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Everything posted by babz06

  1. Dope is doing decently as well, turned out to be a good decision to open it this weekend for counter programming.
  2. What about Alice Through the Looking Glass? I feel like everyone is forgetting that comes out too. Independence Day 2 and Tarzan also has potential depending on the trailers.
  3. Im with you, I think its being overestimated. Right now im only predicting 40m/130m just because somehow Sandler still has a fanbase who watch his shit movies. I think Ant-Man will out-open and out-gross it.
  4. I thought everyone was predicting below 200m anyways? if it breaks 200m would be a nice surprise at this point.
  5. Civil War is in a weird position. SvB getting a head start in march, plus X-men Apocalypse a couple weeks later that could kill the legs.
  6. Julia Stiles coming back http://variety.com/2015/film/news/julia-stiles-to-reteam-with-matt-damon-in-next-bourne-identity-film-1201524072/
  7. This looks like its going to be a close weekend. I dont know about 100m+ predictions but 85-90 isnt out of the question.
  8. That would be pretty good, no one was predicting great numbers for it. But this film is a teen comedy and 90s nostalgia is in.
  9. Avengers Jurassic World Inside Out Minions It's possible, just depends on how hard Minions hits Inside Out.
  10. Conflicting reports about whether Disney slated a December 2018 date or not. http://www.slashfilm.com/indiana-jones-5-development/
  11. Sony would be dumb not to jump on this, but those salaries are pretty high. If they're planning on filming this fall, then I expect 2016 release date announced soon; they could really take advantage of christmas 2016. Right now there is only an animated flick, risky musical and assassins' creed scheduled. Of course the stars wars standalone is coming out the weekend before but I don't expect that to be really huge.
  12. He can pretty much pick whatever script he wants and it will get greenlite. Personally im most interested in Passengers and The Real Mccoy of the films he has pre-production.
  13. I think it will top 100m, that trailer was very well received by my audience in JW.
  14. These numbers are amazing. What a year for Universal,completely stealing Disney's thunder. Waiting for Star Wars opening weekend numbers is going to be nail-biter.
  15. Since we're on the subject on Ultron. Do you guys think the under-performance (relative to expectations) is going to cause a ripple effect on future Marvel tentpoles? Have we seen the height of Marvel and its all downhill from here..?
  16. And yet you have some articles (variety) claiming this summer has been disappointing up until Jurassic World hit.
  17. Hilary is a young woman, so she has it tougher getting good roles. But she also isnt a very good actress so that makes a huge difference. Her shelf-life wasnt long.
  18. Shia had a chance to become a bigger star but his personal life took over. I dont think any studio is going to take a chance on him at this point unless he does some major image repair.
  19. I think they may move Mag 7 to June 2016 and either take Uncharted of the schedule completely or push it back to 2017.
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