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Everything posted by jimisawesome

  1. Thank you and its not just CRA granted it was in a different market place but Crouching Tiger did most of its business in NA with indifference in East Asian markets. From what I seen in the trailers it looks like any number of mainland Chinese movies. Even domestic the numbers getting thrown around are kind of crazy. It was behind domestically BatB, Lion King, Aladdin, Pocahontas and closer to the Hunchback and Hercules.
  2. Disney screwed up the release date. Jungle Cruise looks to be almost the perfect type of holiday release movie similar to the new Jumanji's, National Treasures and Night at the Museums. In the summer it is competing to be peoples first choice while the holidays its the acceptable choice for entire families. I really do think a summer release is costing them 50 million or more of potential box office.
  3. That is because the Wild Stallions have not had their hits yet but once they do the kids will love them.
  4. This was not a good movie and just had too much pandering, cheap laughs, omg nostalgia, and dumb you have to ignore. I know it is stupid nitpicky but if the green goblins are made from elements, not on the periodic table humans could not damage them at least that easily without nukes. They would at their height weigh at least 5,000 pounds. The entire cat thing came across as internet loves cats lets have them and speaking of the internet only thing missing was an AOL disk because dial up is just so funny on its face. Honestly, it is probably just me because my theater was eating this up. They also loved the look Blockbuster and look Radio Shack they are funny because they went out of business and were 90s stores. Outside of a few of the site setting. I also don't get the flashing back to her childhood as they basically did nothing with it. Even the get up when you are knocked down montage did not really work as the clips had no real context. I know we are told that she did not get along with her parents but they don't show it really except for like 8 seconds. Someone also mentioned the little girl being hey mom go to space in a jerryrigged spaceship and probably never come home again or your a bad role model.
  5. The release date was fine it was 4 weeks since the Harry Potter spinoff it just looked stupid and there was nothing marketing could do to save it.
  6. This had to be an incredible set with the two actors with the rep of being the biggest PITA to work with.
  7. Easy In. For the reasons you gave plus what is the hook for SW now they brought back everyone that would move the needle except Jar Jar? AT least domestically TLJ made an extra 50-100 million because Disney locked up prime theaters they will not get that 4-weekend window again.
  8. Where did they advertise because I think I have seen one ad for Replicas and no trailers and I see about 10 movies a month? I think they left money on the table by not releasing it on Christmas. This is just the type of movie that would have played very well over the holidays.
  9. And the payoff of the movie is that Freddy finds love with the man that called him out on this wild lifestyle and they spent the rest of his life together presumably happy.
  10. So when I do it and give my reasoning for why i feel justified in doing so its bullshit. But when you make up reasons I have to take it as face value? I will repeat again. The line is out of place from the rest of his characterization and from the actions shown on screen. The only time he becomes an agent of chaos is that line the rest of the second half the film he is played as a revolutionary. YOu on the other hand just get to madk up this T'Challa did not have to accept Killmongers challenge. You based this on your own personal beliefs on how the king would not have time for this so it cant be a real rule. This despite the movie showing very well that it was expected that T'Challa had to accept the challenge and the only questions was about the logistics.
  11. This is basically a deus ex machina explanation. We know its not over because of course the hero of the movie is not dead. But, the movie implies, as much as it can given that we know he is the hero so can't be dead or at least dead dead, that he is dead until the reveal that he is in snow. Everyone in the movie believes him dead and the movie gives no hint that he survived again outside of the its a movie so of course our hero is not dead. Not even a shot of him washing up on shore or the Mountain tribe fishing. This all started based on my claim that it was an illegal coup. This bit of information changes very little about my claim. T'Challa's girlfriend, sister, mother and the CIA started the overthrow (coup) when they thought T'Challa dead.
  12. -Again no. The coup was started by his girlfriend who then enlisted his sister and mother. They started this and tried to raise an army before they knew he was alive. And if you want to play the trail was not over well he cheated for the second time. The first being the interference from Whitaker and then with flower. All the ministers that watch over the proceedings also were of the opinion that KM was king. -After he had no choice. The secret is out about Wakanda by the end with CIA guy knowing and with enough people on KM side before he was overthrown. -Exactly. BP did nothing. -Where in the movie is there any rule or suggestion that KM is not entitled to a combat with BP? The only rule that came up with about the logistics of the event not if the event should happen. There is a guy that was a like Steve totes needs to be here but it will take him weeks to get here. KM says to this objection Don't care just lets do it. -I guess you are right here. YOu can even have the CIA help you and its fine.
  13. Besides the obvious BP is the star of the movie so of course he did not die how did the movie make clear that the trail was not over? And even if it did. His mother, sister and girlfriend all thought him dead and started the coup before finding out he was alive by trying to raise an army. This is not Star Wars. SW is a silly kids movie this movie has been basically marketed as a political movie. Disney is sure fine with the press going on about how this is mostly African American cast and the biggest budget movie directed by an African American and all the related records. They seem happy about stories of entire classes and schools going to see this movie. So don't pick and choose which politics are ok to talk about. It automatically becomes a political movie when you have an African country that is in Central Africa and the CIA. You are right I am ignoring that line because it is so far out of left field of the rest of the politics he showed in the movie it almost felt as if someone either on set or in test screening said we need some reason to cheer against him. Outside of that line, his was always a straight up liberation politic. I really did not see much character development from T'Challa which was the entire reason why I made my first post. He went from entitled to entitled. The last scene might as well been let them eat cake or flying uber. KM just went on a political outburst about what he sees as the political failures of the country and is challenging the leadership. Yeah, that is a political opponent. If you are going to read that T Challa didnt have to accept the challenge and I am not sure at all how you can read that when the ministers were trying to find a way to delay it with but uhhhh we need to totally have to have Carl there yeah that is it until KM was like don't need him, then i think its a perfectly valid reading to assume no trial was forthcoming otherwise it would not have been a big deal the name revelation.
  14. Huh, I was mocking all of that which is perfectly clear in context. And if you think that Postmodernism and its umbrella nonsense like post-structuralism is discredited and not used by the left go see what is going on at pretty much all the major humanities departments in your state.
  15. T'Challa girlfriend, mother, and sister all thought he was dead when they started the coup. They only found out T'Challa was alive after trying to raise an army. Your example is nothing at all like Killmongers plan was in the movie. In fact, the US and every country that can do exactly what Kingmonger plan is. In the movie, his plan is to arm the insurgents and hope they will overthrow their oppressors. Those jets leaving are just shipping out arms. The US sells 47 billion in arms. The big European countries together sell 30 billion. We put weapons in the hands of rebel groups in Syria hoping they will overthrow Assad, in the hands of the Saudis in their war against Yemen, pro-EU side in the Ukraine as just some examples that are in no way in controversy. add on- The movie made no mention that any potential targets of the insurgency would be civilian either. I would also like to thank you though for at least addressing what I said with good faith arguments.
  16. It is just you. This statement is a way to dismiss my criticism of the film without addressing them. This movie is getting praised all over the place for its politics of inclusion and well politics inside of Hollywood yet there is no mention of the actual politics displayed by the characters in the film. I am not using some post-structuralist reading via a Marxist lens here. Everything I pointed out is surface level. -The law of Wakanda is that the leader is chosen via a trial by combat. This was established both at the beginning of the film and in the kings court when a number of ministers agreed that the fight for king should go on. This is further confirmed when Forrest Wittiker depowers him. -It is Forrest Wittiker acting on the behalf of Black Panther that tries to interfere in this legal battle. KM does nothing unethical during this battle. -What else would you call the 3rd act other than a coup? Martin Freeman is a CIA agent no question there. BP sister, girlfriend and mother lead an overthrow of the legal government of Wakanda. And the excuse that KM has gone crazy does not fly as they started the coup well before they added the KM insert about burning the world down. -Xenophobic is a strong word but I think its well earned when W'Kabi says refugees bring their problems with them and BP goes along with it. Especially given the context of a country that has looked away from the slave trade, colonization, and regional civil wars. -BP in the kings court knew KM backstory and how his father murdered KM dad. BP was the one that demanded that KM be taken away without saying his name. This despite KM bringing the most wanted man in Wakandian history to justice. Which of these am I reading too much into?
  17. I am at a loss after seeing this movie. Am I am supposed to cheer on Black Panther after he regained power via an illegal coup with the help of the CIA against the lawful leader of Wakanda? BP that was willing to continue the countries xenophobic border policy despite being (according to the MCU map) right next to Uganda. BP who kept his father's fratricide secret. Attempted to silence a political opponent without a trial. Had outside interference during the countries legal king election mechanism. I half expected to see a writing or story credit for Henry Kissinger.
  18. Yeah but they have no way of knowing if you used your card at concessions, bought a GC or best yet resold your ticket. The only way they can know if you bought premium tickets is either they F--- up and let it slip through (which happens very often with them) or looking at their max released amount (13 dollars in my market for tickets that range from about 11-12.80).
  19. I can't buy that number unless somehow a top 10 market is somehow a massive outlier. Granted I go to a post-renovation AMC where right off the bat over 30 percent of the seats for the entire theater is off limits to MP as they are Dolby and Imax seats. Throw in another 5-15 percent for 3D movies. You mention the end of Dec but what were they seeing as good luck to anyone with MP buying a ticket to SW before Christmas Day with the card. Or buying Jumanji tickets any time in Dec. I just don't think its possible to buy 6 tickets at renovated and new AMC's in the month of Dec unless all you saw was Darkest Hour. The reason they have 2 percent blockbuster and 10 percent art house is because its much harder to buy blockbuster tickets with MP. Also since my last post a few hours ago I found out one of the banned AMC's is in my market. But this is how full of s--- MP is. The AMC I normally go to regular adult ticket is 11.76 while the banned one is 12.83. Ok so maybe this dollar is a huge deal except for the Regal which is about 10 mintues from the banned AMC is 13.74. The Regal is a ghost town despite being in a mall.
  20. Part of my comment got lost via edit and pasting. I mention the numbers MP recently released that they are 2 percent of blockbusters and over 10 percent of specialty film box office but that does jibe with their claims in this letter. They basically claiming they are buying 400,000 tickets from AMC a week (assuming 10 dollar tickets)*. I don't believe it with even a 2 million person subscriber base. They announced 1.5 million on Jan 9th. So basically they are trying to claim that about a third or more of their customers every single week went to AMC. That does not match Moviepass claim they are 2 percent of blockbusters and 10 percent art house attendance. I can't say for certain but I think its likely that AMC gets less of a MP bump than many other chains. The reason is the renovations. Take my local AMCs they dropped to about a third of the capacity over the last year. What this means is that movies that never would have sold out sell out all the time. Den of Thieves last week I abused my MP and bought a ticket the day before and half the seats were sold. The day of release there where only 3 single tickets left outside of the front row at noon for a 745 showing. So pretty much only a tiny handful of people with MP saw DoT on opening day. Same goes for that Thor war movie because this time only 1 showing was not Imax and that sold old quickly. Again this is my market which is a top 10 market and has 4 AMCs (before the buyout) and I can be the complete outlier and most other markets have not seen the renovations yet. I would imagine that Empire has a higher than normal online buying base than most other theaters because it is such a popular theater. The 4 dollar tickets are mostly eaten by the Studio and TMobile (has anyone else done this besides them?). They might have worked out a deal with the theaters at the theater's corporate rate ticket which if that is the case a regular ticket would be around 8-10 dollars that AMC is charging but that is backroom and would be next to impossible to find unless you know someone in the room. *Operating income for AMC was 213 million for 2016. I just divided by 52 but Q4 will be larger than Q1/Q3 making MP numbers even more unbelievable.
  21. Statement from Moviepass http://deadline.com/2018/01/moviepass-lack-of-amc-theatres-coverage-1202269412/ BS on the highlighted parts. WHere are they pulling these numbers from? If they are flat year over year how is MP exactly claiming they are responsible for 62 percent of the operating income and 34.4 profits? ARe they saying if not for MP no one would have gone to the movies in Q4 at AMC? That is what it sounds like they are basically claiming here that Star Wars and Jumanji are nothing. Like who do they think is going to buy this? Bitcoin fans? Lets specialty. How do they jib together? My personal experience at my local AMCs. Tickets are now mostly bought online and the walk up crowd has no idea that movie pass exists. The small exception to this is cheap ticket tuesday and most people here do not have a moviepass. Every other theater in the country could be different but that seems to be the pattern at my two local ones. One of which I go to probably 5 times or more a month with my moviepass.
  22. Neither of these companies are profitable with their streaming subscription services either. And this is exactly why AMC was right when Moviepass went to 10 dollars. How many people are going to attempt to use Moviepass at AMC and believe its AMC fault instead of Moviepass?
  23. ^To add on a bit in the 90s studies would release movies that were aimed at adults and had no real award show aspirations. Just look at most of the movies that Tom Cruise was in during the 90s. Now if a movie is aimed at adults its basically automatically in the awards season talk.
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