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Everything posted by babz06

  1. Right now, im thinking BvS does IM3 numbers at best. The level of anticipation isnt at Ultron yet. However, Warner Bros is doing the smart thing by getting a head start on Marvel because the films have similar concepts.. I think some people are overestimating how much CIvil War is going to increase from Winter Soldier.
  2. Well the key word there is nostalgia--adults who were kids in the late 80s/90s. Honestly, even the kids of today dont have to know the games that are on display, it looks like a fun time.
  3. trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=72&v=RQpT8-vZsOo This could probably do "That Awkward Moment" numbers at best. That late August slot is a deadzone.
  4. Dylan O' Brien is a heartthrob. Im sad that he wont be Spider-man.
  5. Yeah, Keanu has made some interesting films since Matrix trilogy but he's been largely absent from the general public. It would have been a totally wrong move to cast him in this with Lawrence.
  6. damn, what a flop. I dont get why they released this in 1000 theaters when there was no marketing whatsoever.
  7. yeah. It seems those early April tent poles are taking some demand away from May. Those people who are hoping that civil war earns more than Ultron might be in for a rude awakening.
  8. 5/22 Tomorrowland: 55m (4-day 70m) Poltergeist: 30m (4-day 36m)
  9. I never really thought it was the type of movie that was going to hit with general audiences even with the great reviews. Unspectacular box office run, but becomes a cult classic like many other films.
  10. The audience is over 25, probably more than likely 50+ and they will pay to go to the theaters. Woman in Gold is holding well too, it probably shares a similar audience.
  11. holograms movie is not going to do anything. I dont know what Krampus is but i agree with everything else.
  12. im wondering how many they are planning for this franchise? War just sounds like its going to be the extension of Dawn, not really moving the story forward plot-wise. Im scared the quality is going to be poor. Honestly, they should have killed off Ceasar in Dawn; having his son/loyal followers carrying on his legacy but majority following Koba's leadership. Thats was my only grievance with Dawn. The third movie should be the actual Planet of the Apes with the full realized society, human slaves etc.
  13. Atleast they aren't in Sony's place. Sony cant wait for summer season to be over, which is why they're marketing Spectre hardcore already.
  14. Jlaw has other box office hits that arent franchises- Silver Linings, and Hustle. Those were marketed mainly using her name. Chris Pratt is the one who doesnt have lead roles in other genres to speak of.
  15. where is the trailer for this? I thought Fox would have wanted it with Avengers or Mad Max.
  16. She doesnt have enough wide-release leading roles under her belt to really take that stat into account. This is essentially her first role since Gossip Girl ended.
  17. Pretty good for Adeline, should gross higher than The Longest Ride. I think it has broader appeal for older audiences.
  18. A move to December makes the most sense, probably Dec 4 or Dec11. Move In the Heart of the Sea to November, there is no reason that an drama should open by itself in December, its not a tentpole film. It really doesnt matter where you put it, the adult audience will find time to watch it, if they are interested. if they want to completely kill Pan, then they'll push it all the way to February. WB really needs to push back Midnight Special and Point Break, i dont think either of those films will succeed in those crowded dates.
  19. Unfortunately, a candidate for biggest flop of the year.
  20. It seems like these Sparks movies need either recognizable stars and/or Valentine's weekend release in order to be successful.
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