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Everything posted by Mango

  1. My predicts: Previews: $70M Friday/Previews: $145M Saturday: $90M Sunday: $74M OW: $309M. The hype is ridiculous and maybe I’m caving into it a bit but I think this will happen.
  2. This could be coming out next May if Disney weren’t so quick to the trigger. Now we’re probably gonna have to wait until at least 2022.
  3. Filmed entirely in 70mm IMAX with hard cuts, dynamic angles, and lots of exposition describing the nature of positions.
  4. I was super against this idea when it was first announced but idk I’m coming around to it. The Toy Story movies are my favorite animated films ever and if we got another one even half as good as the other three I’d still mark this as the best animated series quality wise.
  5. Are we just choosing to ignore that the most predominantly African-American led blockbuster ever is the highest grossing domestic film of the year and will likely stay that way?
  6. Lmao if Disney put half as much effort into making A Wrinkle in Time as they did trying to get it to $100M they’d probably not had that problem.
  7. The Incredibles 2 is going to have a better Father’s Day hold than past Pixar releases. Most animated films skew slightly female but I’ll be surprised if I2 isn’t a big Father’s Day outing. I doubt it’ll make some crazy ass Man of Steel hold but it can probably manage a a comfortable sub-10% drop especially with more spillover.
  8. TS3's 3D share OW was 60% and it's second weekend 57%. Theaters had less 3D capable tech then so it's safe to say that number continued to slowly trickle down as other 3D films opened. BOM said in their end of the year report it was basically even in attendance with TS1 but behind TS2. I really expected that to break out to like $450-500M at the time but it came a fair amount short. That's why I'm hesitant to assume what I2 will do.
  9. tbh these Star Wars spinoffs aren't really the same as say the MCU. Whereas those compliment other current films in the franchise these are pretty detatched one-offs basically designed to tide people over for the next main entry. They're pretty unnecessary and come off more as fan fiction at times. I think it's best to go back to doing just main Star Wars films and let them be the events they should be.
  10. Also worth noting that Ant Man came out in the highly competitive 2015 summer and also followed Age of Ultron which was a bit more polarizing in terms of audience/fan reception. Coming off of the extremely well received Infinity War (and the pretty fantastic Phase 3 in general) I think Ant-Man 2 should do quite well there's a ton of public interest in where exactly the MCU is headed post IW.
  11. I think 50-55% drop this weekend and sub 45%, maybe even sub 40% next weekend. I don't think Solo will cannibalize IW five weekends out. At that point it'll just be down to one screen at most theaters which is pretty par for the course for a big film a month out.
  12. They said "hell" in Cars as well. I remember being 12 and completely shocked by that. Though it's worth noting in the context the word is being used in the films it's alluding to Hell as a place, which isn't considered a swear.
  13. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=weekend&id=rapunzel.htm Weekend 26
  14. Tarantino hyper-violence and complete decimation of the idea of "subtlety" doesn't seem like a good choice for a horrific and truly depressing true story but like some have mentioned I can't really imagine all these big name actors risking their golden reputations on something like that. Leo himself is known for stepping up with things start to get out of hand, so we'll see.
  15. IDK how big of a factor a "winter break" played into BP but if it's worth mentioning this week was the start of summer break for a ton of college students around the country.
  16. Y'all realize that Friday bump is basically exactly in line with BP's Friday bump which led to an amazing second weekend. MCU films are HUGE Saturday and Sunday players.
  17. People do like Avatar. Idk if the sequels are gonna be the same lightning in a bottle the first one was, especially after years of waiting where landmarks Avatar was known for are either dying (3D cinema) or have evolved a lot (VFX/motion capture) but most of the time I hear it come up in public it's well regarded.
  18. $15.6M Thurs $33M Fri $48M Sat $34M Sun $115M second weekend. -55% drop for the weekend.
  19. Well, Spider-Man 3 broke the record and had s terrible multi. That was from a completely different box office era though.
  20. Friendly reminder that gigantic premieres usually don't feel the effects of discount Tuesday. A slight decrease wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary followed by a softer than normal Wednesday drop.
  21. Is Marvel going to be the first studio to have two films over $600M in the same year? Even adjusted for inflation?
  22. Spillover be damned $25M for a non holiday Monday in the fucking month of April is goddamn ridiculous.
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