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Everything posted by moviesRus

  1. Personally I don't care one way or another what they did with this story, but from a marketing standpoint, there wasn't a whole lot of novelty to sell this on. At least MJ1 had the District 13 quirks, which is a place the audience has never seen before. CF had the quarter quell gimmick that I think sold it for a lot of the audience and a cool arena.
  2. JLaw is still a huge draw. I don't think these films would be half as huge if it wasn't for her. The premise of MJ just wasn't as interesting, it went in a very predictable direction (revolution!) and there wasn't really a big money shot in the trailers.
  3. Which would happen even if TFA is the worst movie ever made and MJ2 had been the greatest movie ever made.
  4. If you include this year (for Joy), JLaw will have been Oscar nominated in 3/4 years in which Hunger Games films came out, she just gets nominated for other films that are taken seriously by the Academy. I mean really if Catching Fire couldn't even nab a costume or original song nomination, there's literally no chance of this series ever breaking in.
  5. The only rumblings I've heard have been negative on the film so maybe it was just a dump it in a weekend no one else wanted type thing.
  6. When's the start date for filming? Ryan said this is the next movie he's shooting so must be early 2015.. or are they not announcing that cause it might spoil something else in another franchise lol..
  7. God, I saw this trailer and the Chris Pine movie trailer today before Spotlight and I really could not distinguish them and didn't care for either.
  8. Well I think we can all agree that people are probably not eager to see this kind of movie after today's news.
  9. 1. Civil War - $1.5 billion 2. BvS - $1.3 billion 3. Rogue One - $1.2 billlion 4. Finding Dory - $1.15 billion 5. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - $900 million 6. Independence Day - $890 million 7. Alice Through the Looking Glass - $850 million 8. Apocalypse - $800 million 9. Jungle Book - $790 million 10. Suicide Squad - $750 million
  10. So confused as to where that money went. It looked about as average as a $150 million blockbuster.
  11. Farrell has an interesting arthouse/European career at least. His mainstream films have been flops though. Reynolds is just blah.
  12. I think Ryan Reynolds has just become the embodiment of the privileged white dude who flops over and over again but still gets more chances.
  13. I think $220-225 is highly likely, but there's tons of big releases coming in the next weeks. It would be cool to see it pass Bourne Ultimatum as Damon's highest grossing film domestic.
  14. Steve Jobs - niche topic + actor no one cares about + similar movie came out few years ago (Jobs) Pan - terrible reviews + trailers looked horrible The Walk - JGL is not a star + similar movie came out few years ago (Man on Wire) + overshadowed by The Martian Witch Hunter - looked terrible + bad reviews Crimson Peak - Del Toro not a box office draw + cast is not really famous + false marketing Burnt - bad reviews + kept changing its title + sort of similar movie came out few years ago (Chef) Our Brand is Crisis - got panned at TIFF + studio clearly dumped it
  15. October is actually a very busy school month, a lot of midterms/exams happen around this time. I think people just weren't all that impressed with what was available and maybe just decided to be productive instead of going to the movies. There's no real franchise films. The star power movies mostly tanked with critics/WOM (Burnt, Our Brand is Crisis, Witch Hunter, Pan), the well-reviewed films had actors no one cared about (Steve Jobs, The Walk, Crimson Peak), then there's the films that tanked with critics and also had no one famous (all the other ones). The only ones that had both star power and great reviews were The Martian, a huge hit, and the leggy sleeper hit Bridge of Spies. So yeah, great month for Saving Private Ryan alums (lol oh wait except Vin Diesel I guess).
  16. Jesus christ, that Steve Jobs drop. Sorry Fassbender, you're not winning shit this year. Somewhere Leo is laughing maniacally.
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