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Everything posted by dudalb

  1. I have not seen it, but read that Lee Majors and Heather Thomas, the stars of the original series, do have cameos in it.
  2. I love anything about the Space Program, but I hope they do the "Fake Moon Landing" as a rellly bad idea played for laughs. If they push it seriously, I am so not seeing this.
  3. I guess they should drap the Hollywood's First Studio barn Historic site in Hollywood in black. It was not the first Hollywood studio but the legend is that Cecil B De Mille and Albert Zukor, the founders of what was to become Paramount, shot the first film in Hollywood in a barn they rented. Not true..films had been made In hollywood for some time...but the legend caught on. and the Barn, though moved, still stands and is ran by the California State Park system as a Historical Monument.
  4. As it gets cloder to ooening, I suspect the whole "Does Taylor have a cameo in it" reumors are going resurface bigtime.
  5. It is not a case of being stupid, but a case of thinking that anything really negative about Jackson would drive away his fanbase. The Jackson estate has a veto on anything about this film. That should send up huge red flags about this being an honest movie. I have no doubt it will make a lot of money. I have no doubt it will suck bigtime as a movie.
  6. Oh, he has made lots of really bad predictions about movie box office over the years. He has little creditiblity left.
  7. So do I, but in a bidding war Sony has deeper pockets then Skydance does.
  8. I hated the Venom movies as much as you do, but Venom had something that Fall Guy did not...a charecter with a big time current following. I repeat, i think films nowday have to have something more then just being fun to be a big hit. And I have noted pleny of "crowsplesers" have failed to draw big crowds. Entertianment budgets for many people..those Married with kids in particular....are much tighter then they used to be.
  9. That is the norm...sequles take in less and less. Of course there are exceprions..like the Avengers movies, but there are always exceptions.
  10. It is intesting that the Disney label it 20th Century, not 20th Century Fox. I guess they just do not want to be idenifed with the Fox company..and who can blame them?
  11. I doubt that. Probaly will be repackaged with another streaming channel.
  12. I think Paramount most valuble asset overall is probably Star Trek.
  13. I think sadly, it is a case of either Paramount finds a buyer/merger or Paramount goes bankrupt. Our another major studio either case.
  14. It all depends on whether restraint of trade is involved. That is what triggers justice department action. Sad to see it happen to one of the oldest studios in Hollywood. I think only Universal is older.
  15. Probme it looks like fun, but not enough fun to justify 12 bucks for a ticket for many people. I know I am harping on this, but a lot of people don't get that budgets are a lot tighter for many people nowdays. Movies they might have gone to see a couple of years ago they now pass up. Let's put it this way: For the price of a movie ticket, you can subscribe to most streaming services and get a lot more for your money if simple fun is all you are after. Movies have got to have something extra to get people into theaters nowdays; Part of an establsihed franchise, some hook, really, really good WOM etc.
  16. It could just be "we paid for it, we have to have something to fill the slot on Max so why not show it" type of thing.
  17. The film will do well no matter what, but i think it will have to be a good film, with something new to the table not just a retread of the original film, for it to make the kind of numbers some here are talking about.
  18. A lot happened in the last five years. The X men was a very sucessful franchise, problem was that the last few films sucked. I still lsay it is a shame they did not end the seires with 'Logan".
  19. True, but even with the drop the last JW movie made a lot of money for the studio.
  20. I don't get the logic of that at all. Maybe that makes sense in Fanboy world but not in the real world.
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