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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. Really disappointed you didn't say that anyone who let their girlfriends drag them to How to Be Single over Deadpool is gay, tbh.
  2. Very true.....but that's kinda like saying that if you took Star Wars and Daddy's Home out of December 2015, it'd look crappy too. When you eliminate the #1 domestic contender for a year and an animated movie that might do over 200, of course it'll be pretty meh. Quality wise, I sorta agree, but the casts+high concepts of Midnight Special and Cloverfield got me buzzing.
  3. April doesn't have a huge killer hit like Furious 7 or Winter Soldier this year, but that's because the killer hit (BvS) is dropping in March, after a dreary few years post Hunger Games. I also happen to be of the opinion that Zootopia is going to kill it, Croods number at a minimum. As for April, I actually think Jungle Book is going to make bank. Hunstman 2 is probably the ultimate lame duck sequel ever but it should at least do better than Paul Blart 2 as the second biggest movie of the month. Also, Keanu comes out in April. That movie is going to rock.
  4. I am happy to eat my crow. I predicted bad reviews and 50 million or so three day. I like to think I'm right alot more than I'm wrong, but when I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I've been vocally doubting the entire fanbase/hype around Deadpool for awhile, but the reviews have piqued my interest and so I'm gonna check it out and hope I like it! Also, my boy TJ is in it, so I'm kinda obligated anyway.
  5. Yes, nothing says edgy and non-mainstream like a Channing Tatum stripper comedy.
  6. While I'm not feeling that this will be a huge hit for various reasons (I think a total close to D&D2 is probably reasonably, maybe a little below), using the box office of the original as proof is NOT a smart idea, considering Zoolander was absolutely devastated by 9/11. It came out two weeks after 9/11 and the first news reports of the attacks broke during an ad for this movie, for crying out loud. Until Potter in November, every element of pop culture was crushed by 9/11 fears, from box office to album sales to TV ratings. People were afraid to even leave their homes. Zoolander found a big time audience on DVD and TV, and terms like "Blue Steel" have become iconic in pop culture. Now, do I think that fandom will translate to dollars? Nah. I'm thinking an opening around 30 and a total in the high 70s. But that post-9/11 box office is a spurious variable.
  7. That second meme isn't even remotely a meme, it's just text on a picture! I mean this thread turning into another Dc/Marvel pissing contest would be bad enough but at least put some bare minimum of effort into it for God's sake.
  8. BOFFY time is the best time! My ballot is in spoilers, just in case anyone gives a shit. I missed Room, Carol, Beasts of No Nation, and Phoenix, but hit mostly everything else. I had some fun with the down ballot categories. Also shouts to Coolio for being the first dude I think I've ever double nommed in the two poster categories. You da real MVP.
  9. Birth of a Nation just dropped. Sounds like a big time Oscar contender.
  10. Also sounds like you wouldn't know good acting if it hit you in the mouth, tbh.
  11. I don't know, there's certainly some douchey frat guys at GW and southern state schools. But yea, dude is acting like a villain in a 1980s teen comedy, I keep expecting him to tell us about how he bullied Jon Cryer or something.
  12. Take it to the other topic, Impact. There's a whole other thing for discussion, before you start dismissing everyone's views. Take it where it belongs.
  13. I've never seen someone so insecure in their own sexuality in my entire life. This shit is fucking comical. Also, this is the same dude who said it was ok for his dad to like "gay movies" and wear pink because he's rich and drives a Ferrari. Dude is like if every frat guy in your local gym formed into some sort of super bro Voltron.
  14. No no. You're good. Your argument was fine, even if I didn't fully agree.
  15. I meant the Oscars as a ceremony and something symoblic AND used in marketing- not the votership of the Academy itself. My b.
  16. I've noted why it's important to get up in arms about it several times, so there's that. Again, every performance almost every year is a white person, except for maybe one or two, despite the legions of incredibly high praised actors of color that give praised every year. The figures in the Oscars do not represent the diversity of Hollywood or the movie-going public. That isn't just because it HAPPENS that the performances that were just not quiteeee deserving enough just happen to be all the actors of color- it indicates a systemic problem in the voting. And that does NOT mean that the voters are out and out racist, at all. But 94 percent of them are white. Most of them are very old. As tele noted, most of them are very old-fashioned. Every shred of research shows that the majority of the population has moderate subsconcious racial biases, in addition to old white people just not understanding the issues and the themes and even the language of the performances. So because of this system, they are being snubbed. What these changes means is that the voters will be younger, more diverse, and much more represenatiive of the movie-going public at large. That is a good thing. I don't know how to argue otherwise.
  17. I agree. It is a systemic and industry wide problem, and 12 YAS is indeed a symptom of the wider problem. It's a very complex and multi-faceted issue (though some will have you believe that diversity in movies isn't a problem in movies at all, but lol). But I just don't like the idea of Oscars being dismissed out of hand as an important part of it, because they are a major part of the industry. They give the type of prestige needed for POC to greelight projects. They encourage young actors to pursue their dreams. They do matter. But again, despite all the people dismissing it, something got done! I don't know why people have a problem with it (well I do, but...)- as Tele explained eloquently, these are logical, common sense solutions that will spurn diversity and modernized the Academy. Much needed. This is a good thing.
  18. First of all, as noted above, when you factor in people of mixed race, Latinos, East Asians, Indians, people of Middle Eastern descent, and others, 40 percent of the country is people of color, and that's CERTAINLY not represenative of the Oscars. Second of all, I need to do that math for myself, because that poster has a history of very conservative posts that attempt to put down "social justice warriors." Third, even if they are true, they certainly aren't indicative of the past five or six years. Fourth, yes, when you look at the diversity of our country, the stories that we tell, our icons in culture.....one Best Picture movie and a couple of early victories in the first half of the century does NOT represent our culture or our country.
  19. The "12 YAS won an Oscar, the Academy can't have a race problem!" argument is sorta the same as the "America has a black President, so racism and racial problems are done!!" argument. Outliers are outliers for a reason. Yes, they both DO indicate terrific progress for our society- but at the same time, they don't mean we can stop moving forward and attempting to facilitate positive changes.
  20. Ok, sure, whatever. Agree to disagree on that, like I said. But a few people's opinions on Selma's quality does not automatically dismiss an entire movement or render a discussion invalid, either.
  21. But again, you don't make policy and think in hypotheticals or automatically assume failure. You make it to fix something, and if it doesn't work, you re-asses. That's how literally any policy change works.
  22. Eh, way too early to tell. If you had told someone this time last year that Creed and Straight Outta freakin Compton would be at the very center of the Best Picture debate, they'd have laughed in your face. Outside of Revenant and Bridge of Spies, almost every major contender this year wasn't a big time challenger at this time. And alot of the same goes for the acting categories outside of a few exceptions.
  23. Also, I don't see what's so absurd about Isaac getting a nod. He got terrific notices everywhere. The movie got a Best Screenplay nod. He showed up at a ton of critic awards, and even won a few of them. He's a popular and well-liked rising superstar. Hell, he's probably one of the favorites to win a BOFFY for Supporting Actor on these very boards, so it's not like only a select few posters like him. Not tooo absurd.
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