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Everything posted by jimisawesome

  1. A 200m Battleship with Taylor Kitsch never made sense. The only way a 200m Battleship ever makes sense is with 2005 Will Smith and even then it really doesn't. There just happens to be a person that is willing to say yes to something that is so obviously a bad idea in charge of a studio. This is not to say every movie that fails did not make sense on paper at some point. Nor does it mean that not ever project that is stupid at price point X is stupid when its much cheaper at price point Y. Battleship at 85 million is worth the risk. Man from UNKLE at 75 is worth the risk. John Carter at 185 greenlight budget never did.
  2. If they are taking credit like this in public, I can guarantee you they are a pain in the a-- to work with in private. The reason the put up with him at all is the checks.
  3. Columbine ended the high budget R rated movie. Sure you had a few big budget R movies after that but that where in the pipeline and Matrix 2 and 3 but otherwise the reaction to Columbine did it in. Much stricter rules about when and where you could advertise R rated movies along with theaters actually enforcing the R rating. This just made having a PG 13 easier and safer.
  4. Any word on a Burt Reynolds cameo? Its the only thing this franchise has not got right.
  5. There was a time when nobody thought this club fighter would go the distance with the champ and he did. Point being I believe in the underdog and I am so in.
  6. I have my doubts this is anything but marketing. This Hollywood wont let him tell the truth plays perfectly for the audience they are going after with this film. Because it does not make sense otherwise. Forgot for a moment that Paramount needs him for their biggest franchise and he has made them billions so what is 10 million to make him happy here. This movie on its own merits would deserve a 10 million bump because this type of movie, aiming at this audience, on this date has been extremely profitable the last couple of years and this movie will end up with a lot more free publicity then even American Sniper because of Hillary Clinton and the primaries.
  7. A Luther Campbell mini series needs to be the first thing green lit if NWA is as big as it looks. It will have it all sex, football, arrests, court drama, Miami at the tail end of the coke era and the beginning of the bling era.
  8. Fun fact. The fastest growing radio format is classic rap. Which should bode well for the movie.
  9. This. If you must compare JW to a SW movie it would be TPM. JW and TPM came out when those that saw JP and SW as kids now have kids of a similar age to when they saw those films. The kids that watched TPM are just entering the age when most are starting to have kids.
  10. Not just this he is far and away the best character in that trilogy and no worse then 2nd best character period in all of these films. Also Steven Segal never made movie as bad as what ever is considered the best SW movie.
  11. The mini trend of 90s action remakes is failing in large part of this. They are taking movies that are nearly if not the best version of that movie can be and trying to remake it. Of course the new version is going to disappoint because no one wants to watch a scene for scene remake and any changes you make are going to make the movie worse not better. Robocop and Point Break are in my top 5 favorite movies ever but the only thing I liked about these remakes coming out is a new version of the Blu ray with a prettier transfer. They just need to go the Fast Furious way. Steal the movie but even though I know The Fast and The Furious is a rip off of Point Break I am still judging the movie mostly on its own merits. I see this Point Break its getting compared to the original
  12. The stunts look awesome its just the cast is a black hole of charisma at least in that trailer. Not having charisma is a huge deal when Bodhi played by Swayze very well might be the most charismatic character ever in an action movie. I would probably really be looking forward to this if it was called anything else instead of Point Break one of my 3 favorite movies.
  13. Point Break is one of my 3 or 4 favorite films ever made. I hate that the remade this especially when there are some good ideas in this trailer. All that said I hope this does great because besides Hateful 8 its the only movie worth seeing in Dec right now.
  14. Because boxing is the sport with the most pure drama. Its one man versus another man (or woman against woman). Its getting punched in face and coming back from that adversity.
  15. Sure there is a huge MoE but Budget v Box Office is the only thing that makes sense to judge moves by even if its not perfect. From the current look of things at 5 PM Eastern time it does not matter if TW cost 150 or 190 or 290 its a failure anyway you look at it. If it cost 50 million it would be a moderate success to a solid hit. If it cost 10 million its a huge success.
  16. I am shocked Disney has problems keeping projects on budget. Also shocked they give a project a stupid budget to begin with.
  17. And they spent 17 billion just to buy this IP before dollar one was spent on production.
  18. Basically this. I was getting killed around here for saying movie would open up around the first movie and its possible that it opens much less. Instead stuff like 220 is the floor where taken seriously and more of the mainstream. You might as well have Ebola the way you where looked at if you had this under 500 with the talk more around if this beats Titanic. So yes this movie is doing fine but the producers get to say that not people saying this is opening at 230 plus on its way to 650.
  19. That is easy everyone went crazy in their expectations. At best it was going to be right around the firsts OW and it was always going to be more frontloaded because that is what happens most of the time.
  20. Its Disney so not surprised at all. Why should Marvel be great on budgets anymore now they have the mouse and its policy of there is no budget large enough.
  21. Burt Reynolds if he is healthy enough. This series should have had a cameo of him a long time ago basically the only thing wrong the series has done.
  22. Opening Weekend- 210 dom if 3D could do 275 Dom total- 545 Overseas-1.5b WW- 2.05 billion
  23. It is an appearance of huge margins due to the cost being on a different balance sheet. The cost being the price of production for a film and most of the marketing for a film which is not showing up on the home entertainment side. Or to make it simpler the 200 million dollar it cost to make Frozen is not included under this profit. In the real world the death of disk has cost studios almost half of their margins. They used to run about a 12 percent margin now they are down to around 6-7 percent.
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