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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Disney is notorious for releasing home video/ digital releases while their more leggy films are still in a lot of theaters. Pretty sure Frozen was still making like $2-3M a week when the home video release landed and came incredibly close to sabotaging its road to $400M
  2. I mean I guess there's no reason not to fudge BP and AWIT. The former just gets that much closer to $700M and the later to $100M. $107M is amazing but it's not really within fudging reach of $119M. Besides we all know Paramount are the fudge gods
  3. I can sorta relate to Cameron there tbh. 2001 is an amazing work of art and I love it for that but it's not exactly a movie you get invested in, it's more of an experimental (for the time) art piece you observe. Like it's not usually my Wednesday evening pick to just sit down and rewatch ya know
  4. Needs a 4.5% true Fri to Saturday increase to hit $70M. Very possible, but we'll see. Even Civil War for all its frontloadedness had a bigger jump than that, but we also weren't dealing with a $106M opening day.
  5. Tbh the movie is a lot to digest assuming most audiences liked it there could be more repeat viewings so people can gather possibly lost information but it won't have a large effect on the multi. Extremely minor if any
  6. Never thought about how much I'd love a Sam Raimi directed Superman until this tbh. Now it's something I need. plz WB, "Man of Tomorrow" directed by Raimi. June 2019. DO IT.
  7. It's a bump but this is a cool thread- The Dark Knight Rises - 7 times Guardians of the Galaxy - 5 times Fury Road - 4 times The Force Awakens - 4 times Interstellar - 3 times The Avengers - 3 times Deathy Hallows II - 3 times Toy Story 3 - 3 times The Dark Knight - twice The Incredibles - twice I didn't get my driver's license until early 2010 so I sort of had to go out of my way to see the bottom two twice, hence the mention. Other than that I've seen a few other movies twice since then. Though the most recent releases I saw twice were Guardians Vol. 2 and Rogue One, haven't really been going multiple times the past year or so.
  8. So far Guardians has been a powerhouse on Saturday/Sundays.
  9. I'll take short bursts of his comedy over 90 minutes to two hours of stuff like this any day.
  10. Most comedy movies these days are just the same dick or smurf tunnel of bliss jokes told in a slightly different way. Bring on Edgar Wright later this summer. That's a brand of comedy I can get behind.
  11. Still looking good for a $60M+ second weekend. I'm thinking it might get close to $65M if the weekend plays strongly like it did last week.
  12. I thought the Schumer hating was because of all the ther comedians she's plagiarized. Though I'm sure comedians borrowing from either other happens a lot. Like her and a lot of other modern comedians she just isn't that funny imo. That guy with the Russia story I keep seeing shared on Facebook is the only comedian I've laughed at in... a while.
  13. Daniel Craig deserves a better send off than Spectre. Guy really was the Bond for the new generation and helped make the character more relevant than he has been in 40 years. Really hope he's back for one last round.
  14. Pokemon really hit a peak that year (I think that "peak" has returned a couple of times since, but that was the first). The anime was getting super high ratings on Kids WB, the video games were selling outrageous amounts of copies, and merchandise was EVERYWHERE. They really did a crazy good job with saturating just about any kind of industry with Pokemon. The card game was huge with kids too, I remember a ton of kids in my class talking about getting exclusive cards when you buy a ticket. Probably would have done $100M if Toy Story 2 hadn't clipped it's wings early. What's intersting is adjusted for inflation Pokemon beats stuff like the Spongebob movie. The video games are still huge to this day, but the anime (which this movie was spawned from) was very much a relic of its era. Arguably a more impressive run for a similar film would have been The Rugrats Movie a year prior. Managed to make $100M even after A Bug's Life released and I think in terms of attendance the only animated adapted movie from tv that beats it is The Simpsons Movie.
  15. To this day it baffles me that Universal released Hellboy II a week before TDK when August through October of that year was outrageously dead/open.
  16. I actually think it has a slim chance at holding better than the first Guardians. That one was early August when weekdays are still in summer mode, leading to less weekend heavy grosses. Not saying it will definitely happen but it's Friday was a pretty light part of its OW compared to other similar openers, and that is usually where films have the disadvantage. (Like BvS being down 80% for Friday so Saturday/Sunday couldn't compensate well for it.)
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