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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. With an 11m Friday Id say a 43m is the min for Zootopia this weekend. 45-46m would be my guess. 50m would be the max. If the Friday can get up to around 12-13m, I think a 50m second weekend is in the ballpark.
  2. A decent increase, interested to see how it plays out this weekend.
  3. This irritates me, I never see this in time and end up missing any movie Id invest in.
  4. Realistically? Star Wars Inside Out Jurassic World Spotlight (simply for being a BP winner) and maybe Mad Max Othere on the list will still be remembered but likely not as well as the ones above
  5. Honestly, Zootopia has more mature themes and handles them better than most actual Oscar contenders I've seen. The movie floored me, it is one of Disney's best movies period. This is golden aged Pixar level quality. The film is quirky, funny, emotional, smart, layered, and gorgeous to look at. The film comes packed with a message and themes that honestly adults need to hear more than the children it's aimed at. I am hoping and praying this becomes a Disney staple that kids watch and re-watch, because it could make this world a better place for it. Every few years you get a movie that flips a mirror on the audience, to expose their own behavior, and does it perfectly. Zootopia does just that (and the message isn't the only reason the movie is great, it's just that it is literally the driving force behind the film). And honestly, with all of the directions American politics have gone lately (especially with Trump), this movie manages to expose the hatefulness out of fear that has been driving so much of it. It has the punch of a great documentary about diversity while being an entertaining Disney film that anyone can watch and enjoy. If you couldn't tell by now, Zootopia gets an A+ (this was way earlier in the year than I expected to give one)
  6. So I'm going to see Zootopia alone, this is the first time I went to theaters to see a kids movie by myself. I went at 9:50 but still I feel uncomfortable about it.
  7. Idk, all three are different enough to stand on their own. I think the other family affairs will suffer more. Dory is a Nemo sequel Pets is an appealing animation and The BFG is live action Spielberg
  8. 1.Zootopia 2.The BFG 3.The Jungle Book 4.Finding Dory 5.Suicide Squad 6.Birth of a Nation 7.Warcraft 8.The Girl on the Train 9.Rogue One 10.Passengers
  9. This just sounds painful, I don't want my seat shaking all over the place and nasty smells being sprayed out and water spraying me. 3D in itself is already annoying enough. Just give me the movie in 70mm 2D IMAX and im good.
  10. Yup, the two Minority actors that deserved the win got shut out. #OscarsSoWhite
  11. To be fair, I voted for Del Torro at the Boffies and Rylance was my second choice. I had no complaints about Stallone winning, as he was a deserving winner, but I also have none about him losing to Rylance as he did just as good (if not a better) job. Of the Oscar nominees, Rylance was my favorite performance (although I still haven't seen Larson). It was genuine, honest, and a poster example of a great work of acting. He was definitely a deserving winner, even if you preferred Stallone. Of of all of the bad choices the Oscars made, Rylance wasn't one of them.
  12. Youre doing the average though, not the combined total. Average doesn't mean crap in this case. For example, Avatar's 760m would be an outlier that boosted the average, but even if every other movie made 50m (which I know they didn't), that's still 760m worth of tickets of potential Oscar Audiences. All I was saying is, the ratings were likely because of the controversy (plus as was said in the articles, people tuning out early) and the fact the movies weren't widely seen bar a few hits (which even the biggest, The Martian, wasn't that big compared to the highest grossing films of the last few years)
  13. You also need to adjust to inflation, also 2013 also made more. It barely beat out last year, 2011 had bad ratings and before that inflation kicks in.
  14. Makes sense, with the controversy and a BP line up that most people didn't care about. They missed out by not nominating any of Compton, Creed, Inside Out, or SW
  15. Most of it is people melting down that Rylance got the Oscar over Stallone. I still don't get how that was a huge snub, Stallone would have been a worthy winner but Rylance was just as (if not moreso) deserving.
  16. Looking back, my favorite moments of the night Mark Rylance winning and everyone melting down that the better performance won. The Bear randomly showing up The whole documentary short section Ennio Morricone's acceptance speech (Wasn't my favorite score of the year, but the man's done more than enough work to deserve some recognition) My least favorite moment Writings on the Wall winning when it deserves a Razzie, especially after Sam Smith's terrible live performance
  17. Spotlight is a good winner, definitely not the most deserving film, but not close to the least either. It was a very weird Oscar year.
  18. How did that trash Writings on the Wall win? Terrible song and terrible performance by Sam Smith.
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