be down with the movement she should be down with all of it, not just people like her friends.
  15. The Heat is alright, Ghostbusters was pretty damn good (except I only liked it because I'm a SJWzzzz!!!!!), but this shit looks the cinematic equivalent of a root canal with no anesthesia. Hard pass.
  16. If we had to stay on topic, we would have missed the Fassbender moments, the Cjohn saga, and pretty much every other incredible moment in these boards history. Obviously a mix of both when numbers are coming in and for a bit after but why stay on topic in the middle of twelve hours between solid numbers? "Great number for BaTB" posted 1000x is not the reason people find these boards fun. That's lame af.
  17. So Dom was literally okay with starting a nuclear war for his kid? I get that guy has a code, but everyone just being all "Good ole Dom" at the end was beyond the movie's silliness and into something else entirely. Outside of that it's still pretty great, kind of the peak of the cartoonish stakes and escalation game they've been playing. And with that, it's kind of hard to make another one without grounding it a bit more or completely detaching it from any sense of reality, and incorporating space or time travel or something.
  18. If it's actually good, I could see Wonder Woman being the biggest movie of the summer domestically. Pretty easy case to make, actually. If I had faith in it to be good I would put it there in all my predictions.
  19. Gotta agree with Han here totally, stole the points I was gonna make. GOTG is easily my favorite of these Marvel movies, but outside "Baby Groot" what the fuck is going on with that marketing?? The teaser trailer was fine, but yeesh. No memorable music or lines like Hooked on A Feeling or any of the Star-Lord lines in the first's trailers, much less new characters or stakes. IDK if there's nothing to the movie or something but what the fuck is it supposed to be? IDK, that one is kind of depending on reviews and late marketing push. Originally I was predicting 150+ OW for it for months because it's easier to pick up and liked by a different audience than some of the other Marvel movies. Anecdotal, but my mom and dad can't wait for GOTG2 and they think the Marvel movies are all so boring. It's barely connected to the rest of the stuff and it's more of a space action movie than anything superhero like. With the great reception to the first, I thought 150 was gonna happen. But now? 120 might be tough.
  20. Guess starpower really is dead. The son of God can't even get butts in the seats anymore.
  21. I'd love to see Hardy and Bridges do a cowboy movie together. The lengths they would go to top each other accent-wise would be spectacular.
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