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Everything posted by TLK

  1. I am posting this because Impact loves this kind of information. Keith Calder ‏@keithcalder 8m One person in Ogden, Utah paid to go see ALL THE BOYS LOVE MANDY LANE in a theater. I don't know who this person is, but I love them.
  2. I agree. The movie may be flying under the radar but it will do well with the AMPAS members.
  3. It opened better than expected but people didn't like some of the things in the movie so WOM was mixed. There is a recent pattern of well reviewed adult-oriented movies doing better than expected while poorly reviewed ones doing worse than expected.
  4. ^^^ This is why I am convinced that pre-release RT score matters for adult-oriented movies. I think studios also believe this as they don't allow reviews for movies that have tested poorly.
  5. He doesn't have to campaign to stay in the race. I think he will get nominated regardless of whether he campaigns.
  6. Without Nikki Deadline is now going to end up as an appendage of Variety. Nikki build Deadline so she can build another one.
  7. Most of the movies that are being pushed to 2014 won't be Oscar contenders next year. They are being pushed because they are not Oscar contenders in the first place. Foxcatcher, The Monuments Men and Grace Of Monaco are all finished products but the producers/distributors don't think they are Oscar worthy.
  8. That's the best case scenario and it will barely pass $300 million in that case. It is at $171 million and the dailies are in the $2.5 million range. The competition is only going to increase in November as it will lose all of its IMAX screens next month.
  9. Gravity won't beat unadjusted total of any Iron Man movie but $300 million is a possibility.
  10. She is in love with him because he helped her get an Oscar. Truth.
  11. Harvey always cuts every movie. His minimum requirement is said to be 20 minutes of cut even before he has watched the movie. Edit - Here is an article from grantland. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/9792782/does-harvey-weinstein-help-hurt-movies Read the full article. It is amazing. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/9792782/does-harvey-weinstein-help-hurt-movies
  12. The budget is rumored to be $70 million+ but apparently they have recovered most of the production cost in international presales so the movie is probably profitable regardless of how much it actually makes.
  13. A Tale Of Two Sisters - The movie doesn't have a lot of scares but the dinner scene is very creepy with a couple of big scares especially from the part where the woman gets the seizure. Lake Mungo - Alice captures her doppelganger in the cellphone video footage.
  14. AMPAS can easily vote for Bullock. This is a popularity contest after all and there are very few actors more popular than her. Blachett's disadvantage is that her movie came out months ago and we are still months away from the nominations. Dench is strong but there is nothing guaranteed about a movie like Philomena. If the movie bombs and has no momentum then Bullock is automatically the front-runner.
  15. Fifth Estate should have been a platform release but a pretty underwhelming weekend overall.
  16. It should help. There aren't that many teenage actors/actresses who can match her level of name-recognition.
  17. There is more to wikileaks than just politics. In fact, it isn't even about politics if you think about it. How is wikileaks even a political issue in the regular Democrat-Republican context in the US? There is hardly any political support for Assange and Wikileaks in most countries. I see it more as a story about espionage and how it is virtually impossible to tame technology in a global world. As far as state secrets are concerned, t is the job of the state to protect them if it considers them important enough. There is no reason for an American citizen to pay any deference to Brazilian state secrets and vice-versa.
  18. They used poor source material for the movie. There is nothing wrong with controversy and they could've made a highly charged, relevant and controversial movie They went with a milquetoast version of the story that no one cares about.
  19. The best part about these numbers is that they are so precise at 2 PM. $9.3 million, $8.3 million, $0.8 million. None of these numbers will hold three hours from now.
  20. PostTrak sounds interesting. and they have the right idea. A data rich analysis of "what went right" or "what went wrong" is far more important to studios than a "playablity" analysis.
  21. Phoenix didn't campaign either but he was still nominated. I think Fassy will get a nomination if 12 Years A Slave takes off.
  22. Gravity's drops for the last three days have been in line with other movies. This isn't the next Avatar. 40% Tue to Tuesday drop means that the weekend drop will be in the 33% range - so about $29-30 million weekend is coming up.
  23. Not sure about that. I hope I am wrong but "Her" may not be an AMPAS kind of movie.
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