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Everything posted by Incarnadine

  1. Big Wedding does look bad, but even so I considered seeing it because I like Seyfried, but that was negated by the fact I despise Heigl.
  2. It's a pretty blah weekend when I'm most excited seeing The Croods prediction at 7 million this weekend (an excellent number).
  3. I couldn't find a thread for the tv show, if there is one. This looks just awful, lacking both the chemistry of the cast and wit in the writing of the movie. It definitely seems like they are trying too hard and going for the cheap laughs. http://youtu.be/v_7Zc7PuAVU
  4. Wow, this thread got buried. I'll admit Suburgatory has kind of been coasting this season, it's still good, but it hasn't been up to last seasons quality, until tonight. I just loved the 2 back to back episodes, the Tessa/Dahlia smackdown was a long time coming and fun to watch, and I'm glad they didn't have a girly fight, but rather a knock down drag out brawl in the hall. After that the tone got serious, which was an interesting turn.
  5. I think 12 mil for SM5 is high. I bet when all is said and done it ends up closer to 10 than 12, and even that number is undeserved, it just looks so god awful bad. If there was any justice it would be doing InAPPropriate Comedy numbers.
  6. Excellent numbers, there were people who didn't think it would pass 200m overseas total. So, with the current 125.8 Domestic TC has really blown past 300 WW this week with 332.6. 1 more week of good holds and it might pass 400 by the end of next weekend (a couple more markets open too, including France). I've looked, but I don't see a date for Japan, will TC be released in Japan?
  7. That is my biggest problem with these re-releases, they charge full modern day prices even though the cost of making the original has long been covered. We have a yearly digital film fest and classic Mondays where the big multiplexes show old (generally from 1970-2000) movies, but they only charge $6 rather than the $12.99 for new movies. JP 3D is $15.99, and that's the 1 reason I didn't see it this weekend. Maybe I might possibly see it on discount Tuesday, but that's still iffy.
  8. That's more like it. I saw that $20 mil estimate and that seemed a bit low for a family film after a $6 mil Friday. That should be enough to lock up the #2 spot for the weekend.
  9. So, heading into the weekend the WW total stands at $255.1, TC should blow past $300 this weekend. Just keeps rolling along.
  10. All the openers went down, GIJ -700K, TPT -650K, TH -400K The Croods went up 200k, just enough for its drop to be less than 40%
  11. So that puts it at $229.118 mil WW so far. It looks like The Croods has a decent shot at $500 mil WW.
  12. Now, would that 50 for marketing only be for this year? They spent a ton on marketing last year before the sudden release date change, including the very pricey Superbowl spots.
  13. I was wondering if JTGS would fail to pass Hoult's other movie this year, Warm Bodies. It looks like the answer to that is "yes". So Hoult has a small breakout hit and a colossal failure in close succession.
  14. It's actually gone down 1.5 million from the first estimate. Was 12, then 11 and now 10.5. I wouldn't be surprised to see it drop a bit further either. I really don't believe it will hit 40 mil for the 4 day now.
  15. Down to 10.5 now. Take out Wednesday previews and Thursday is 8.3. I'm beginning to think 40 mil 4 day might be a struggle. https://twitter.com/ERCboxoffice/status/317641333932187648
  16. I guess he'll have to go back to playing with his little Schticky after this.
  17. It has Lindsay Lohan in it, in my opinion it got far more than it deserved.
  18. I saw both TC and OHF this weekend. TC is definitely kid friendly, which is what you want for a movie geared towards kids. Beautiful visuals, but a pretty simple and straightforward plot, although there was enough action to keep it interesting for adults, I especially liked the first hunt. The kids were talking excitedly about it when it ended, OHF certainly isn't original, but for these kinds of movies that's not necessarily bad. It was action packed and never dull, although really farfetched at times. A good serviceable action movie. It was nice to see 2 new movies I enjoyed come out on the same weekend, it's been slim pickings this year so far. Tracking for TC was 40, I was hoping for 50 so nearly 45 is a good compromise.
  19. Precisely. I actually find good, funny comedies to be among the best theatrical experiences, everything just seems funnier when you are in a ;packed theater where everyone is truly enjoying the comedy. I can't recall the last time I saw a comedy on tv or dvd at home where I laugh out loud, but it happens every year in the theater.
  20. That pretty much sums it up. I think she is actually a decent actress, not great but certainly not bad either, her being in a movie really has next to no effect on its boxoffice, good or bad . She is a career supporting actress, I don't know if she's ever had an actual leading role, certainly nothing where a movie hangs on her performance. Olivia also has a penchant for choosing parts in not so great movies, about the only other actress I can think of who consistently makes worse choices is Kristen Bell, another pretty good actress who can't seem to choose good roles.
  21. I still have it... SLP actually passed LoP this weekend, wouldn't have guessed that would happen a month ago.
  22. Highlights for me were J-Law and Waltz winning, with Waltz giving the best acceptance speech of the night. Maybe Affleck deserved best director, but of the nominees I like that Ang Lee won, Life of Pi was declared unfilmable, but he made it work. Jennifer definitely had the most endearing moments, tripping on her own dress and that shout out to Emma Stone on the red carpet ("Your ass is mine, Stone!"). That shout out starts around 1:16 in the clip below.
  23. Well, I almost had perfection for the major awards, got them all but best supporting actor. Waltz actually had myfavorite performance of the nominees, but I thought there was no way inhell the Academy voters would give him a 2nd Award so soon after hislast one.
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