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Everything posted by TLK

  1. So 19 million Monday. Seems like a good drop, SM3 had a bigger drop on the equivalent day.
  2. These are pretty impressive numbers even in the context of your theater which apparently sees good business on Sundays.
  3. If you are Disney what are you going to do in the next 4-5 hours if it looks like the drop will be in the 25-30% range? Give the estimate as 198 or 201?
  4. Rth said 68-70 so probably it isn't as they must have tallied all the tickets by now.
  5. Sounds good but 68-70 will cut it very close. It will need Spider Man 3 type of Sunday drop to get to 200 million.
  6. 75 million means it will break Saturday record by some 24 million dollars. Come on, that is not happening. I think 10% increase is the max and it will most likely finish around 65 million dollars with an outside shot at 70 million.
  7. He posted that it is already past the Friday numbers with 6 shows remaining.
  8. I think Ledger's death helped TDK but the fact is that people watched the movie and liked it. Unless TDKR is so dark and brooding that it turns people off, the Box Office environment is good enough for TDKR to exceed 400 million. Obviously, The Avengers is now the movie to beat this summer and not TDKR.
  9. I want 80 million. It will mean that OW record was eviscerated and not just broken.
  10. I prefer some F movies to many of the A+ movie. Not kidding. Why is Wolf Creek hated so much? It is far from the worst Horror/serial killer movie I have seen. Solaris shouldn't be there either. I'd probably hate Bug too if I had to see it in theater but Michael Shannon and Ashley Judd are great in it.
  11. What's the gender breakdown? That will determine whether it has a shot at anything over 450.
  12. Yep, I don't like it that Nikki's updates remind me of THG's second weekend. Everyone else had it below 20-21 million and she kept on increasing it late into the night.
  13. Nikki's THG estimates were awful. It is six weeks later and I still can't make sense of any of them.
  14. Gitesh is saying $68 million Friday.https://twitter.com/#!/giteshpandya/status/198581651561922561
  15. I wasn't talking about Day-to-Day trajectory. It isn't going to have a <10% Sunday drop either. If it follows the overall trajectory then 155 million is a good total.
  16. I think people are ignoring the frontloaded aspect in some of their predictions. This isn't a first movie of the franchise so big Friday will lead to a smaller Saturday. I think 155 million is a good number at this point if it closely follows TDK trajectory.
  17. I have been looking at sellouts and while it is doing fine in 2D, most 3D shows seem to be a problem. If they start to pick up during evening , $70 million is happening. From what I am seeing it isn't in enough 2D theaters.
  18. This should be in another forum. This has nothing to do with Box Office. RT score and Box Office returns aren't even correlated.
  19. There is a difference between Harry Potter and THG. Harry Potter blew up in US and UK way before the first movie was released and its fanbase was already at its peak. THG is more like Twilight that it didn't peak before the first movie was released. It has a better chance of increase than Potter if it keeps adding to its fanbase.
  20. Wow. Depending on the accuracy of estimates, Pirates has a chance to beat T5YE.
  21. ^^^ I think people didn't buy the Bridemaids comparisons. Stiil, anything less than 15 million will be bad because I am not expecting good legs. Judd Apatow movies need males in their 20s and 30s to show up but TA will take away all of that demographics next week.
  22. Awful number for openers but holdovers seem to be doing ok. I was expecting TLAM and TLO to fall a litttle bit more but these numbers are pretty good, all things considered.
  23. I think #3 is as high as it will go. T5YE and TLAM should both do over 14 million.
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