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Hanamichi Sakuragi

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Everything posted by Hanamichi Sakuragi

  1. So, we basically just vote for who we think is the better character, right? Not who we think would actually win in a fight? Anyway, I voted. 1. Link Alright, so Link isn't really a better character than Nathan Drake, cause he's barely a character at all, but Wind Waker, A Link to the Past, and Majora's Mask are some of the very best games ever, so Link gets my vote. Yes, I know each of those Links are not the same as the other 2. Indiana Jones Not even a contest. Katniss is alright, but Indiana Jones is one of the best ever. EVER. 3. Regina George Never really cared for Rambo 4. The Hulk I loved the new Tomb Raider, but Hulk is just on another level.
  2. Orci's best work was the episode of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, where Hercules was turned into a pig. It's just been downhill from there.
  3. I wake up to find Community has been cancelled. Not a good start to the day.
  4. Didn't the rival band frequently try to kill Jem and the rest of her band?
  5. I remember watching a lot of this, back when I would watch anything that was animated. From what I remember, it was really dumb. Really really dumb.
  6. I wasn't answering for you, I was correcting you. So now do you agree that it's my opinion, and not some attempt at being different?
  7. I am not trying to be different, I believe it is the best movie based on a comic book movie. How could say something and then contradict yourself in your very next sentence? Which is it, is it actually my opinion, or am I just trying to be different?
  8. It's a movie based on a comic, and I think it's the best movie based on a comic, so yeah, it counts.Eastern Promises is not based on a comic, and its irrelevant as far as this list is concerned.
  9. 10. The Dark Night Rises 9. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 8. The Dark Knight 7. Road to Perdition 6. Blue is the Warmest Color 5. Oldboy 4. American Splendor 3. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 2. Persepolis 1. A History of Violence Three out of ten isn't too bad.
  10. Gravity's worldwide total now stands at $670,121,667, making the 7th highest grossing movie of the year, having surpassed Man of Steel. Who'd have thunk it.
  11. This is one of the 36 worst lists I have ever seen. But kudos to Iceroll for the great presentation.
  12. Well, not exactly. I mean, they could still watch it and enjoy it, but thinking a show is good, isn't the same thing as thinking it's one of the best.
  13. Matt Shapiro's Cinescape 2013 is going to blow those away.
  14. 1. The Tree of Life 2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 3. There Will Be Blood 4. Mulholland Drive 5. Adaptation 6. Syndromes and a Century 7. The New World 8. The Death of Mr Lazarescu 9. Zodiac 10. No Country For Old Men
  15. Goddamn it, I just watched Blue is the Warmest Colour, and now I've got to change my list. If it isn't too much trouble, could you make Blue is the Warmest Colour my number one comic book movie of 2013, and knocking my current three off the list? And likewise, making it my number six on the Top 10 Comic Book Movies of All Time list, knocking my current number ten off the list.
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